What You Missed on General Hospital
Isaiah examined Sonny at his new house. After he finished, Sonny thanked him for being discreet and making house calls. Isaiah warned Sonny to avoid stress. "I called a truce with my daughter's mother, so that's helped," Sonny said. Just then, Kristina and Rocco walked in. Kristina was alarmed to see Isaiah there.
Sonny claimed he was just feeling a little under the weather, but he would be fine. Kristina didn't seem convinced. When Sonny left the room to show Rocco around, Kristina asked Isaiah what was really going on. Isaiah told Kristina to ask her father.
When Rocco and Sonny returned, Kristina asked Isaiah to take Rocco home so she and her dad could talk. Once alone, Kristina insisted on knowing the truth so Sonny confessed that there was something wrong with his heart. He explained that he had to reduce his stress levels. Kristina suddenly realized that's why Sonny had agreed to joint custody of Avery.
Out on the terrace, Rocco told Sonny that it felt weird to be in the house without Charlotte there. Rocco admitted to his grandfather that he got a text from Charlotte, but didn't tell Lulu. However, Danny told Jason so he took off to retrieve Rocco's sister.
In the Q kitchen, Gloria set up a Brooklyn BINGO kit for herself, Lois, and Gio. Yuri was their BINGO emcee and caller. Gio got BINGO first with a four-corner win, beating champion player Gloria. Brook Lynn took Gio's place when he had to leave to meet Emma. Once Gio was gone, Brook Lynn got angry, saying to Gloria, "Are we just supposed to pretend that I didn't just find out that you have known about my baby all along with Dante?"
Gloria claimed Brook Lynn had been avoiding her all day and didn't want to talk about it but Brook Lynn didn't know what to say. "Finding out that you've known about my baby all along kind of knocked the wind out of me," Brook Lynn admitted.
Brook Lynn asked Lois if anyone else knew about the baby. Gloria assured her that she told nobody because she would never betray her trust. Gloria explained that she knew something was on Lois' mind so she got Lois to open up to her about Brook Lynn's pregnancy. "I put it in the vault and I suggest you two do the same," Gloria said.
When Brook Lynn left the room, Gloria had a talk with Lois. "If Brook Lynn is this upset to find out I knew about the baby, imagine how upset she'd be if she found out we knew who the baby is. Brook Lynn could never learn what we did and tonight we learned why," Gloria said.
A still tearful Lulu brought Charlotte home to Laura's place. "Mom, it's okay. I'm really here," Charlotte said to her emotional mother. "I can't believe it. I have been waiting for this for so long. There's so much that I want to tell you but I just wanted to wait till we were alone. I just thank God that you're alive and safe."
"Don't thank God. Thank Papa," Charlotte said. Charlotte explained that Valentin had texted Rocco pretending to be her so someone would come take Charlotte home to Port Charles. Jason and Anna were the ones who arrived, so they had the pleasure of escorting the teen home.
"Rocco's been avoiding me and I couldn't figure out why, but it all makes sense now. I never once gave up hope that you would come home. I just wish it would have been me who came and got you and not Anna and Jason," Lulu said. Charlotte admitted that she was glad Lulu wasn't there because of how dangerous the situation was.
Charlotte confessed that being home felt weird in a good way, but Lulu promised her daughter that it would feel normal soon. "How could it ever feel normal without Papa?" she asked.
Charlotte assured Lulu that Valentin always kept her safe and would bring up Lulu's name in a positive light whenever he could. Charlotte also said she was lonely being away with just her dad, so Lulu decided to remedy that and called Laura home. Laura was thrilled to see her granddaughter. Dante and Rocco arrived next, with Rocco absolutely ecstatic to see his sister.
After Jack checked in on Josslyn by phone, he opened his hotel room door to find Carly standing there. "If I recall correctly, the last time we spoke you said you wanted nothing to do with me. So, may I ask why you're here now," he said. "Fixing a huge mistake," Carly told him, before kissing Jack passionately.
Jack pushed Carly away, but Carly persisted. "I overthought it. It's what I do. I shouldn't have thought the worst about you," she said. Jack didn't like the idea of being at Carly's beck and call just because she changed her mind. Carly promised she wouldn't change her mind again. Jack was hurt because she questioned both his character and his feelings for her.
Carly told Jack that she realized that life was short. "If anything happened to either one of us, I would really regret not exploring what this is...I just got so scared because of how much I was starting to feel for you," she said. Jack pulled Carly in for a kiss and the two made love for the first time. Afterward, Carly learned that Jack sings in the shower, which made her positively giddy.
When Carly went to get their order from room service, she didn't notice Valentin lurking in the halls. He wasn't about to leave Charlotte for good.
Trina and Kai tried to figure out their dating status. Trina didn't count their other outings because she didn't know they were dates. "What would make tonight feel more date-like? Would a kiss help?" Kai asked before moving in for one.
Soon, Ava called to tell Trina that she was locked out of the gallery and needed her to get there with a key. Kai said he was leaving anyway, which surprised Trina. When Trina got to the gallery, she found the distress call was all about a surprise party for her birthday. Stella, Portia, Trina, Kai, Gio, Emma, and Laura were all there, along with Ava. Laura even gave Trina a card that Ace made himself.
Trina and Kai told Emma and Gio all about the new program at the hospital. "I actually met the guy who came up with the idea. He's a congressman," Kai said. "Drew Quartermaine, the guy who slept with his nephew's wife," Emma remarked. Kai claimed to not know anything about Drew's personal life but thought Drew seemed like a good guy.
Soon, it was time for cake and presents — even one from the missing Josslyn. Emma got Trina an art book but it was the same one that Spencer had given her, which caused Trina to become flustered.
After the gifts were opened, Gio approached Emma to talk alone. He was impressed with her and called her "pretty great." He was especially grateful that Emma kept him company outside the Q crypt. "Makes me wonder who the real Emma is," he said. "Yeah, met too," Emma responded.
Elsewhere in the gallery, Curtis filled Stella in on Drew's plans for a press conference with Portia and Jordan by his side, with Aurora covering it. "I really hate helping this guy rehab his image," Curtis said. Stella warned Curtis to pick his battles.
Just a few feet away, Portia thanked Ava for recommending Ric and being there for her through this whole ordeal. Ava pointed out that "it's only a matter of time until Drew's house of cards collapses and one of his many other enemies would take care of him for you." She went over his very long and growing enemies list to prove her point.
Cutis, Stella, and Kai noticed that Trina had disappeared. Kai texted her but Trina had gone home to be alone and look at her art book — and think about Spencer.
Next on General Hospital
Carly is in danger.
Jason and Sonny strategize.
Kai gives Trina a gift.
Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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