General Hospital recap for Tuesday, November 26, 2024: Ric tears Kristina to shreds on the stand

General Hospital
General Hospital's Ric and Kristina | Image Source: ABC

Ric began questioning Kristina on the witness stand. The first thing he asked her was why she was lying. Kristina was taken aback because she couldn't imagine what Ric was referring to. He said she was lying about how she was doing. Kristina had indicated she was okay, but it was clear how upset she was. Ric then excused the witness while surprising the courtroom.

When Ric sat back down, Ava asked her lawyer what he was up to. Ric asked Ava to trust him. In the back of the courtroom, Alexis and Molly praised Kristina for her testimony. Alexis then warned Sonny that Ric would recall Kristina to the stand when it worked best for his case.

Dante took the stand next and explained to the prosecutor how he and Chase responded to the call about a fall at the Metro Court pool. He told the jury how witnesses had seen Ava at the window after Kristina's plunge. He went to Ava's room to question her, and she had lied about Kristina tripping over shoes rather than John's duffle bag. Dante also said Ava had acted suspiciously, noting she had changed her story multiple times.

Ric cross-examined Dante and asked why he didn't let Chase question Ava. Ric pointed out it was a conflict of interest for Dante to question Ava since she was embroiled in a custody battle with Dante's father, Sonny (also Ric's brother).

After the prosecutor questioned Dante again, she rested her case. When the judge called for a recess, Kristina asked Alexis why Ric went so easy on her. Alexis told Kristina that Ric was performing for the jury and trying to make himself appear sympathetic. "What I do know is he's not going to look like Saint Ric when he gets you up on the stand again, so be ready for it," Alexis warned.

When the recess was over, Ric called Kristina as his first witness. Ric quickly pointed out that Kristina had decided she wanted to keep the baby before she went to see Ava that fateful day. "She was my baby," Kristina started. Ric interrupted her with a pointed question. "She was also TJ's baby, correct?" Ric asked. Kristina stumbled as she insisted the baby was a part of her and she couldn't give her up.

"So you were just going around to everybody telling them what a great and wonderful thing you were doing for your sister and her partner, but then you decided you didn't want to do it after all. I guess your word doesn't mean very much, does it?" Ric asked.

Kristina kept her cool as Ric asked why she paid Ava a visit that day. Kristina said she warned Ava that if she made her testify against Sonny, she'd tell the court every horrible thing Ava had ever done. "She killed Connie Falconeri, she tampered with my brother's medication, and she is the reason my brother Morgan is dead," Kristina said.

Ric asked for the record to reflect that Ava had not been convicted of the crimes Kristina mentioned. Ric got Kristina to admit that she hated Ava. "And that's why you drove to her hotel room and threatened her," Ric stated. Kristina denied threatening Ava but Ric read Ava's statement to the police for the jury to hear. In the statement Ava claimed that Kristina said "withdraw the subpoena or else."

Kristina admitted she didn't remember everything she said that day, so Ric stressed that her memory of that day was faulty. "I remember Ava pushed me through the window," Kristina once again insisted. Ric pointed out that in her initial statement to the police, Kristina hadn't remembered what happened.

Ric pointed out how emotional Kristina was and asked if she often let her emotions get the better of her. Ric brought up the night that Kristina lost her temper on Ric and Ava at the Port Charles Grille. Kristina said she didn't remember everything she said, so Ric reminded her.

"You said, 'You are going to prison, Ava. I am going to make sure of it.' When I told you that it really wasn't up to you and that Ms. Jerome could be exonerated, you said, 'Then I will find another way to make you pay,'" Ric told the jury. Ric also pointed out that Kristina got physical and smashed a glass.

Kristina argued with Ric, but he did his job right, saying, "Ms. Corinthos-Davis, by your own admission, you sought out my client, you went to her hotel room, you demanded that she withdraw the subpoena, and when she didn't, you made threats. Your actions led directly to your fall, and your fall is the cause of your child's death. That makes you responsible," Ric finished.

Kristina kept insisting the fall wasn't her fault. "I didn't kill my daughter," she repeated over and over through tears as Molly and TJ looked on in horror.

