General Hospital recap for March 11, 2025: Gloria knows everything about Brook Lynn’s baby

General Hospital
General Hospital's Gloria looking stern. | Image Source: Xfinity

In a hotel in Buenos Aires, Charlotte blamed Anna for Valentin being on the run and in danger. Meanwhile, Sasha told Carly that she decided to continue working at the Quartermaines, turning down the Metro Court offer.

Elsewhere, a dressed-up Portia went to Curtis's office, which used to be Drew’s, and said Drew was probably missing it. Curtis agreed and added that if that’s the case, "Curtis has only himself to blame."

In the police interrogation room, Drew told Tracy that she was there because of her assault on the surveyor. She laughed and said she didn't even touch him. Drew wondered how that would hold up in court and Tracy rebutted that he was despicable and she couldn't believe he was Alan’s offspring. “Sorry to disappoint,” he said. She told him she always missed Alan, but was glad he died so he didn't have to ever meet Drew. Martin told Laura that things were rapidly spinning out of control.

In front of the Quartermaine crypt, Emma commented on the snow and then explained to Gio that they probably didn't need to guard the building. Gio said he was going to stay because he promised Tracy he would. Emma told him she had an idea and left saying she would be right back.

Lulu was surprised to find Dante at Maxie's house. He explained through a series of circumstances that he was the babysitter.

At the Q house, Brook Lynn asked Lois what she didn't tell her about the baby she had. Brook Lynn explained to Lois that she was not only upset that Lois told Martin about the baby but also that she told him it was a son. Then Gloria entered the room and after seeing their faces asked, “What in the Bensonhurst is going on here?”

Meanwhile, Lulu told Dante he was a great father and he told her she was a great mother. Lulu mentioned that she noticed Rocco was somewhat indifferent towards her and Dante said he noticed the same thing. Lulu wondered if it was because she had been so preoccupied with finding Charlotte, and maybe he felt Lulu was choosing his sister over him.

Charlotte blamed Anna for sending the WSB after Valentin. Jason stepped in and asked Anna to give him a minute with Charlotte, where he explained that Anna was the reason Charlotte and Valentin were still alive.

Portia and Curtis mulled over Drew’s transformation from being a good guy to being shady. She felt he should ease up on Drew and Curtis told her if she wanted peace, she would have to talk to Drew.

Laura was upset that Martin had told Drew about part of the Quartermaine crypt being on publicly owned land, and tried to defend himself because it was his job to represent his client.

Chase asked Laura for help dealing with Drew, who accused Tracy and the Quartermaines of being schemers and blackmailers, yet his only crime was that he fell in love. Tracy took affront to that and told him that he blew up Willow's life and broke Monica's heart.

Gloria immediately knew that Brook Lynn and Lois were talking about Brook Lynn's baby, and BLQ was shocked to find this out.

Emma returned to the crypt with a couple of chairs and blankets and couldn't believe how Drew laid into Tracy. Gio said that he's glad he was able to visit his mother's grave and if someone threatened to move her like they're doing to the Quartermaines, he would be in the jail cell with Tracy.

Lois explained when Brook Lynn became pregnant, she turned to Gloria for help and advice navigating a teen pregnancy. BLQ wanted to know why Lois went to Martin with the information and Gloria admitted she told Lois to do that.

Meanwhile, Martin admitted to Laura he didn't plan for Drew to have Tracy arrested and felt bad. He asked why Tracy didn’t just acquiesce to the demands, and what was so important about her name. Laura explained it was her family and Tracy was going to defend her family. Tracy told Drew he didn't deserve to be in the family and should leave Port Charles. He said she could give him tips because she's been kicked out of Port Charles by her family on several occasions.

Sasha told Carly she enjoyed working at the Quartermaines. “Don’t put yourself on the back burner,” was Carly’s advice. Sasha said she was building up her own little nest egg, and Carly told her there was one thing that made her different as far as single mothers go, and that was the baby's father.

Jason explained to Charlotte that when Valentin and she first went on the run, it was because Anna gave him a heads-up. Jason admitted he was the one who wanted to capture Valentin, and told Charlotte that Anna was protecting her because she promised her father. Charlotte then realized the assassins would have killed her that night.

