A rumor that Jason was the father of Sasha’s baby started spreading. Curtis gave Kai a pep talk by relaying his own paralysis story. Dante told Lulu how much he loved Sam. Liz and Lucky looked into which Turning Woods patients died suddenly of heart failure. Brook Lynn decided to keep quiet about the baby she had as a teenager. Carly found Drew’s tie at Willow’s place and confronted him loudly at the Metro Court restaurant. He tried to turn things around by telling her Jason got Sasha pregnant. Jordan pretended to be friendly with Sidwell to gather evidence on him. Lucky played a familiar song and convinced Liz to dance with him. Ric told Liz she could go back to work at the hospital. Sasha gave Drew a verbal thrashing for discussing her private business publicly. Lucky asked Ric to find out the parameters for Cyrus’ parole. Sasha later laid into Cody for starting the rumor that Jason was her babydaddy. Tracy surprised Sasha by telling her she fully supported her.Brad yelled at Cyrus to leave General Hospital. Lucas tried talking Carly out of dating Brennan. Josslyn snuck into Cyrus’ room but found nothing. Willow moved into Nina’s with the kids, infuriating Tracy. Lois revealed to Martin that Brook Lynn is Gio’s mother. Alexis, Kristina, and Molly told Danny that Sam was murdered. Rocco overheard Dante and Chase talking about how Sam was killed and told Danny. Cyrus realized someone had been in his room. Curtis was surprised that Portia gave Brad a second chance and was even nice to him. Brennan started leading Josslyn to Cyrus’ true hideout. Drew asked Maxie to help him decorate his new house. Cyrus found out he wasn't allowed to see patients at Turning Woods. Nina asked Carly to team up to break up Willow and Drew. Anna agreed to lend Jordan some bugging devices. Cyrus freaked out Lulu by telling her he spent time with her while she was comatose and no one had done for her what he'd done for her. Sonny learned he needed to get a pacemaker but first wanted to find the bomber. A mysterious man was in the room and heard everything. He then called Sidwell to say he was following Natalia, who went to a cardiologist's office, but that Sonny was the patient.
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