General Hospital Recap for Thursday, October 17, 2024: Alexis helps her daughters and Sasha learns her family tree

Alexis talks to Jordan about Molly and TJ on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC Press
Alexis talks to Jordan about Molly and TJ on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC Press

Tracy tracked down Cody in the Quartermaine stables and told him that she had just found Sasha hitting up Michael for money. Tracy said Sasha had claimed the money was for Cody and wanted to know if he was in trouble. "I didn't think so until you showed up," Cody said.

Cody explained that he did not ask Sasha to get money from Michael on his behalf. He revealed that Serenity was on the market, and at one time, he had hoped to buy it and fix it up. Cody admitted he had considered asking Tracy. "But I get the feeling that a lot of people in your life draw from the 'Bank of Tracy,' and I didn't want to be one of them," Cody added.

Tracy said that some had, but not all the men in her life had treated her like that. Tracy talked to Cody about Luke and how their relationship evolved into love. Cody saw the parallels of his entrance to Port Charles but hoped he had cleaned up his image since then. Tracy admitted that she liked Cody a lot.

Tracy asked again if there was anything Cody wanted to ask of her. Cody said if he did buy Serenity, it would be because he didn't borrow from a friend. "A very good and important friend," Cody added.

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Alexis visited Jordan in her office to discuss Molly and TJ's relationship. Alexis knew the couple was struggling. Jordan agreed that the odds of a relationship surviving after losing a child were not good. Alexis said she knew Molly and TJ loved one another, but the strain was overwhelming.

Alexis worried that Ava's trial would push them over the edge, especially since Ric took the case. Alexis said that if Ric got Ava off, it would be even harder for Molly and TJ. Jordan agreed that Molly and TJ were in trouble but said that if their relationship were to survive, they needed to save it on their own. Alexis tried to fish for information about Ava's case, but Jordan said it was in Robert's hands.

After Sasha questioned what Holly was doing at the Q mansion, Holly said she was only there for Sasha's well-being, not to pull off a scam. Sasha doubted Holly and said she was the reason her life was a disaster. Holly let herself in and asked what Sasha's angle was working for the Quartermaines. Sasha said she was a legitimate cook.

Holly explained that she had left Sasha because Ethan had been in trouble. Sasha said she would still be waiting tables if she hadn't been offered more lucrative employment. Holly knew that Sasha was referring to the time she posed as Nina Reeves' daughter.

Holly apologized for not being there for Sasha and said she hadn't been the mother that Sasha deserved. "You're not the mother that anyone deserves," Sasha snapped. Holly said she had repeatedly let Sasha down but couldn't undo past failings. Holly said she could prevent Sasha from making a terrible mistake.

Holly warned Sasha not to get further involved with Cody Bell. Sasha admitted that she had gotten closer to Cody and had fallen for him. Holly told Sasha she needed to break up with Cody. "He's your cousin," Holly revealed.

Sasha didn't believe her mom, but Holly explained that she had never told Sasha who her father was and realized that was a huge mistake. "When I was pregnant, I thought your father was dead," Holly explained. She told Sasha she was trying to protect her. "All sorts of people would have used it against you. Scorpios have enemies. Mac does, or he did. And so does your father, Robert," Holly said.

Sasha said her mom always lied, but Holly insisted this information was true. Sasha didn't believe she needed protection, as Robert had another daughter who didn't need to be kept from him. Holly claimed she was afraid of showing up at Robert's door with a 12-year-old daughter and noted that he had been hurt that way already, referring to when Anna kept Robin from him. Sasha pointed out that Robert and Anna got along just fine.

Holly said that Robert was the love of her life and she had betrayed him. Holly noted that Felicia had told her what a lovely man Cody was, and she didn't want to hurt Sasha. Holly insisted that Cody was Sasha's cousin. Upset, Sasha told her mom to stay out of her life and away from Cody. As Sasha ran out the door, she pushed past Tracy, who spotted Holly and said, "Look what the cat dragged in."

Holly explained to Tracy that she had returned with Lucky and that she dropped by Tracy's to say hello. Tracy wondered why her cook was upset with Holly. "Did you not like her scones?" Tracy scoffed. Holly asked about Cody working there, but Tracy snapped that it wasn't Holly's business.

Tracy said that Cody worked there and was a friend. Holly noted that Mac must be delighted. "He's delighted his son doesn't need constant tending to. How is Ethan, by the way?" Tracy asked. Holly said Ethan didn't take it too well when he found out he wasn't a match for Lulu. "Instead of going to be with him as usual, you came here. Why is that?" Tracy mused. She told Holly to see herself out.

