At GH, as soon as Anna heard that Carly was poisoned with polonium, she called Robin and put her on the phone with Isaiah, explaining that her daughter was the doctor who invented the antidote. Robin advised Isaiah on how to stabilize Carly while the WSB synthesized the antidote.
Willow wanted to call Carly’s family, but Isaiah warned her that she could be arrested if she went against Jack's orders. Later, Carly nearly went into cardiac arrest. Thankfully, an agent brought Jack the antidote so he gave it to Isaiah so he could save Carly's life. After it was administered, Jack sat by her bedside. He got a call from Sonny, but declined it. Jack revealed something to the unconscious Carly that nobody else knew about him. He had a heart and it belonged to Carly.
At his new house and Valentin's old house, Sonny held a gun to Valentin, who said he was just trying to recover something that he had left there inadvertently. Sonny said whatever it was, it was now his because he owned the house. Besides, Valentin was a trespassing fugitive.
Sonny asked Valentin why he had tampered with his medication. Valentin said he was he was under Jack's orders and Jack wanted Port Charles under the control of the WSB and Pikemen. Jack wanted Sonny out of the way and forced Valentin to do it. Jack said that altering Sonny’s meds was the most efficient way to neutralize him and was a common WSB tactic.
Valentin said he never had a personal beef with Sonny and it was an order that he wasn’t able to refuse, insinuating that Jack threatened Charlotte. Valentin said it was just business and Sonny should understand. Sonny said he did, but didn’t care.
Sonny told Valentin he should have killed him ages ago. When Valentin remarked that Sonny was a danger to his family, the mafia don said it was because of the medication issue. Valentin repeated that he was still deeply sorry for it. Sonny said that Diane would have no trouble defending him in self-defense if he shot an intruder.
Valentin then tried to bargain with Sonny and offered him information about the fire at his penthouse. Valentine explained that the incendiary device used in Sonny’s penthouse was not available to civilians, only to governments.
Valentin then told him the bomb was manufactured specifically for the WSB. Sonny asked if the WSB was trying to kill him, and Valentin said “Possibly, but not necessarily.” He said when he was in charge of Pikeman, a shipment of those devices went missing he was in the process of tracking it down when the FBI came for them. Valentin revealed the hitman‘s name was Soliski and stated he would continue to try to kill Sonny, who then allowed him to leave.
At WSB training, Josslyn told Vaughn she was reading up on Easter Island so she would have something to talk about to prove that she was there when she got home. She was glad an agent brought her phone to the actual Easter Island to send pictures back home.
Vaughn told Joss that the biggest challenge about being an agent is not physical, but mental. He explained that she needed to get used to telling a good story because no one could ever know what she was really doing.
Vaughn told Joss that WSB would provide whatever she needed for her cover stories like receipts, plane tickets, etc. He also told her that she needed to accept that nothing about her life would be real anymore. She argued that her family and friends would know her, but he countered that they wouldn’t really know her anymore. He further explained that by maintaining cover stories, she would find she had a lonely life and pretty soon she would realize that it’s easier to let people go than keep track of a phony life. She asked if that’s what he did to train people like her.
Vaughn told Josslyn that if she didn’t toughen up, she wouldn’t survive. She knew she would have to lie to everyone, and even if she missed important events in their lives, she’d know she was secretly protecting them. Vaughn told her training never stops, even in the field and she said to bring it on.
Chase was shocked to learn that Dante was the father of Brook Lynn’s baby. He was hurt because they could never have a child together. Chase said knowing Dante was her baby‘s father changed everything.
She reminded him that she and Dante grew up together. When they were teenagers, they were a little wild so they were sent to separate boys’ and girls’ camps. She said she was not a good counselor-in-training and was homesick. Dante would sneak over to the girls’ camp after lights out and they would talk and it made her feel like she had a little piece of home.
