Lulu barreled into the Quartermaine living room, where Tracy, with her signature sarcasm, was waiting. She wished Lulu a merry Christmas since her former stepdaughter had taken off and didn't spend the holiday with Rocco as she had promised.
Tracy was sorry that Lulu had found Charlotte and lost her. Lulu wondered if she was sorry enough to help her locate the teen and bring her home for good. Lulu explained what happened when Dante walked into the cafe. Valentin was now deep underground with Charlotte, but Lulu refused to give up.
"I found Charlotte once. I can do it again. I just need your money to do it," Lulu said. Tracy was willing to give Lulu cash and the Q plane only if the authorities found a legitimate lead. Tracy encouraged Lulu to be strategic before she wasted Lulu's time and Tracy's money. Tracy advised Charlotte to stay calm and regroup.
Marty walked in and interrupted Tracy and Lulu's talk. Tracy tried kicking him out, but Lulu asked to speak to Marty alone. Marty immediately informed Lulu that he had no idea where Valentin was. He then used his authority as Willow's attorney to inform Tracy that Willow was taking her children to Nina's.
Tracy announced that Monica wanted the children there, so they would stay. An exasperated Marty reminded Tracy that the children did not belong to her, so she had no say in the matter. Tracy did not care.
Nina opened her front door to find Drew standing there. She told him Willow wasn't there and immediately slammed the door in his face. Drew continued to bang on the door until Nina opened it again. Drew said he was there to talk to Nina, not Willow.
An angry Drew barged right in and told Nina he was ready to support Willow in any way she needed. Nina insisted that Willow was just fine without Drew. "Willow does not need your support. Her life is in shambles because of you," Nina pointed out.
Drew claimed innocence as he didn't think he was responsible for any of this mess. Nina reminded Drew that Willow is too good a person to ever keep Michael's parents from seeing him, but she listened to Drew and did it anyway. Drew felt Willow's hand was forced, but Nina begged to differ.
"Willow's hand wasn't forced. It was guided by you. You have been influencing her this whole time and pulling her away from who she really is and what she really values with this sick hold you have over her," Nina accused.
Drew thought Nina was just hurt because he chose Willow over her. Nina scoffed at the idea. "I see you. I know exactly who you are. You are a man who's selfish to his core," she said. Drew accused Nina of infantilizing Willow, but Nina didn't agree.
Instead, she was on a tear, insulting Drew by calling him vain and selfish. "You proved it by seducing your nephew's wife," she said. Drew claimed Willow and Michael's marriage already had cracks and that they lacked honesty between them. "Well, how honest have you been, Congressman? Or did I miss the part where you told Willow you were having sex with her mother?"
Drew asked the same question as Nina but didn't let her answer. Instead, he asked to move forward since they were Willow's only allies. Nina begged to differ as she didn't see Drew as Willow's ally at all. Drew declared his love for Willow, but Nina didn't buy it. "You wouldn't know love if it jumped up and bit you in the ass," she said.
Soon, Marty called and told Nina that Tracy wasn't allowing Willow to take the kids. Nina kicked Drew out and said she was going to fix things.
Sonny and Jason stood in the chapel as Sonny lit a candle and said a prayer for Michael. Jason warned Sonny that whoever tried to kill him with that bomb would try again. Sonny told Jason to do what he needed to do for security. He just needed to focus on Michael.
Jason left when Dante arrived and gave his dad a big hug. Father and son caught up on the drama in their lives. Dante told Sonny that Lulu blamed him for losing Charlotte and Dante had to admit that Lulu was right. Dante was already in turmoil over what happened in Prague. Seeing Michael in the ICU just added to Dante's emotional pain.
Dante knew the bomb was meant for Sonny. He wanted his dad to tell him everything he knew so the cops could get justice for Michael without it turning into a mob war. The men were shocked when Nina walked into the chapel and told Sonny there was a problem with Willow taking the children from the Quartermaine estate.
Carly was relieved to see Jason join her outside Michael's room. Carly was an emotional wreck as she kept repeating that Michael had to survive. Jason reminded Carly that Michael was the first baby he had ever held. He remembered how powerless he felt when approving Michael's infant heart surgery.
