General Hospital Recap for Friday, October 18, 2024: Robert finds out he might be Sasha’s father

Tristan Rogers as Robert Scorpio on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC
Tristan Rogers as Robert Scorpio on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC

Lucky came downstairs and saw Elizabeth in the living room. "Am I in the right apartment?" he quipped. Elizabeth told him Sam was a match and the surgeries had been scheduled. Lucky couldn't believe it was really happening and happily hugged Elizabeth.

Liz and Lucky sat down to talk. He told her that all he could think about for the past few days was how he had let down his little sister. Elizabeth said no one could have predicted this. "Today's a good day, appreciate it," Elizabeth said encouragingly. She told Lucky she was there for another reason.

Elizabeth showed Lucky the baby monitor and said she was there to babysit Ace for a little while. They watched him play, and Lucky asked what Aiden had been like as a toddler. Elizabeth said Aiden loved music. "I can't carry a tune, so he got that musical gene from you," she said warmly.

Elizabeth said she was going to the hospital after the nanny put Ace down for a nap. She suggested Aiden would probably like it if Lucky talked to him about music. Elizabeth offered to give Lucky a ride to the hospital.

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Chase and Brook Lynn talked to Violet in her bedroom and told her they had great news. "Can I visit my dad soon?" Violet asked. Chase explained that she didn't have to visit; Finn was being released from the hospital, and she would live with him.

Chase explained that Finn wanted everything to be perfect, so he went to Seattle, got a new job, and set up a house for them to live in next to a new school. Violet was so excited that she wanted to start packing immediately. Brook Lynn stepped out of the room to cry.

Violet asked Chase if he and Brook Lynn would move to Seattle, but he said they could only visit. Violet said she would miss them but knew they would be okay because they would have a baby of their own soon. She offered to leave her two favorite stuffed animals for their future baby. Chase suggested she take one and leave the other so she would feel at home no matter where she was.

Sam thanked Alexis, Kristina, and Molly for coming over. They were shocked when she told them she was a match to be Lulu's donor and the surgery was happening as soon as possible. Alexis cried and said she was proud of Sam.

Kristina was relieved, as she thought they wanted to talk to her about what happened with Ric. Molly wanted to know what she meant. Kristina explained how she saw Ric and Ava out for dinner and felt they were disrespecting both her and Molly. "I had to say something," Kristina said. No, you never have to say something," Molly said.

Molly wanted to know the details. Kristina said she knocked over a glass, and it broke. Molly yelled at Kristina, accusing her of causing a scene in the restaurant with a room full of witnesses. "Kristina, do you really not understand how you just helped Ava's defense?" Molly barked.

Kristina and Molly argued loudly about the scene Kristina made at the restaurant. Molly worried Ric would use it to prove Kristina was angry and violent. Sam told Molly she was being harsh. Molly asked if Sam was really going to side with Kristina. Sam said she wasn't taking anyone's side, which upset Molly and Kristina. Kristina asked if Sam was turning her back on both of them rather than picking a side.

Sam told them to stop. She said having them argue was the last thing she needed. Alexis agreed and said Sam was always there for Kristina and Molly, but now she needed their support. "Fine, I'll play nice like I'm always expected to," Molly said. Sam said she had had enough. "I have to go drop my kids off at the Quartermaine's and go to the hospital."

After Sam left, Alexis asked if Kristina and Molly were proud of themselves. Alexis said there was no wrong way to grieve, but they found one. She told them they should be helping each other through their grief, but instead, they were choosing to burn the family to the ground.

Laura watched from the hospital room door as Tracy sat with Lulu. When Tracy came into the hall, Laura asked if they could talk. Laura told Tracy that she had never properly thanked her for taking care of Ace when she couldn't. Tracy said it was no problem, but the kid was a terror, and they had to repaint the nursery walls after he left.

Laura said that she would always be grateful to Tracy for being Lulu's stepmother when Laura wasn't around. They noted that Lulu was headstrong, and very much like Luke. "She was selfish, inconsiderate, reckless, and just as glorious," Tracy added.

Tracy wanted Laura to know something. "Caring for your daughter was a privilege, Laura, and nothing less," Tracy said. Tracy said that the entire time Laura was gone, Lulu never gave up hope and knew that her mom would return.

Terry interrupted to talk to Laura about Lulu's surgery. Terry said that there was a potential complication. As Lucky and Elizabeth walked up, Laura asked Terry if they were still planning on doing the transplant.

Felicia was surprised when Holly knocked on her door, looking for Mac. Holly came in, sat down with Felicia and Maxie, and explained that she had kept a painful secret from those she loved. Maxie and Felicia were shocked when Holly revealed that Sasha was her daughter.