One night they kissed and one thing led to another. Chase stopped her, imagining the rest. She then explained that Cody would cover for them so they could spend time together. She said she also confided in Cody because she needed him to drive her to the bus station after she found out she was pregnant.
Brook Lynn said that she knew from the get-go that she wouldn’t have been able to raise the baby because it would’ve been a kid raising a kid. Chase said she made an incredibly hard choice, but it was the right move for the baby.
Brook Lynn said she didn't want to be like Olivia who had Dante as a teen and raised him herself. Chase said that all he wanted was for them to have a child and now she suddenly has one with Dante. He asked if she loved Dante. She explained that as a teen, she didn't know what love was She didn't even love him when Carly had her try to break him and Lulu up. She just wanted the money and if he did love her back, she could rub it in Lulu's face.
She had compartmentalized the whole incident in her mind and pretended it never happened. However, she was convinced that Dante deserved better than Lulu. Chase stated that nobody gets to decide who Dante cares for. Brook Lynn said that the bottom line was whatever she felt for Dante was ages ago and didn't compare to what she felt for Chase.
Chase felt Dante should know he had a son, but Brook Lynn thought it wouldn’t be fair to upend her son’s life by finding him. But if he came looking for his birth parents, she would gladly explain everything. Until that happened, she wouldn’t torture Dante with unanswered questions and said he was happier not knowing. She then asked Chase to keep the secret and not tell Dante anything.
Sasha told Jason she went to a checkup and that the baby was okay, but Michael wasn't. Sasha said Willow had lost her mind and thought she was a wonderful mother by moving in with Drew while Michael was still recovering from life-threatening burns.
Jason agreed and said Drew really did a number on Willow. Sasha said if Willow found out about Sasha and Michael’s baby, she would remove their kids from Michael’s life for good. Jason told her that they would continue to pretend that he's the father so Willow couldn’t do that. He asked if she would accept his help and she agreed to because of Willow. She then asked if he would be okay not telling Carly that the baby was her grandchild, and he said he hated it but would keep the secret.
Sasha was thankful that Michael agreed to let her raise the baby alone, but she admitted she wished he was there for the sonogram and they could’ve listened to the baby’s heartbeat together. She showed Jason the picture from the sonogram and asked if there was a way to get Michael a copy of it without anyone knowing. He said he would arrange it.
At Laura's apartment, Lulu asked Dante if he would be okay with Rocco coming to live with her and Charlotte. He felt it might have been asking too much for both him and Rocco. She said they would still see each other all the time, but she just felt that Rocco currently needed her.
Dante said the reason they were all living at the Quartermaines was because Sam wanted the kids to be together, and the kids all wanted it too. Lulu pointed out that Scout was living with Drew and Dante said that was because Drew was a selfish jerk.
Dante told Lulu that Rocco‘s life changed while she was away and she said that’s why she wanted to get to know her son again. He felt they could wait a little bit because Rocco had been through a lot. Lulu realized both Dante and Rocco were still grieving Sam, and the two agreed Rocco needed both of his parents.
Lucas woke up in his hotel room and was shocked to see he was only wearing underwear with Marco standing nearby. He didn't recall anything after leaving the bar. Marco said nothing happened except Lucas threw up on both of them.
Marco said they didn’t do anything because Lucas was in no condition to consent, but he explained he didn’t want to leave Lucas alone, so he took a shower and stayed in his room. Lucas told Marco that his symposium was over and he needed to fly back home. The two admitted they were glad they met each other and Marco gave Lucas his phone number before they parted ways.
A panicked Brad called Stella and admitted he told Lucas the truth. She said honesty doesn’t always doesn’t guarantee acceptance, but was proud of him for being honest. Maybe sometime in the future he and Lucas could be friends.
Brad told Stella he believed that he and Lucas could have a future someday. He felt that if Lucas loved him again he’d be a whole new man. She tried to stop him because he got too excited, but it was too late…he hung up. Later, Brad showed up at Lucas’ hotel room door in time to see Marco leaving.
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