In the PCPD interrogation room, Valentin told Alexis that he needed her to take care of Charlotte. Alexis assured Valentin that Lulu and Laura could take care of Charlotte, but Valentin wanted Alexis to care for Charlotte financially. Alexis was delighted to learn that it was Valentin who convinced the Cassadine trustees to take all of Ava's divorce settlement money.
"I was the one who made sure you were trustee of the estate because I need you to support my daughter financially," he said. Alexis sadly informed him that the money was for Ace, but Valentin was sure Alexis could figure out a way to carve out some for Charlotte.
"I will make sure Charlotte has all the love and support she will ever need because you have made the ultimate sacrifice in bringing her home. I have no idea what got into you and why you did the things that you did, but I never once doubted your love for your daughter," Alexis said.
In the main station bullpen area, Charlotte begged Anna to let her see Valentin. Anna sent Charlotte up to her office and called Lulu, who headed right over. Anna asked Lulu if she'd consider letting Charlotte say goodbye to her Papa. Lulu refused, so Anna went in to see Valentin as soon as Alexis left the interrogation room.
Anna told Valentin that Lulu was there to pick up Charlotte. Knowing Charlotte was there, Valentin begged Anna to let her see him but Anna said that was up to the girl's mother. Anna claimed she would help him for Charlotte because Valentin was a good father, but that wasn't the only reason. She still cared about him.
Anna and Valentin both became weepy, as they tend to do. "Why couldn't you have just let well enough alone? You were free, Valentin. Why couldn't you have just left it all behind? The WSB, the lies and Deception, and Pikeman, oh Pikeman. Why did you let them pull you back in?" she asked.
Valentin claimed he was never free, and he put himself in a position to lose it all because of her. "You had me. Wasn't that enough?" Anna wanted to know.
Outside the room, Alexis and Lulu made some small talk before Lulu apologized for not coming to see her to tell her how thankful she was for Sam's sacrifice. "I am so grateful to Sam for my life," a tear-filled Lulu said. Alexis pulled Lulu in for a big hug. When Charlotte appeared, Alexis encouraged Lulu to allow Charlotte to see her father.
Valentin was thrilled when he saw Charlotte at the door. Father and daughter embraced. Suddenly, Jack walked in and told Valentin his "chariot awaits." Anna signed custody of Valentin over to the WSB but warned Jack if anything happened to Valentin, she would hold him responsible.
Nina thought she hit paydirt going through Drew's safe but scrambled when she heard a noise. As she tried to run from the house, Drew appeared. "Did you remember to lock the safe?" he asked. Drew accused Nina of looking for something to use against him.
Nina changed the subject to Willow. "I am just trying to protect my daughter. Trust me, if she moves in here with you, she will lose her children," Nina said. A cocky Drew assured Nina that wouldn't happen. He accused Nina of trying to convince Willow of that to keep her away from Drew.
"You're just using the kids as cover. You want me all to yourself and if you can't have me, then nobody else can — especially Willow," Drew declared, as Nina tried not to laugh in his face. "You are delusional if you think that I am pining for you," she said.
Nina embarked on a rant describing what would happen if Michael learned Willow was living with him. "How are you going to keep my daughter from losing her children?" she demanded, just as Willow walked in and asked what Nina was doing there.
Drew claimed he came home and found her in the living room with a lot to say to him. "You came here to convince Drew that the kids and I shouldn't move in," Willow said. She was upset and frustrated because she felt she had heard it all before. Willow believed going behind her back to talk to Drew was manipulative.
So, Nina decided to be blunt and upfront. "Whether you like it or not, Michael will have to be accommodated, and the only way for you to do that is for you not to move in together," she said.
At the nurse's station, Lucas took Elizabeth aside to ask her for help, but he needed the conversation to stay between them. A curious Liz was surprised to hear that "Brad's been blackmailing someone here at the hospital." Liz was immediately alarmed. "Being the head nurse, I need to know if something is going on here. Now, not later, so start talking," she said.