Maxie said that Sasha had never mentioned Holly's name, not even once. Holly explained that Sasha wished they weren't related. Felicia said it was obviously a long story, but they deserved to know the truth and wanted to hear it.

Holly explained that she had been in no condition to raise a baby, so her mother offered to, and Holly visited Sasha as often as possible. "Between scams," Maxie clarified. Holly said that her mother raised Sasha, but Holly taught Sasha everything she knew about what she does and how to do it. "She was a natural," Holly added.

Holly told Maxi and Felicia that she had Sasha with her once she was 12 years old and showered her with love and affection. Felicia wanted to know who Sasha's father was, and Holly admitted it was Robert.

Maxie was upset and recalled the DNA tests that Sasha swapped with Mac and Cody. Felicia explained that those tests were yes-or-no answers and didn't show percentages. Holly said the facts were that Robert was the father, so Sasha couldn't be with Cody. Since Sasha wouldn't listen to Holly, she wondered if Mac could talk to Cody. Felicia told Holly she needed to speak to Robert, not Mac.

Holly agreed with Felicia's advice. Once alone, Maxie told Felicia that she had given her a hard time when she wasn't there, but she was lucky to have her. Maxie wondered if Holly and Sasha would find their way back to one another. Felicia said she hoped they would.

Meanwhile, Sasha marched into Robert's office and told him they needed to get something straight. "You are not my father," Sasha declared. She explained to a perplexed Robert that she was Holly's daughter. Holly claimed he was Sasha's father, but Sasha didn't trust her mother.

Sasha said she wanted to prove her mother was lying about her paternity so she could cut her from her life. Robert wondered why Holly would lie about Sasha's paternity. Sasha explained that she was dating Cody and thought her mother was trying to break them up.

"I'm hoping you'll agree to a paternity test," she said. Robert had no problem with that and offered to drop by the hospital by the end of the day. Sasha suggested somewhere else, as Holly was resourceful and could interfere with the tests. Robert called Brennan and arranged for them to go to the WSB lab instead.

Robert told Sasha that Holly's methods may be questionable, but her heart was usually in the right place. "That's what she always says to her marks," Sasha said.

Sasha told Robert that of all the men her mother could have claimed were her father, she was glad that Holly chose him. Robert said it was mutual. "Don't get too attached. The results aren't in yet," Sasha quipped before leaving.

Ned and Lois talked about Finn and Violet moving across the country. "Can you even get a decent bagel in Seattle?" Lois asked. Ned noted that her accent was back. Lois explained that she had only been talking without her accent until she was comfortable and didn't need to practice anymore. She said she would use Miss Finch's proper diction on Home and Heart, but she would have her accent the rest of the time.

Brook Lynn came in crying and said she loved Violet like her own daughter and would miss her. She noted that it would be worse for Chase and that she needed to hold it together until Violet was gone. Chase overheard and said that she didn't need to hold it in, and he felt the same way.

Ned noted they would all have a hard time saying goodbye to Violet. Brook Lynn suddenly gasped and realized they hadn't told Tracy. Brook Lynn called her and asked when she would be back because Violet was going home.

Upstairs, Gio brought in a big suitcase to help Violet pack. He talked to her about the move and her nervousness about changing schools. Lois watched from the doorway as he was encouraging and supportive. "Goodbyes are hard, but you're going to be with your dad. That's the most important thing," Gio said.

Lucas saw Isaiah at the hospital and introduced himself. Lucas thanked him for saving Lulu but said the ventilator should never have failed. Isaiah recounted what happened with Lulu's ventilator. He suggested that someone simply touched something they shouldn't have and turned it off accidentally.

Lucas wondered if it had been done on purpose. Isaiah told Lucas that if they believed someone tampered with the ventilator, they should talk to the police. Lucas agreed but said the cops would want evidence. Isaiah noted that Portia was looking into it.

Sasha was working in the kitchen when Maxie came in. "We're friends, and you know you can tell me anything, right?" Maxie asked. "My mother told you," Sasha said with a sigh.

Holly walked into Robert's office and told him she wanted to discuss something deeply personal with him. She said she was having a hard time finding the words, as it could change everything. "How about 'Robert? You have a daughter,'" Robert suggested.

Next week on General Hospital:

Laura sits with her head in her hands. Standing behind her, Lucky says, “I can make those odds better.”

Lucas walks up to Isaiah and Elizabeth and says, “Just the two people I was looking for.”

Robert asks Holly, “Why did you tell me then we had a daughter?”

Sasha tells Maxie, “I will not let her take Cody away from me!”

Jason says to Sam, “I’ll do exactly what you ask me.”

Watch General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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