When Nina arrived at the gatehouse, Willow immediately asked if she had seen Carly. Nina had not but was fascinated by all the new security at the gate. Willow was surprised when Nina told her she didn't think she should live with her anymore. "I think you're exactly where you need to be," Nina said.
Nina thought it was good for Willow and the kids to be back in their own home and cool off from the events of the last month. Willow remembered kissing Drew earlier and announced, "I think I can make it work."
Willow changed the subject to Carly's visit and her disappearing act. Nina found it strange that Carly didn't even say goodbye.
At the Metro Court, Carly didn't seem to care when Drew condescendingly told her, "Jason knocked up Sasha Corbin, you know, the family cook." She was more concerned that Drew was still going after his nephew's wife. As the restaurant patrons listened in, Drew argued that he and Willow were adults and could do whatever they wanted.
After Drew implied that he and Willow were in a consensual relationship but Sasha and Jason were not, Sasha had enough. First, she couldn't believe it when he said he got this info from Cody. Second, he was sticking his nose where it didn't belong. "This is my life you're talking about, and it's none of your damn business," she rightfully shouted in Drew's face.
"Go ahead and make a disaster of your own life, and hey, Willow's too 'cause, as you said, you are both adults. But you should keep your theories about me and my child to yourself," Sasha said. Drew tried to apologize to Sasha, but she didn't want to hear him. "Leave us the hell alone," she said before she stormed off.
However, Carly wasn't done. As Drew blamed Carly because she "started this" Carly pointed out that Drew won't take responsibility for anything. "It's not my fault that Jason isn't the angel you thought he was," Drew said. Carly argued that this was not about Jason. "What right did you have to invade Sasha's privacy — inserting yourself into a situation that has nothing to do with you?" she asked.
The Deception ladies found the conversation to be fascinating, but Tracy wanted to know how Drew got on Monica's property. "He's an ex-Navy SEAL, Granny," Brook Lynn logically explained. However, all Lucy wanted to talk about was Jason allegedly having sex with Sasha.
Tracy didn't even care. She needed to leave and take care of something. An alarmed Brook Lynn chased after her granny. Tracy was going to chew out Willow, so Brook Lynn offered to calmly talk to her instead. Tracy reluctantly agreed to Brook Lynn's suggestion.
Brook Lynn did as she said she would and breathlessly barrelled into Willow's living room to tell her all about the public fight at the Metro Court that exposed Willow's affair and Sasha's pregnancy. Willow was flustered when Brook Lynn told her that Carly had found Drew's tie there. "Willow, what were you thinking?" Brook Lynn asked.
Willow didn't care what anyone thought and repeated Drew almost word for word, telling Brook Lynn and Nina that she was an adult and could do as she pleased in her own home. Brook Lynn reminded Willow that the terms of her living there spelled out "NO DREW." Like Drew, Willow defended herself.
"That's why we were discreet," Willow said. "Apparently, not discreet enough," Nina said under her breath. Brook Lynn still didn't get it. "There were a million places you could have met up with Drew. Why here? Why wave a red flag at Tracy?" Brook Lynn asked. Willow decided she was done living at the gatehouse and asked Nina if she could live with her again.
Both Nina and Brook Lynn were exasperated at this point. Brook Lynn sighed and tried to reason with Willow. "Can you just take a step back for a second and recognize what is going on here? My family is not the problem. Drew is. Ever since you got involved with him your entire life has fallen apart and everything happened so fast...Willow, you need to think now."
However, Willow passed the point of thinking the night Sam died, and she had sex with Drew on the playroom floor while his daughter cried in the next room. "You're just like the rest of them. Out to make Drew the bad guy," Willow said, pointing out the false notion that he saved her life when he got knocked out in Greenland and Holly rescued Willow's bone marrow.
Brook Lynn didn't even know what to say, so Nina stepped in and tried to guide her daughter to the doorstep of sanity. "Willow, your life has shifted dramatically very quickly. Your marriage is over. Don't you think you deserve to take a little time alone and figure out where you want your life to go now," she gently reasoned.
Willow agreed that she did indeed need to figure things out. Nina and Brook Lynn were relieved to hear that until Willow added, "But I don't need to stay away from Drew to do it."
Back at the Metro Court, Anna and Felicia discussed what had just happened. Felicia was fascinated to learn that Cody had already told Anna that Jason was Sasha's baby daddy. A bewildered Felicia summed the entire bizarre scenario up. "Can you imagine Jason Morgan as the father of Robert's grandchild? Who would have the bigger stroke? Mac or Robert?" she said. Anna had no answer.
Lucy didn't see a Jason and Sasha pairing coming but said, "I have to say I do not hate it." Maxie and Lulu wanted to focus on work, but Lucy was on an emotional high after what they just witnessed. "It was crazy. I love it. I love spectacles, especially when I am not the center of it," she said.
A slightly inebriated Drew approached their table to ask if his ears should be burning. "Actually, your entire head should be burning," Lucy deadpanned. Maxie took Drew aside and gave him her two cents. "I feel bad for Michael. I know he's a good dad. And I know he loves Willow. And I don't think it was cool to pull Sasha into that drama out there," she said.
Drew agreed with the last part but then changed the subject. He had bought a house for him and Scout to live in and wanted decorating advice from Maxie. She agreed to help but was surprised he had bought such a big house for just two people.
Cody found Dante in the Q kitchen and asked if he had seen Sasha. Dante had not, but he also had a pensive look on his face. Cody noticed and asked his friend what was wrong. Cody was shocked to hear that Sam had been murdered and Dante was now on paid leave.