Ava met Ric for dinner at the PC Grille. Ric felt confident that Ava would soon be off the hook for Kristina's fall. He said he had put together a strategy that he was ready to implement. Ric noted that Heather's case would be ruled on tomorrow, and it was going smoothly. Ric said Ava had facts on her side, but they should get more. When they looked up, they saw Kristina had walked in.

Kristina marched over to Ric and Ava's table and told Ava to enjoy one of her last nights in town. Ric greeted Kristina and said he trusted that she was well. "I could be better. I could be home with my daughter," Kristina said. "You mean Molly's daughter?" Ric asked, then outlined the surrogacy agreement. "Your knowledge is so impressive, coming from an absentee father," Kristina snapped.

Kristina told Ric that she didn't know how Molly could stand to look at him as he was representing the person responsible for “Adela’s” death. "Molly knows what I know. What happened to ‘Irene’ was accidental and not Ava's fault. It was yours," Ric said, emphasizing the baby’s name.

Kristina angrily said that Ava had come at her, but Ric countered that Ava hadn't sought Kristina. "You went to her," Ric added. Kristina started yelling that the police had proof. Ava quietly told Kristina she was making a scene. "Good! I hope everyone knows that you killed my daughter, just like you killed Connie and Morgan!" Kristina hollered.

Kristina said she would ensure that Ava spent her life in prison. Ric said Ava was not going anywhere and then sipped his drink. Kristina smacked the glass out of his hand and sent it flying across the room. "You will pay for what you've done!" Kristina shouted as Alexis walked in.

Ric's mouth was bleeding as Alexis walked up. Ric said he wouldn't press charges against Kristina, and he congratulated Alexis on the Cates ruling. "Lucky break having the gun show up when it did. You must have friends in high places," Ric noted.

Ava dismissed Kristina's behavior as another temper tantrum. She noted that it couldn't be easy for Ric as the baby was his granddaughter. Ric said it was an accident, but if blame was to be doled out, it should be on Kristina. Ric noted that every person in the restaurant could attest on the stand that Kristina was the one who got out of control.

Ava wondered if Ric set up the scene with Kristina. Ric admitted he knew Alexis and Kristina planned to have dinner there. Ric said Kristina's emotions were half of the D.A.'s case. Ric said he would break Kristina when she was on the stand.

Outside the PC Grille, Kristina raged at Alexis, saying that Ava was living as if nothing had happened. Alexis said unless Kristina wanted Ava to go to prison, she needed to stop helping Ava's defense. Alexis explained that Ric goaded her into acting unbalanced and volatile, and he would use it in court against Kristina. Alexis asked Kristina if she could stay composed and let the justice system work for her.

At home, Molly was distracted by some files. TJ asked what she was working on, and Molly admitted she was looking over Ava's case. TJ worried that Molly would cause an ethical issue that could have the case thrown out, but Molly assured him she was only reviewing the files.

Molly said if anyone were to derail the case, it would be Kristina. Molly insisted Kristina needed to stay composed for the jury, and a lot was riding on it. Molly worried that Ric would try to set Kristina off in court. Molly said Kristina put herself in a volatile situation, but the physical altercation only happened because of Ava. "That's what I'll say if I'm called to testify. What will you say?" Molly asked TJ.

TJ said Ava's account was compelling, but with some time and distance, he agreed with Molly. Molly said she missed being on the same page as TJ. "I will never forgive your sister, but she did not throw herself out of that window," TJ added. He and Molly agreed that it was Ava's fault and she had to pay.

Dante was grateful that Sam was a match for Lulu and that the transplant could go forward. Sam said she was just "a person doing a really good thing" and noted that the doctor said it would be a simple process.

Dante and Sam called the kids downstairs and held hands as they told them the good news. Dante assured Rocco that the match was for real this time. "They've done the testing. The liver's compatible," Dante said, adding that it turned out that the donor had been with them the entire time. Rocco realized he meant Sam and then ran over to hug her.

Everyone was excited about the news, but Scout sat quietly. She asked her mom if she was going to be okay or if the surgery would hurt. Sam explained that she would be asleep and not feel a thing. Dante said they could visit Sam in the hospital. Scout asked Rocco if he was happy. "Let's have a party!" Scout said.

Rocco was surprised when Danny said he had prayed every night for Lulu. "I just never thought it would be my mom to make it happen," Danny added. Rocco told Sam he would owe her forever and thanked his dad as well. "You promised we would find a donor, and we did," Rocco said.

Back on the Quartermaine estate, Sasha rushed into the stables, grabbed Cody, and kissed him passionately. As his hand moved down her back, she stopped him. Sasha made an excuse that she had a souffle in the oven and had to leave immediately. Outside, she was visibly upset as she recalled Holly's words.

Next on General Hospital:

Molly and Kristina clash

Tracy and Laura reminisce

Elizabeth visits with Lucky

Felicia asks Holly for honesty

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