Elizabeth met with Lucky at Bobbie's. She asked him if he was leaving town. Lucky informed her that Lucas told him she was in some sort of trouble, and he wanted to help. Liz explained that Sam's autopsy results showed she died from an overdose of Digitalis. The hospital was investigating Elizabeth to learn if her negligence caused Sam to receive a medication she wasn't prescribed.

"The current theory is that someone grabbed the wrong drug and gave it to her accidentally," Liz told Lucky. She elaborated that morphine and Digitalis were kept in the same drug locker, so an accident was possible. However, Lucky didn't believe it was probable.

When Liz admitted that humans make mistakes, Lucky agreed and said he knew first-hand. Elizabeth tried to excuse his mistakes, but Lucky actually owned up to them. She turned the subject back to Sam's death and insisted she knew she did nothing wrong. Lucky wanted to help Elizabeth get to the bottom of things. Elizabeth then admitted that she was the last nurse to give Sam meds.

Liz confirmed that the autopsy showed morphine in Sam's system, which meant the Digitalis was not swapped with morphine. Before they could continue, Lucky got a call from Turning Wood informing him that Lulu was missing. Elizabeth and Lucky immediately drove to Turning Wood, where Lucky demanded to know how the facility had lost his sister.

"My sister's in a coma. She didn't leave on her own initiative. Somebody must have moved her somewhere," Lucky said. Lucky was even more curious when he learned a fire alarm had been set off. After questioning the staff, Lucky and Liz learned that Cyrus was Lulu's last visitor.

Lulu approached a car that stopped to help her. She told the driver she could use a ride and got in the car. The driver turned out to be Cody. He asked Lulu where she was headed, and she asked him the same. Cody said he was headed home to Port Charles, so Lulu volunteered that she lived there.

When Cody saw Lulu wince, he asked if she was okay. She said she was just cold and didn't have a coat because she had fought with her boyfriend, who kicked her out of his car. He offered Lulu a lollipop, but she was disappointed in the flavor. She preferred grape to watermelon.

Lulu asked Cody what day it was. When he said Tuesday, she clarified that she meant the date. He told her it was November 26, but he didn't mention the year. Since Lulu's coma began in November 2020, the date made sense to her.

When Lulu lifted her arm, Cody spotted her hospital bracelet but apparently did not see her name. She quickly tucked her wrist under her hoodie and continued making small talk with Cody about her kids. "Even though it hasn't been that long since I've seen them, it feels like forever," she said.

Lulu had Cody drop her off at a neutral location because she wasn't about to give him her address. After she got out of the car, Cody gave Lulu his number if she ever needed help, a $20 bill, and another lollipop for the road.

Sasha stopped by Maxie's place and quickly blurted out that she may be pregnant. Maxie was shocked and had Sasha reassure her that the potential baby wasn't Cody's. Maxie asked Sasha for the identity of the possible baby daddy, so Sasha explained what had happened the night she had run into a man at the Brown Dog and slept with him. She just left off the part about the man being Michael.

Sasha showed Maxie the pregnancy test she bought but noted she was too nervous to take it. After losing Liam two years ago, Sasha was not sure she could go through another pregnancy. Sasha said she got through that loss because she had Brando but was now all alone. Maxie assured Sasha she had family now. Sasha was still terrified. "What if what happened to Liam happens again?" Sasha tearfully asked. Soon, James arrived in the living room and showed Sasha just how cute kids can be.

After Maxie and Sasha took James to the bathroom to get a Band-Aid for a cut, Sasha decided to be brave and take a pregnancy test. The results were positive. Sasha is going to have a little Quartermaine-Corinthos-Scorpio baby.

As Sasha and Maxie absorbed this new information, Lulu approached the door of what was once her home. She found the key under the mat and started to let herself in.

Next on General Hospital

Lucky questions Cyrus.

Spinelli wants to solve a mystery.

Brook Lynn has a mission for Chase.

Ric continues questioning Kristina.

Watch full episodes of General Hospital on ABC or Hulu.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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