Anna sat in her apartment with Spinelli as he used his magical computer skills to locate Charlotte and Valentin. Carly soon arrived, wondering why Anna summoned her. Carly said she would do anything she could to help find Valentin. "Including planting a bug on Jack Brennan?" Anna asked.
Carly didn't think she could do it but Anna was sure Carly was the woman for the job. "You're one of the few people that he trusts," Anna said. She was sure that Valentin could only have managed without a trace with WSB help. Carly argued that Brennan was her friend and even helped Anna escape from Africa. Anna warned Carly that Brennan couldn't be trusted.
Carly finally agreed to plant the bug but insisted she was only doing it to prove Anna wrong. Anna didn't care why Carly was doing it as long as they got the information they needed.
While Anna asked Carly to help her find Charlotte, Jason was on the same mission. He barged into Brennan's office and accused him of lying when he said that he didn't know where Valentin was. Jason warned Brennan that Lulu's family was going to do everything they could to find Valentin and Charlotte so it was best if Brennan just came clean.
Jason had an idea. "Get in touch with him. You tell Valentin I'll meet him wherever he wants. He gives me Charlotte and I bring her home. I'm not going to track him. I won't try to bring him in. I won't even touch him," Jason said.
After Jason left, Carly barged in but only found the deputy director in Brennan's chair. Brennan returned and asked for some time alone with Carly. Brennan knew why Carly was there and told her he didn't know where Valentin was.
Carly then asked for a drink of water. When Brennan turned his back to pour her one, she stuck the bug under a chair in his office.
Back at Anna's apartment, Jason arrived and told her about the offer he made Brennan. He'd leave Valentin alone as long as he handed over Charlotte. When Spinelli walked into the living room talking about equipment, Jason was alarmed. Anna explained that she had Spinelli set up a bug that Carly would plant in Brennan's office.
As soon as Jason knew Carly was involved, he became alarmed, knowing that Carly often makes a mess of things. Spinelli diffused the argument and reminded Jason everyone was on the same side, which was bringing Charlotte home to be with Lulu.
Anna pointed out that she didn't force Carly to do anything. Carly wanted to do what she could for Lulu. Jason worried that Carly was in danger because she thought she could trust Brennan. "What happens when Brennan finds the bug and figures out Carly's the one who planted it?" Jason asked.
Carly soon returned so Jason could order her to stay away from Brennan. Carly insisted she did her job right and Brennan would never find the bug. Carly assured them she put it in the perfect place, but Anna had to admit that it's standard practice for the WSB to sweep offices looking for listening devices. Carly was nervous at first, but then insisted that things would be fine because "Jack isn't the monster you think he is." Jason wasn't as confident as Carly.
Spinelli suddenly called out that Brennan had made a call. Jason, Anna, and Carly listened as Brennan told Valentin that Lulu was awake and Jason had offered to let Valentin go in exchange for Charlotte. Carly looked annoyed because she wasn't able to prove she was right about her new friend.
Dante surprised Sonny in his office because he needed to talk to someone. Sonny immediately knew this was all about Lulu's great awakening. Dante told Sonny he was right, but Dante was still at a loss."I'm just trying to figure out what life looks like now," he said.
Dante wanted Sonny's advice on blending families, pointing out, "You've got all these kids from different relationships." Dante had no idea how to deal with the three kids he and Sam were raising. "How do I deal with the fact that Rocco's over the moon that his mom is back and Danny and Scout are still grief-stricken after losing theirs."
Sonny asked Dante what it was like seeing Lulu again. "It was like the pieces of a puzzle fitting together, but like an old one because everything's different now," Dante said. He worried about what he would do now. What if Lulu wanted Rocco to stay with him sometimes? What does he do about Sam's two kids?
Sonny advised Dante to slow down and not get ahead of himself. Dante admitted that it felt wrong to feel happy after Sam had just died, but he understood why Rocco was on cloud nine. Sonny then advised Dante to have big family dinners with all the kids.
Curtis stopped by TJ and Molly's place at TJ's behest. When Curtis walked in, TJ showed him the cleared-out living room. "Molly moved out. She's gone," TJ sadly said. Curtis marveled at how neat Molly left things, but TJ wasn't surprised because that was Molly. TJ was still angry that Molly was refusing to grieve. "Now our relationship's ending, and she calmly packs up her things and leaves," TJ added incredulously.
Curtis had some words of wisdom for his nephew. "One thing about ending a relationship is that you always end up angry at someone you care about," Curtis said. TJ insisted he wasn't mad, but he didn't know how to stop caring. Curtis reminded TJ that this might only be a temporary break, but TJ disagreed.
Curtis then suggested that they rearrange the furniture to hide reminders of Molly, but when they moved a chair, Curtis found Molly's 2012 journal from when she first met TJ.
Molly began moving boxes into Alexis' house. Alexis advised Molly to take a break, but Molly needed the distraction so she wouldn't think about her heartbreak. "If I stop moving, I will fall apart," Molly admitted.
A hyper and agitated Molly elaborated on the fight she had with TJ the night before. He didn't like that she didn't grieve the baby the same way he did, which made her angry at herself. "I was too focused on controlling my emotions and throwing myself into work, and I couldn't be there for the boy who I have loved since I was 16," Molly said.
Alexis changed the subject to Ava and Kristina. Alexis reiterated that nobody could have stopped Kristina from going to Ava's hotel room that day as a way of reminding Molly that she couldn't control every situation. She also brought up Molly's final moments with Sam.
"I understand that your last words with Sam were not what you wanted them to be, and you shared that regret with your sister...One thing I want to say to you that I should have said is that I know Kristina holds a lot of blame for the rift between the two of you, but when I asked you to make peace with your sister, it is not me saying that Kristina is right," Alexis stressed.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Molly opened it to see TJ standing there with her journal. He handed it to her but assured Molly that he didn't read it. They both admitted that they would always love one another before TJ quickly left. Molly then broke down in Alexis' arms.
Kristina visited Natalia at the Deception office to thank her for perjuring herself on the stand. "If the court and if the court and the jury actually heard what had really happened, that would have helped the defense," Kristina said. Natalia denied committing perjury and said she just told the truth as she remembered it.
Kristina wanted to make sure that she was remembering the accident the way Natalia did. She feared if she recalled that wrong then maybe she was remembering what happened in Ava's hotel room wrong too. Natalia and Kristina chatted some more until Kristina received a phone call with the news. The jury was back with a verdict.
Next on General Hospital
The jury has a verdict.
Elizabeth is determined.
Kai dotes on Trina.
Lois makes another TV appearance.

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