General Hospital Recap for Friday, January 7, 2025: Cyrus knows Liz and Lucky are on his trail

Cyrus on General Hospital | Image: ABC
Cyrus on General Hospital | Image: ABC

Lulu met with Laura at Bobbie’s and anxiously told her about her conversation with Brennan about Valentin. Laura assured her she would help find Charlotte. “There may be another path I can follow to find my daughter,” Lulu told her.

Lulu explained that Rocco mentioned that Charlotte liked horse riding, so she followed social media accounts of equestrians and stables that Charlotte might be interested in, hoping to find her that way. Laura liked the idea, but she got a call that Drew was the Cafe Cherie and had to leave to talk to him.

At the hospital, Carly told Lucas that Nina wanted to see her, presumably about working with Nina to break up Drew and Willow. Carly noted that she found Drew’s tie sticking out of the couch and then confronted Drew. Lucas admitted he went after Willow at Christmas, which was also a disaster. He thought it was time they both learned from their mistakes. Lucas and Carly couldn’t stand Drew acting like Willow’s hero, but Lucas suggested they stop making bad situations worse. He surmised that working with Nina would have the opposite result.

At her office, Nina asked for Maxie's advice on how to get Carly to help her break up Drew and Willow. Maxie said Willow was allowed to make her own stupid choices and that she didn’t think Drew would hurt Willow. Nina noted that if Drew had room in his hotel room, he’d probably move Willow and the kids in with him. Maxie admitted that Drew wouldn’t be in a hotel much longer as he was in escrow, and she told him she’d help find a decorator. Nina was astounded.

Maxie pointed out that Drew hadn’t bought furniture yet, so Nina asked her to delay him moving in, but she refused. Maxie didn’t like what they did to Michael but said they were adults who could do what they wanted. Maxie asked if Nina was doing what she thought was best for her daughter or if it was because Willow was with the man that Nina once wanted for herself.

Nina said she had been charmed by Drew, but he brought out the worst in people. Nina admitted she should’ve listened to Maxie’s advice to avoid him. Maxie thought Willow was in love with Drew.

Carly arrived, and Nina told her she wouldn’t blame her for thinking she was a hypocrite. Nina knew she did the same to Carly, bulldozing into her marriage to get Sonny. Nina said she couldn’t go back in time, but she was a mother who loved her child and couldn’t watch Willow destroy her life for a man who wasn’t worthy of her.

Carly admitted she despised Drew and Willow as a couple, but trying to break them up would be risky, and Willow could keep the kids from them. Nina asked Carly how she would feel if Willow and the kids moved in with Drew.

Nina shared with Carly that Drew was in escrow. She assumed there was enough room for Willow and the kids in his new house. Carly agreed that she wouldn’t put it past Drew to invite them. Nina told Carly they could have access to Drew’s new house. She asked Carly to decide if she’ll do whatever it takes to protect their grandchildren.

At the nurse’s station, Willow welcomed Elizabeth back. Portia walked up and told Liz before she started her shift, they needed to talk. In her office, Portia apologized for suspending her and knew that she would never hurt any patient. Liz knew Portia had to follow procedures. Portia noted that Ric fought hard for her, and Liz said she was grateful. She wanted to know the status of the investigation, but Portia didn’t know anything yet as it was in the hands of the police and didn’t know of any suspects.

Liz called Nurse Gail at Turning Woods to thank her for her help. As Gail hung up, Cyrus walked into the hospital. He said he was there to visit Mrs. Brown, but Gail told him he had to talk to Director Ferner before seeing any patients. The director came out and told Cyrus thanks for his work, but he had misrepresented himself regarding Lulu. Cyrus told him he overheard Gail talking to Elizabeth and asked if she had influenced his decision. Director Ferner said that all he knew was that Elizabeth was with Lucky and that they were upset about his access to Lulu. He added that he knew Cyrus was barred from GH as well. Cyrus got upset and said he wanted to know who was spreading lies about him. He asked if it was Liz. “Those patients need me! I refused to abandon them!” Cyrus ranted. Ferner told him that Turning Woods was a private hospital, and he wasn’t allowed in.

In Los Angeles, Sonny and Natalia waited for his appointment. Sonny said he hoped his condition wasn’t serious and wanted to focus on finding out who put the firebomb in his apartment. Sonny just wanted his health issues to stay secret, or his business rivals would come after his family. “That. Can’t. Happen,” Sonny insisted. When the nurse came, Natalia took Sonny’s hand and went with him to see the doctor.

