Maxie admired the flowers she selected for the funeral. She spoke to Sam's portrait and told her that she chose a yellow arrangement because it reminded her of the yellow dress that Sam wore to Brook Lynn and Chase's funeral last spring. Lucas soon arrived and told Maxie he thought Sam would approve.
Maxie tried getting Lucas to open up and talk. "If I hadn't been Sam's surgeon, this day wouldn't be happening," Lucas said. Maxie reminded him that Sam had insisted that he perform the surgery. "I know that operating a loved one is never a good idea. There's too much at stake for surgeons to take that risk. Sam's gone, and I'm the only one who makes sense to blame," Lucas added.
Lucas was sure he had to have made a mistake during the surgery, but he couldn't figure out what it was. Maxie told Lucas she wouldn't allow him to blame himself for what happened to Sam.
In the Quartermaine foyer, Scout asked Drew what happened to his face when she, Danny, and Rocco saw it was bloody and beaten. Drew told Scout that he was fine and he felt better than his face looked. Drew lied and told the kids he had walked into a door.
Once alone with Scout, Drew assured her that he was fine. Scout told him that he had to keep his promise of always being there for her. "Mom broke hers," Scout said with sadness. Drew reminded Scout that her mom loved her. "I know Mommy loved me, but you still need to keep your promise and stay with me," Scout added. Drew promised that he would.
When Nina arrived, Drew asked her to help make his face look more presentable. "I can make it look not great, but at least better," Nina said. As Nina worked makeup magic on Drew's face, he told her he would not press charges against Jason as he had promised Sam that he and Jason would be there for the kids.
Nina wondered if Jason had attacked Drew only because of one kiss with Willow. "Or is there something you're not telling me," Nina asked. Drew lied and told her no. When Nina was finished fixing Drew's face, Rocco overheard her say, "Nobody will ever know Jason laid a hand on you."
In the kitchen, Dante looked through photos of his life with Sam. Cody entered the room and commented on how Dante, Sam, and their kids made a good-looking family. Dante wondered if he still had a family without Sam. Cody pointed out that family bonds don't break just because one person has passed on.
Cody envied Dante when he first arrived in Port Charles. Dante had a job and a woman he loved when Cody was still just running cons. "I was in awe of you and Sam. I'd never seen two people support each other like that," Cody said. Dante insisted Sam made their relationship possible.
Dante admitted his grief was all-consuming and worried it would take him down. Cody assured Dante that the kids loved and trusted him and that he could hold his family together without Sam.
Alexis broke the clasp while trying to put on a bracelet, telling Molly and Kristina that she wasn't sure she could get through the day. She felt she had to wear the bracelet because it was the last gift Sam had given her for Mother's Day.
"It feels like just yesterday when we were getting ready to bury Adela," Kristina said as Molly re-entered the room. Alexis braced herself for trouble, but Molly kept her cool. She'd even fixed Alexis' bracelet.
Molly stepped outside and found Ric standing there. She rushed into her father's arms for an embrace. As a belated birthday gift, Ric handed Molly tickets to a production of 12 Angry Men. After Molly thanked Ric, TJ appeared.
Back in the house, Kristina mentioned that she had given Molly a necklace for her birthday. Alexis suddenly realized she had forgotten her youngest daughter's birthday. When Alexis looked out the window and saw Ric, she was furious. Alexis walked outside and asked to speak to Ric alone.
Ric took Alexis to task for forgetting Molly's birthday. Alexis told Ric to get off her property so she could mourn Sam without him. "When you're done doing that, remember that your youngest daughter is still very much alive," Ric said before angrily walking away.
In the living room, TJ apologized to Molly for missing her birthday. He told her he had bought her a gift, but it was at home. Molly assured TJ that it was okay and she wasn't angry. "Just you being here is all I need today," Molly said. She then hugged Kristina as Alexis walked through the door. Alexis took her daughters' hands and told them it was time to leave for the funeral.
At the church, Danny placed a drawing that Scout had made on Sam's casket. When he saw Lucas walk in, Danny lashed out. "You're not allowed to be here. You're the one who let my mother die," Danny yelled as Lucas ran from the church.
Josslyn opened her front door to find Kai standing there, hoping to see Trina. He wanted to know if Trina would give him the time of day. Trina quickly gave him an answer when she came to the door and slammed it in Kai's face. Kai continued to knock while Josslyn and Trina argued inside. Trina was angry that Josslyn had opened the door.
Josslyn convinced Trina to give Kai a few minutes to explain himself. Trina allowed Kai in and listened. She wasn't pleased when he told her that his advisors had signed him up for an art class because they thought it would be easy. "Anyone who loves art like I do would take that as an insult. I take art very seriously, and I refuse to partner with someone whose priority doesn't align with mine," Trina said.
Kai insisted that he wanted to learn about art and was willing to pull his weight. Trina explained that she was very busy with school and her job, so Kai asked if she would turn someone away at the gallery if they just wanted to learn about art. Kai proved that he knew more about art history than Trina imagined. She finally agreed to keep him as her project partner.
Elizabeth was surprised to see Aiden when she prepared to leave the nurses' station. He took a ride-share over to see if Liz would let him drive her home and get some practice behind the wheel. Elizabeth told Aiden she wanted to talk to him about something, and he knew it had to be about Lucky.
"I wanted to prepare you for the possibility that your dad would be leaving town again," Elizabeth said. Aiden admitted that he pretty much expected that. Aiden was grateful that his father was still alive, noting Danny and Scout had lost their mom.
Lucky sat alone at Bobbie's until Brennan sat down to join him. Brennan introduced himself as the WSB agent who saved his life in Africa. Brennan told Lucky he was impressed with his work in Africa and had an offer for him. He wanted him to handle a "situation" in the same part of Africa that Lucky had just come from. "I need boots on the ground to gather intel," Brennan explained.
Brennan offered Lucky a flight out of Port Charles within 24 hours if he accepted the job. Seeing Elizabeth walk in gave Lucky some food for thought. After Brennan left, Lucky approached Elizabeth and told her that Brennan offered him a job in Africa.
Next on General Hospital
Port Charles says goodbye to Sam.
Lucas and Ava have an encounter.
Lulu wakes up.

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