Anna wanted Jason to take Charlotte back to Port Charles and she would take a different route because she thought it was cruel to force Charlotte to have to be near her. He agreed but thought she was making a mistake.

Portia encouraged Curtis to be nicer to Drew and not throw his affair in his face. If he was nice to Drew, it could be in his best interest. Curtis said if there was a path to peace he would be okay with it as long as the terms were agreeable. Jordan came in and told Curtis that Drew was officially out of control.

Drew told Tracy he was going to get his way no matter what and Tracy would be the one on the outside looking in. Laura later told Drew to drop the charges against Tracy, because if he didn't, it wouldn't bode well for him politically or otherwise.

Gio admitted to Emma that he really liked Tracy because she always said what was on her mind, even if you didn't want to hear it. Emma had to leave and told Gio she would take him camping one day. He wasn’t too keen on that idea.

Brook Lynn told Gloria and Lois that she felt the closed adoption was necessary when she had the baby, but now she wanted to know who her child was.

Carly reassured Sasha that Jason would never tell her how to be a mother but would always be there for her in a heartbeat. Sasha understood what a great gift Jason was and that he was very understanding.

Jordan told Curtis and Portia that Drew wasn't doing his job. He was just throwing his power around for his own self-interest. She hinted to Curtis that maybe he could use his media company to do something about Drew. Meanwhile, Drew agreed to let Tracy go home and said he would talk to the surveyor about dropping the charges…but everything was far from over.

Gloria told Brook Lynn she knew the family that adopted her baby, but never spoke to them ever since they signed the closed adoption. Brook Lynn tearfully wondered if that was going to be the only child she would ever have. Gloria told her to let it go, and Brook Lynn walked away. When she was out of the room, Lois told her mother she couldn't do it anymore and that Brook Lynn needed to know that Gio was her son.

Jason explained to Anna that separating herself from Charlotte was not a good idea because Charlotte needed to see her as an adult who makes mistakes and then makes up for them. She also needed to follow through with her promise to Valentin to take care of Charlotte. When she said she didn't think she could do it, Jason said he'd never seen her run away before and she shouldn't start now.

Gloria told Lois it was a bad idea to reveal Gio's mother because he worshiped his late adopted mother and she shouldn't take that away from him. Lois counter-argued that the adopted mother was dead. Brook Lynn was alive and well and the two should get to know each other.

Outside the crypt, Gio explained to Brook Lynn what happened with Tracy. She then sat next to him and told him that Gloria was there for a visit, but she wasn't too happy about it. He said she could trust Gloria, and Brook Lynn knew that, but didn't think she could follow through with what Gloria and Lois were asking of her.

Dante admitted to Lulu that it was a miracle that she was back and his heart skipped a beat every time he saw her. He explained that he didn't take for granted her being there. Lulu was about to tell him something when they heard Bailey Lou crying on the baby monitor and he went to take care of it.

Anna and Jason agreed to guard Charlotte in three-hour shifts to make sure she didn't escape. Back in Port Charles, Sasha promised Carly if she needed any help from the baby's father she won't hesitate to ask. Meanwhile, Curtis ordered his employees to do a big Aurora media push on Drew Quartermaine's abuse of office. However, Drew told Martin he was going to break Tracy.

Laura told Tracy that she was free to go but that Drew probably wouldn't stop. Tracy said she would not allow that grifter to steal her family name and move her parents from their final resting place. “If Drew Cain wants a battle, bring it on,” she said.

After dealing with Bailey Lou, Dante asked Lulu what she was gonna tell him before, and she said she forgot.

At the Qs, Gloria said to Lois if she told Brook Lynn that Gio was her son, she would ruin three lives: Brook Lynn's, Dante's, and Gio's. She asked Lois to think about why she made that decision so many years ago. Lois said it was to protect Brook Lynn and her child, and Gloria said that's what she needed to continue to do.

Brook Lynn told Gio she couldn’t give specifics about what she was upset about and he understood. He told her she was lucky to have her mother and grandmother looking out for her. She asked if he missed his mother and he said he did, so BLQ reminded him that he had a huge family looking out for him. She put her hand on his shoulder as they bonded.

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Edited by Hope Campbell
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