Carly used Jason as a sounding board for her emotions, telling him she worried about Michael not making it. If he did survive, she worried about how his scars would look and felt like a terrible person for even thinking about it. "The world is cruel. It's bad enough that this happened, but to have to carry those scars with him," Carly said in tears.
Jason suddenly had an idea. Why not send Michael to the Russian clinic where he lived as Patient 6, and Ava got her face back after being burned in a fire while fighting with Carly and Sonny? However, Ava was only able to get into the clinic with Valentin's help.
When Carly asked the nurse if she could sit with Michael, Felicia appeared to tell them that she couldn't see her son.
Willow brought her kids back to the gatehouse to get more of their things. Wiley wanted to know why they couldn't stay home and wait for his dad to get there. Willow sat Wiley down on the couch and explained to her son that Michael had been hurt and needed to stay in the hospital for now. Willow assured Wiley that she and Michael loved him and Amelia.
Just as Willow was about to leave with the kids, Sasha walked in and had the nanny take Wiley and Amelia to the Q kitchen for cookies. Once alone, Sasha said it straight. "I am going to do you a favor and pretend you weren't here. Now leave." Willow refused to go without her kids and informed Sasha that she'd reached an agreement with Carly and Sonny.
Sasha couldn't believe that Willow used Michael's parents' access to him as leverage to get her kids back. Willow then put her foot in her mouth but stopped when she realized what she was saying: "I will do whatever it takes to keep my children with me. Maybe you would understand if you..." Sasha finished Willow's sentence. "If I was a mother?"
Willow asked that they end the argument before they say something they would regret. "I think we're past that, Willow. You know what? I really regret paving the way for you and Michael to be together," Sasha said.
"So now you're Michael's protector? Why is that Sasha? Cause you suddenly miss a relationship that was suddenly over years ago? Or things didn't work out with your cousin, so you're now circling back?" Willow snapped. All Sasha could respond with was, "So much for sweet, kind Willow." The two argued, making accusations of things each had done. Sasha told Willow to take a good look around as she had a feeling she wouldn't be allowed back, but Willow said she had her kids, so she had everything she needed.
In the hospital halls, Lucky approached a woman named Tanya, who worked with the Port Charles Redemption Mission. He asked her if she knew Cyrus. Tanya was happy to report that Cyrus was one of their "most committed members." She told Lucky that Cyrus seemed most interested in helping long-term care patients.
Josslyn saw them talking and put her two cents in. She wanted Tanya and Lucky to know that she and Dex had seen Cyrus at Rice Plaza during the Christmas season. Tanya was proud of the work that Cyrus did at Rice Plaza. When Tanya had to leave for her appointment, Lucky asked Joss why she was curious about Cyrus.
Lucky told Josslyn how Cyrus creeps through the hospital halls and pours on his religious charm. He even had the staff at Turning Woods believing he could make decisions for Lulu. Josslyn relayed her own story. Felicia remembered that Cyrus stopped ringing his bell just before Dex was stabbed. The day before, Dex and Cyrus had shared words, but she didn't hear what they had said.
Lucky was surprised when Josslyn told him that Sonny had asked Dex to kill Cyrus last year. Joss wondered if that's what Dex and Cyrus were talking about in Rice Plaza.
Lucas stopped by Elizabeth's house with some news. Someone tried to kill Michael with Digitalis. Elizabeth was stunned as she listened to Lucas' tale of Isaiah saving Michael's life before he went into cardiac arrest. "So someone who has access to GH is using Digitalis to kill our patients," Liz said in amazement.
Liz texted Lucky to come over. When he arrived, she gave him the big news about Isaiah saving Michael from a Digitalis Death. Lucky quickly asked if Cyrus was around before Michael nearly went into cardiac arrest. Lucas, Elizabeth, and Lucky sat down and put their heads together to figure out what was really going on.
The fact that Cyrus was most concerned with people who were isolated with chronic suffering piqued their curiosity. The patient who died of a heart attack before Sam had a chronic illness. Plus, nobody ever figured out why Lulu's ventilator had malfunctioned before her transplant. However, they couldn't figure out how Dex and Sam fit the profile of the other patients.
Next on General Hospital
Drew has a proposal for Alexis.
Trina worries for Kai.
Joss demands an arrest.

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