"There's a killer walking around loose, and Anna sent me home 'cause she thinks I'm too close," Dante said. Cody agreed with Anna. Dante was still beside himself. "I couldn't save her. I have to do something, and all that's left is going after the son of a...who killed her.
Molly interrupted their talk when she walked into the kitchen looking for Danny. Dante went to get him, leaving Molly and Cody alone in a room together. Cody told Molly he was sorry to hear the news about Sam. Cody had always been impressed with Sam's free-spirited personality. Molly admitted she was not like her sister. "I read about life. Sam lived it," she said.
Dante returned with Danny, so Molly left with her nephew. Dante informed Cody that he hadn't told Danny about Sam because he didn't feel like it was his place. Cody suggested that this was how Dante could help Sam. Just be there for Danny. Dante pointed out that Danny had a dad, so Cody stepped in. "A worthless one," Cody said.
A confused Dante wanted to know why Cody felt that way about Jason until Sasha walked in to have a little chat with her big-mouth cousin. Sasha wasted no time laying right into Cody. "Where the hell do you get off telling everyone that Jason was the father of my baby?" she angrily demanded. Cody defended himself. "It wasn't everyone, and he is, isn't he?"
"Who fathered my child is nobody's business but mine," she said. Sasha wanted to know why Cody was acting out like this. "Where did you get the idea that Jason is the father?" she asked. Cody explained that he saw her and Jason at the boathouse, and they looked close.
Cody and Sasha both admitted that they hadn't reacted well to learning they were cousins, but Cody couldn't stop putting his foot in his mouth. "Is that why you slept with Jason?" he asked, exasperating Sasha even more. Cody walked out just as Tracy walked in. She asked Sasha to hear her out.
Tracy told Sasha that she agreed it was her life and she didn't have to tell anyone who the father of her baby was. "The point is nobody is going to take your baby away from you," Tracy said. "That's essentially what you did to Willow," Sasha responded.
"That was entirely different. She was trying to keep those children away from this family when Michael wasn't here to fight for them, but you can fight, and you will — with my complete support," she promised.
Sasha thanked Tracy. She was surprised to learn that Tracy had raised her younger son, Dillon, on her own. "Every woman has a right to live her life on her own terms," Tracy correctly stated. She also left Sasha with some advice: "The baby daddy speculation is going to get a little awkward when Jason gets home, so if I were you, I'd have a game plan."
A knock on the door interrupted Lucky and Elizabeth's romantic dance in her living room. Liz opened it to find Ric standing there, much to Lucky chagrin. Ric was there to deliver good news. Liz had been reinstated at the hospital. A happy Elizabeth thanked Ric, but Lucky wasn't as nice. "GH caved because they want you to go away and I can relate," Lucky told Ric.
Before Ric left, Lucky had a request. "Can you find out the specific terms of Cyrus Renault's parole?" he asked. Liz told Ric that finding that info would be a personal favor to her but he was to ask no questions. Lucky even offered to pay Ric for his time. Ric agreed to do it for Liz pro bono.
Once alone, Lucky told Elizabeth he would go after Cyrus on his own, but Liz wanted in. They decided that they would frame him to make sure he was back behind bars where he belonged.
Alexis was ready to tell Danny what really happened to Sam and had asked Molly to pick him up at the Qs and bring him to her home. However, Kristina didn't like the idea.
"Danny is a 15-yr-old boy. How is he supposed to deal with the fact that his mother was murdered, and we can't even tell him who did it?" she asked. Kristina wanted to wait to tell him, but Alexis pointed out they couldn't do it indefinitely. Kristina thought that Sonny could help find Sam's killer.
Alexis did not want Sonny involved. "Sam deserves more than vigilante justice," she said. Alexis also reminded Kristina that Sam never hid from the truth. "We owe it to your sister to handle her son the way she would have," Alexis said. When Molly returned with Danny, the Davis women readied themselves to tell him the truth.
When Brad saw Cyrus at GH, he immediately told him to leave. Cyrus argued that the hospital was public property. "Dr. Robinson doesn't want you here. Leave, or I'll call the cops," Brad demanded.
After Cyrus claimed that he was merely spreading God's word, Brad had a comeback: "Spread this. You are the ultimate hypocrite hiding behind your prayers and your pamphlets when everyone knows you're a killer and a drug dealer. Brad and Cyrus continued arguing until Cyrus finally sneered at Brad and left.
Later, Lucas found Carly wandering the hospital halls. He pulled her into an exam room to tell her that Jack had been there earlier as his patient. "You didn't tell me that you flew home on a WSB jet," Lucas accused.
Lucas wanted more info. "Are you dating a WSB agent?" he asked, to which Carly replied, "Maybe I am." Lucas wanted to know everything that happened in Germany. "It was simple. Very nice. Until Valentin showed up and tried to kill Jack, and I had to save his life," Carly calmly explained.
Lucas warned Carly to stay away from Jack, comparing his lifestyle to Sonny's. Carly laughed at the idea, but Lucas wouldn't let up and asked his sister to think objectively.
Josslyn tried to get into Cyrus' room. She posed as a member of his redemption mission so the super would let her in. Josslyn rifled through Cyrus' things. She didn't have much luck until she spotted the Bible on his nightstand. She turned to the page he had bookmarked, but the super returned before she could read it. Josslyn quickly left.
Cyrus later returned and found a dried flower in his Bible that told him somebody had been in his room.
Next on General Hospital
Nina confronts Drew.
Brook Lynn feels guilty.
Dante fishes for information.
Catch new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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