Lucas explained that Bad blackmailed Portia so he could go to the Miami symposium. Liz was stunned and wondered what Brad had on Portia, but Lucas had no idea. Lucas said he felt responsible for everything because Brad did it all to worm his way back into Lucas' good graces but didn't succeed.
As they discussed the matter more, Liz remembered seeing Ric meeting with Portia and wondered if their meeting had anything to do with Brad's blackmail material.
Portia and Ava continued their chat in her office. Portia tried to play up Drew's new sports program and how it got him off her back, "at least for now." Portia showed Ava a medical file she had on Drew. Ava advised Portia not to use anything in it against Drew but admitted she would if she had to. "It's not something you should do. You are a smart woman. Please don't let fear and desperation make you do dumb things," Ava said.
Ava suggested that Portia tell Curtis what was really going on, but she feared his typical reactions to secrets. Portia feared losing everything and worried Drew would only keep her secret for as long as it benefitted him. Ava suggested that Portia needed an ally, "someone who is just as interested in Drew's downfall as you."
To that end, Ava invited Nina to Portia's office with a suggestion. Ava sat a confused Nina down across from Portia and suggested they combine their "resources and advanced intellect" to take down Drew. Ava then walked out and left her friends to their own devices.
Nina and Portia agreed to work together. Nina admitted that she was doing this for her daughter and didn't need to know Portia's reasons. "This hold that Drew has on us? It won't end unless we end it. So, I'm in," Portia said.
Carly was furious when Jason ordered her not to go near Jack Brennan ever again. "I am used to Sonny giving orders, but you're not supposed to tell people what to do, Jason," she argued. Jason admitted he tried not to, but sometimes he felt he had no choice, like this time.
Carly said she understood Jason worried for her, but she was an adult and could make her own choices. Jason stressed that she wasn't cut out for the WSB world. Carly lost her temper. "You're not upset that this isn't my world. You're upset that this isn't your world. This is a world that you can't control," she yelled. Jason pointed out that she was in over her head and nearly died.
Jason informed Carly that the incendiary device in Sonny's penthouse was a government-grade weapon that only agencies like the WSB had access to. "This isn't fair. You're using Michael to try to get me to do what you want me to do," Carly cried. She was tired of all the warnings considering how many she got about Sonny through the year and how many times Sam heard the same about Jason.
Jason told Carly to leave Sam's name out of this, but Carly said Sam chose to be with Jason, and if Carly wanted to be with Jack, she would make that choice for herself. "It's my life, Jason, and I know I've made some spectacularly bad decisions, but you've never quit on me. Don't start now," she begged.
Jason finally gave it to Carly straight. "I am making you a promise. Whatever happens to you happens to him. If you get hurt, he gets hurt. If you happen to die because of Jack Brennan, I'll kill him," Jason said.
Josslyn sat for a lie detector test at WSB spy school and claimed she did not blame Sonny for Michael's burns. The lie detector seemed to believe her until she said she blamed the person who set the bomb. When asked what she would do if she ever saw that person, Jack appeared at the window, so Joss tried to look away.
Jack walked in and asked the other agents to leave. Josslyn immediately chastised Jack for being questioned about her brother. Jack told her that was conditioning, and she did very well. She needed to learn to keep complete composure while lying.
Jack then broke the news that Carly was poisoned. Josslyn wanted to go see her but Jack warned Joss if she left, she wouldn't be returning. To calm Joss down, Jack showed her a live feed of Jason and Carly's argument. Josslyn reasoned that Carly was safe with Jason, so she'd continue pretending she was on Easter Island. When Joss learned how the poisoning incident happened, she had a pointed question: "Do you care about my mother, or are you using her?"
Jack claimed the answer didn't matter but warned Joss she'd be another "unfulfilled soul bouncing from job to job" if she ever told her mother what she was up to.
Next on General Hospital
Carly visits Jack.
Tracy has questions.
Lulu makes a bold move.
Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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