Brook Lynn nervously paced in the gatehouse living room when Gio walked in with Amelia's stuffed elephant. Brook Lynn informed Gio that Willow took the kids back to Nina's place. She blamed herself for Willow moving out again. "I couldn't keep my big mouth shut about her relationship with Drew. I tried to give Willow a little tough love, and it backfired spectacularly," she said.
Gio didn't see the problem because people from Brooklyn were raised on tough love. "I am sure she'll realize you were coming from a good place...eventually," Gio said. Brook Lynn wasn't so sure and felt she had made things worse. Tracy soon barged in and wondered if Willow was now clear about the ground rules.
Brook Lynn was surprised that Tracy remained calm as she predicted that Willow would move in with Drew soon and take Michael's children. "In retrospect, that arrangement clearly had a shelf life. Willow was never going to be happy abiding by our rules," Tracy said before announcing, "Time to call in the lawyers."
Marty spoke with Willow on the phone and told her that he supported her decision to move back in with Nina. After he hung up, Lois appeared at his door, desperate for a lawyer. She assured him she wasn't there to talk about Drew and Willow but needed to stress that Drew was a "shnook," which is Brooklyn-speak for "jerk."
A nervous Lois explained that she had been keeping a secret for the last 21 years and feared what would happen if it ever got out. Finally, she just spit it out: "My daughter Brook Lynn Quartermaine had a baby with Dante Falconeri," she said. She also stressed that the baby's father and other grandparents didn't know Brook Lynn had a baby, and they could never find out.
Lois explained that it was a private adoption. The baby was placed with a member of her extended family, and Brook Lynn had no idea. Lois worried that Brook Lynn could get the adoption unsealed. As Marty tried to calm Lois, there was a knock at the door. Tracy barged in and was surprised to see Lois standing there.
Lois covered for herself and said she was there because of Willow. Tracy was happy to have her former daughter-in-law on her side. "Can you believe that Willow took those kids back to Nina's? We had an agreement," Tracy said. Marty couldn't wait to blow up at Tracy. "You and your family made Willow seem unwelcome and unappreciated in her own home, so in my opinion, the blame lies entirely at your feet," he said.
Lois soon walked Tracy to her car and returned to Marty's room. She told him the rest of the story and finally confessed that she lived with Brook Lynn's son. "Gio Palmieri is my grandson," she said.
In Nina's apartment, Willow thanked her mother for letting her stay there. Willow admitted she could have been a little nicer to Brook Lynn. She even admitted she did something wrong. "It felt good to stand up for myself, but deep down, I know she was right. I shouldn't have been with Drew in the house I shared with Michael," she said.
"I should have turned Drew away when he showed up this morning, but I just couldn't," Willow sighed. "When he left, all I could think about was Michael and how much I still cared about him," she added. Too bad Drew still couldn't stay away and showed up at Nina's door. Willow had texted him to invite him over.
While Willow turned on the kids' nightlight, Nina accused Drew of sneaking onto the Q grounds. "You put Willow in a position where she could lose her children, and you don't seem to care," Nina said. She also asked him to do everyone a favor and move to DC.
"Maybe I will, but I'm not going anywhere without taking Willow with me," Drew declared. Nina was furious at that statement. "Let me make myself perfectly clear. I will do anything for my daughter and my grandchildren, so if you are looking for a fight, Congressman, I'm happy to oblige," she hissed.
When Willow returned to the living room, she told Drew it was a mistake to be together at the gatehouse. Drew agreed but told Willow that their relationship was now public, so they were free to be together.
After Nina spotted Willow and Drew kissing, she called Carly and asked for a meeting. "We have a mutual problem, Carly, and it's time that we deal with it once and for all," Nina said.
In the Quartermaine kitchen, Dante asked Chase if he could give him any information on the investigation into Sam's murder. Chase refused to tell Dante the identity of the person of interest the police were looking at. "I'm begging you. You gotta tell me who you think killed Sam," Dante pleaded, not knowing that Rocco was behind him and heard him.
Rocco continued to listen without being seen. Chase admitted if the roles were reversed, he'd want more information, as well. Dante swore on his life he would do nothing with any info Chase gave him, so Chase relented. "Our lead suspect is Cyrus Renault," he said.
Dante was baffled, asking, "Why would Cyrus Renault want to kill Sam? This doesn't make sense." Dante promised Chase he would not do anything that would allow Cyrus to walk on a technicality. Rocco eavesdropped on everything Chase and Dante said but ran off when Tracy appeared. She wanted Chase and Dante to use their detective skills to figure out how Drew got on the property for his little tryst with Willow.
Alexis gently told Danny that there had been some news about how his mother died. Danny thought they already knew what happened, but Alexis was forced to tell him otherwise. "The hospital believes that someone went into your mother's room and intentionally administered the drug to her," Alexis sadly said. Danny was stunned. "Are you saying someone killed my mom on purpose?" he asked.
Kristina and Molly assured Danny they would be there to comfort and support him, but they had to wait for answers as the police conducted their investigation. Danny was more worried about Scout. Danny felt she was too young to know. However, he was glad Alexis had told him the truth because he needed to know.
Alexis also made it clear to Danny that he was not to get involved with the investigation. He needed to let the police do their job because they were the professionals. Danny also asked if his father knew about Sam's murder. After Molly took Danny home, Alexis admitted to Kristina that she found talk of Jason to be unsettling.
When Danny returned to the Q house, he told Rocco that his mom was murdered. Rocco already knew and informed Danny that Cyrus Renaul was the prime suspect.
Portia was happy when Curtis stopped by the hospital but wondered what he was doing there. Curtis planned to visit Kai again. Brad soon appeared and asked if he could leave early. Portia knew she had to cooperate with whatever Brad wanted, so she put on a fake smile and told him it was fine.
When Brad walked away, Curtis seemed curious. "What is going on? I thought you couldn't stand that guy," Curtis said. Portia claimed that Stella seemed to like Brad, so she was giving him a chance.
Lucas asked Carly to think about the advice he had just given her regarding Jack Brennan but he could tell she had no intention of listening to him. When Lucas walked over to the nurses' hub to drop off a chart before taking Carly to dinner, Stella pointed out Brad's improved biceps. A dismayed Carly looked on and sighed.
Josslyn approached Jack when he sat down at Bobbie's. She asked him how Germany was, and he told her it was memorable. When Joss sat down, Jack asked an important question: "Have you found anything linking Cyrus to Officer Heller's death?" Joss told him she thought she had a lead, but it didn't go anywhere.
Jack stressed that one shouldn't give up every time they have a setback. "Who says I'm giving up? Cyrus killed Dex, and I'm going to prove it," Joss said. She told Jack that she had gotten into Cyrus' apartment but hadn't found anything incriminating. Jack tried to lead Joss to Cyrus' hideout away from town.
"The absence of evidence at one place may indicate that the suspect is operating out of a second location," Jack advised. Josslyn realized she had to look for Cyrus' hideout. Jack advised Joss to be patient. Josslyn begged Jack not to tell her mother that she was investigating Cyrus just as Carly walked in with Lucas.
Carly hinted to Lucas and Joss that they needed to make themselves scarce so she could sit down with Jack alone. She asked if Jack had told Josslyn about the danger and romance of Germany. Jack promised her that he had not.
Lucas and Josslyn sat at the counter while Joss did research on her phone. She finally asked Lucas if he had heard of Dr. Austin Gatlin-Holt. Josslyn had just discovered that Austin testified on Cyrus' behalf at his parole hearing.
Next on General Hospital
Sonny meets with a cardiologist.
Lulu has a big idea.
Cyrus demands answers.
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