After the appointment, Natalia wondered if Sonny wanted to talk about how the doctor told him he needed a pacemaker and medications. Sonny just wanted to focus on who planted the bomb. He said if he didn’t find out who was responsible, his family wasn’t safe. He would focus on getting better after that. Natalia offered to come with him when he got the pacemaker, noting that the doctor said it had to be done within the next three months. After they left, a man who had heard their conversation got up from the waiting room and followed them out. Jenz’s henchman then took out his phone to make a call.

At the Cafe Cherie, Drew met with Sidwell. Jenz told him that he was drawn to Port Charles because of the Esplanade project. Drew informed him that the plans were held up, so Sidwell queried if Sonny Corinthos had anything to do with the delay.

Drew balked that Sonny had any influence on him. Sidwell asked if Drew had considered Pier 55 as a new location for the Esplanade. He suggested the government could claim the land if Sonny’s coffee shop was illegal and use it to revitalize the city. He added he’d make a large financial commitment if needed.

Laura interrupted Drew and Jenz’s conversation. Drew didn’t realize they knew one another. Sidwell laughed when Laura explained that Sidwell held Lucky captive and nearly killed him in Somalia. Sidwell said his version differed from Lucky’s and threatened a defamation suit if the mayor didn’t stop with her negative public accusations.

Drew told Laura about Jenz’s proposal to relocate the Esplanade to Pier 55. Laura told Drew that if he had a proposal to submit it to her office but noted she didn’t think Sidwell was part of any solution to making Port Charles a better place.

After Laura left, Sidwell got a call so Drew said he had given him a lot to think about and left. Sidwell answered, and his henchman called and told him that he followed Natalila to a cardiologist but it turned out to be Sonny’s appointment.

Jordan went to Anna’s office and asked for a micro-recording device that she could wear. She needed it for Jenz Sidwell and explained how she met him after talking to Laura about how dangerous he was. Anna advised against it, but Jordan wanted to figure out why Sidwell was there.

Anna warned Jordan that she thought Sidwell’s arrival in Port Charles was too close to the firebombing at Sonny’s to be coincidental. Jordan was surprised Anna was going to give her the equipment she needed and her support for her plan.

At the hospital, Lucas gave Willow some work and then told her he needed to say something. He apologized for what he said the last time they saw one another. “I had no right judging your choices or telling you how to live your life,” Lucas said. He added that he would be there for her and the kids if they ever needed him, with no strings attached.

When Willow went back to the nurse’s station, Maxie came in and found her. She wanted to set up a play date for James and Wiley. Maxie said that Nina told her that she’d moved back in with the kids and asked how she was doing. Willow noted that Maxie was the only one who ever asked how she was doing, and that had been pretty lonely. Maxie looked concerned when Willow shared that she was grateful to Nina for giving her a place to stay but thought she should probably look for somewhere with a kid-friendly backyard.

Cyrus came into Bobbie’s and asked Lulu how she was. She told him her family had a restraining order against him, and he was violating it. She warned him to stay away from her. Cyrus insisted their misunderstandings were preventing him from doing his work at Turning Woods, the place where she was alone and he cared for her. “When I woke up, I didn’t hear you caring for me. I heard you talking to the doctors about having me transferred to another state,” Lulu fumed.

Cyrus claimed Lulu was confused because she missed his transformation into the man he is now. Lulu snapped that she had to run away when she was weak and still recovering because she knew she had to get away from him and whatever sick plan he had for her. Cyrus raged that he was devoted to her, and she had no concept of it. “No one has done for you what I have!” Cyrus said angrily. Taken aback, Lulu frantically looked for her phone in her bag. She called Anna’s office and explained that Cyrus was breaking the restraining order, but he had disappeared when she turned around. Lulu ran over to Anna’s office and told her what Cyrus said. She was freaked out and wanted to know what “that lunatic” wanted from her.

At the hospital, Liz asked Lucas if he ever said anything to Portia about Cyrus and he said he did not. Elizabeth noted that it was important that Cyrus didn’t know they were onto him, but Lucas said it was too late, as he already knew. He told her how Josslyn had run into Cyrus at the PCPD and accused him of killing Dex. Liz advised Lucas to keep Joss away from Cyrus. “If he knows he’s cornered, he will only get more dangerous,” Liz said. Behind them at the nurses’ station, Cyrus walked in and saw them talking.

Next Time on General Hospital

Kristina asks Ava where she thinks she’s going.

Josslyn apologizes.

Ric warns Elizabeth.

Martin asks Willow if she really wants the divorce.

Felicia and Cody try to talk to Sasha.

Jason wants to know why Tracy would ever believe Drew.

Carly asks Nina how far she’d be willing to go.

Catch new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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