General Hospital recap for Thursday, March 20, 2025: Anna Devane does her job and arrests Valentin

General Hospital
General Hospital's Valentin and Anna | Image: ABC

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At Pier 55, Jack trained a gun on Valentin's back and told him: "It's the end of the line old friend. You were free. Anna let you go. Why the hell didn't you stay gone, you idiot?" Neither man knew that Jason was lurking in the shadows. Valentin suddenly turned around and explained that he tried to kill Jack because Jack tried to kill him in front of his daughter. "You erased any friendship we ever had," Valentin told Jack.

Jack insisted that he had nothing to do with the sniper in Prague. "What happened in Germany? That was between you and me. But then you involved Carly and that took us past the point of no return," Jack said. Valentin admitted he was not after Carly before telling Jack that Carly was just his "flavor of the month." Valentin finally realized that Jack had fallen for Carly.

Meanwhile, Anna arrived at the pier, but Jason found her before the other men did. Anna insisted that she was bringing Valentin in, but Jason wanted her to stay out of it and let Jack handle things. "Are you some sort of backup? If Brennan doesn't kill him you will? This is because Valentin hurt Carly," Anna deduced. When she tried to walk away, Jason grabbed her arm, causing Anna to shout, "Let me go!"

As Jack started to pull the trigger, Anna appeared with her own gun and ordered Jack to drop his. "Killing an unarmed man is murder," Anna pointed out. Jack didn't care and felt the WSB would be happy with him for taking care of their Valentin problem. Anna then tried to get him to drop the gun for nostalgia's sake, reminding him that they were all old friends.

Finally, Jack stood down, much to Anna's relief. However, he insisted on watching Anna call the PCPD and ask for backup so he knew she wouldn't let him go as she had done other times. Anna did just that and arrested the man she loved. When Anna walked off, Jason stopped Jack and warned him to stay away from Carly.

When Anna got Valentin into the interrogation room, they shared a few quiet moments. Valentin told Anna that he knew she still loved him. "None of that matters. You've committed too many crimes. It's over Valentin," Anna sadly said.

Earlier the PCPD, Chase and Dante discussed the APB they had just put out on Valentin. "The only thing about that guy I understand is his love for Charlotte. He wanted to see his daughter. What father wouldn't?" Dante asked.

However, Dante wondered if Valentin only sent Charlotte home as a distraction from something he might be up to on his own. "There's no way this guy is just going to let go of his daughter. He's a father. He's not going to just abandon his child," Dante said.

Chase wondered if Lulu's life would be easier if she never learned that Charlotte existed. "Lulu's life is so much better for having Charlotte in it," Dante confirmed.

Sonny brought Donna back to his house since Carly was in the hospital. He explained to her that she would be staying with him for a few days. Donna was alarmed to hear that her mom was in the hospital, but Sonny assured her that Carly would be fine. They could even go see her after school tomorrow.

Lulu was on cloud nine watching her two teenagers together again, but was fascinated when Laura told her that Lucky would be staying at Elizabeth's house for the night. Lulu was glad to not have to sleep on the couch, but she felt it was time she found her own place.

While Laura was disappointed, she understood why Lulu would want her own home for herself and her kids. "It feels like my life is finally starting now that Charlotte's finally back," she said.

Laura soon received a call from Sonny asking her to come by. It was late, but she said she would get there as soon as she could. When Laura was gone, Lulu opened the door to find Chase standing there. He told her that he wasn't there to protect her family. He wanted to protect his. Chase told Lulu straight out that she shouldn't tell Dante about Brook Lynn's baby.

Lulu tried to argue that Dante had a right to know. "This is not about what I think and it's certainly not about what you think. This is none of your business, Lulu," Chase rightly explained. Lulu turned the tables. "If you had a child out there, wouldn't you want to know?" Lulu asked.

Chase had enough and finally put Lulu in her place, threatening to arrest her for breaking into Marty's room if she blabbed Brook Lynn's secret.

At Sonny's house, Sonny told Laura that Valentin had broken in earlier that night. Laura said he had done the same thing at her place so they exchanged Valentin visitor tales. Sonny admitted he didn't kill Valentin because he thought of Laura and her granddaughter. Laura was touched and surprised she was able to influence Sonny. "My influence has never stopped you before, so what's changed, Sonny?" she asked.

Sonny claimed he had been thinking about what's important in life. He said that what happened to his friendship with Laura had affected him. "I just want you to know that I was thinking about you," Sonny said. Laura admitted she had missed him too. She also noted a change in Sonny. "It's like you're determined to make yourself a better man right now," she said.

Felicia stopped into Carly's room for a chat. Carly admitted that she was feeling slightly better, "but this is without a doubt the sickest I have ever been." Felicia knew deep down that Carly was poisoned thanks to how close she had grown to Jack. Carly insisted she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She didn't blame Jack at all.

"I know you're trying to look out for me, Felicia. But I've been here before. I was married to Sonny," Carly said. Felicia argued that being involved with someone in the WSB is more dangerous than being married to the mob. "The danger around Sonny? It comes and it goes. But being in the WSB? It never ends," Felicia pointed out.

Lois felt the tension when Brook Lynn walked into the Q solarium. Brook Lynn tried giving Lois the silent treatment, but Lois wouldn't allow it. She asked that Brook Lynn put her teenage pregnancy story in the vault and move on. Lois explained that she needed someone to confide in about the pregnancy so she told her mother. She asked Brook Lynn to respect that.

"I can respect that you told Grandma everything if you respect that I told Chase everything?" An alarmed Lois replied: "Everything?!" Brook Lynn explained that she hadn't planned to tell Chase the truth about Dante being her baby daddy. When she learned her grandmother knew, she realized it was wrong to keep it a secret from her husband.

"What other secrets are the two of you keeping from me just to keep the peace?" Brook Lynn angrily asked. Lois insisted there were none, but Brook Lynn was not finished. "I don't want any secrets between us right now and that's why I told him," she said.

"I wish you hadn't done that, Brook Lynn because you have put a terrible burden on Chase," Lois declared. "You gave him a big, heavy secret that he has to carry around with him and he can't share it with anyone."

Brook Lynn felt she had to do what she did. She also told Lois that for now, her relationship with Chase was more important than the one she had with her mother. Brook Lynn accused Lois of just trying to protect herself. She knew Lois wouldn't have wanted the anger from her baby's other grandparents. She even wondered if Lois and Gloria had subtly convinced her to give her baby up for adoption.

"You lied to me about one of the most important things in my life and that's making me question everything...Like if I can ever trust you again," Brook Lynn said. A tear-filled Lois said she supported Brook Lynn and always what, but what was done was done. That didn't make Brook Lynn feel any better.

Dante walked in on the tail end of the argument and was surprised that Brook Lynn sanctioned Lois going home to Bensonhurst.

Next on General Hospital

Nina is apprehensive.

Drew finds an ally.

Lucky and Liz discuss their relationship.

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Edited by Hope Campbell
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