General Hospital Recap for Friday, February 28, 2025: Sidwell makes moves, Sasha gets an offer, Ric makes a scene

Jenz Sidwell on General Hospital | Image: DGEPress
Jenz Sidwell on General Hospital | Image: DGEPress

Carly was surprised when Olivia came to her office and asked her to help her rescue Sasha from the Quartermaines. She suggested they give Sasha a job at the Metro Court and even comp her a room to make her life easier. Carly liked the idea and agreed to be all in. Olivia had to get to Leo’s school, so Carly offered to talk to Sasha instead. She promised not to talk about the baby with Sasha at all.

At Bobbie’s, Kristina and Sonny said hello to Alexis and Molly on their way to a table. Alexis told Molly that she guessed Jason was behind Cyrus’ disappearance.

Ric and Ava came into Bobbie’s. Ric said hi to Molly, and Ava was instantly uncomfortable seeing Sonny and Kristina. Ava rambled about the custody agreement and thought that Sonny was relieved it was over as well. She thought they were in a good place right now and wanted to prove it by going over to say hello.

Meanwhile, Kristina told Sonny they needed to discuss his living situation. Sonny agreed that the house rebuild was on the backburner, but Kristina told him he needed to prioritize getting a home for Donna and Avery.

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As Kristina and Sonny were talking about Donna and Avery needing their own rooms, Ava approached the table and said good morning. If looks could’ve killed, she’d have been lying on the floor. Ava rambled about enjoying her time with Avery. Kristina coldly told Ava she was happy she could spend time with her daughter in a park, unlike the cemetery where she visits hers. Ava was sorry she still felt that way, which set off Kristina even more. Ric ran over to lecture Kristina about how a court case works, told her to get a therapist, and then relived what happened in Ava’s apartment until Sonny yelled at him to back off.

But Ric didn’t back off; he continued ranting insults until Alexis intervened. Ava joined in, complaining that Kristina had issues, and Ric repeated his advice for a therapist. Kristina told Ric to go to hell. Sonny and Kristina thanked Alexis, and Kristina wanted to get out of there, so she and Sonny did.

Alexis turned around and saw that Molly had left. Ric then laid into Alexis, telling her loudly that Molly left because of her and she probably didn’t even notice. Alexis was sure Molly left so she didn’t need to see him being an ass. Ric hollered after her that she knew better than that. With everyone looking, Alexis grabbed her coat and left. Once alone, Ric lamented that Alexis favored Kristina, and Molly had to trip over herself to get attention from her mother. Ava griped about Alexis controlling her money. Ric suggested there was only one direction to fall when you’re at the top. Ava’s eyes lit up.

Isaiah came to visit Lucky in the hospital. Lucky asked him to get him out of there. Isaiah suggested he wait for his paperwork and it would give him a chance to recover. Lucky admitted he wanted to live, for many reasons, including Elizabeth.

In the Q kitchen, Sasha told Jason that his mother was driving her crazy and she didn’t know how much more she could take. She wasn’t condoning Willow’s actions, but Sasha never wanted to be in her position with the Quartermaines controlling her every move. Sasha said from the day she found out she was pregnant, she wanted to be a single mom. Jason understood but insisted on being supportive and said he would always help financially.

Sasha said she wouldn’t want his money because it would be charity, and it could be taken away at any point. Jason and Sasha recognized they were both people who liked to be in charge, and she wanted her autonomy.

Later, Cody came in for coffee and offered to leave when they saw one another. Sasha was fine with him being there; it was the Q’s she was sick of. Cody apologized again for telling her secret. But Sasha reminded him she’d accepted his apology and they were all good.

Before he left, Cody told Sasha the Quartermaines were crazy, but deep down, they cared. “Sometimes right on the surface,” he added. Sasha agreed but said there was a fine line between caring and controlling, and she refused the latter.

After Sasha left, Molly came to pick up Danny to go to a movie. He hadn’t returned from his friend’s yet, so she was waiting for him. She admitted she was bent out of shape seeing her parents argue. Cody understood how she was trying to manage their feelings by not telling them it hurt her, and he advised Molly that being part of a family meant speaking up so they could tune into her feelings, too.

Molly called Alexis, and Cody encouraged her to tell her mom how she felt always torn in the middle, but she didn’t. Molly told Cody it was a process.

Kristina went to visit Lucky in his hospital room. She thought that Jason knocked him off and was okay with it rather than trusting the system. Lucky said that when you take a situation into your own hands, you’re acting solely on the information that you have. He didn't necessarily agree with it, because that’s what Cyrus did. “Sounds like you haven’t had the system fail you like it did me,” Kristina told him.

Jason went to see Sonny and updated him on his charges in Cyrus’ disappearance and how Drew wouldn’t say he was his alibi. Sonny shrugged it off as Jason was a likely suspect and wanted to talk about the pier. Jason didn’t think Drew would get violent over it, but Sonny thought Sidwell might. Jason noted that the device used to blow up the warehouse differed from the one in Sonny’s apartment. Sonny thought if Sidwell was trying to kill him, he wouldn’t also be going through legal channels. “Anyone who is smart would know you would do that in reverse. And Sidwell doesn’t seem like a stupid guy,” Sonny noted.

Jason agreed, but Sidwell's arrival in town the same day as the explosion was suspect. Sonny didn’t like coincidences, but he said it wasn’t adding up. Jason was uneasy about the trouble they were having securing the suite. Sonny agreed but said that Donna and Avery needed a home, so he was going to make a call he didn’t want to make.

Sidwell was going to meet Jordan at the restaurant but bumped into Natalia in the elevator. He told her she didn’t need to be hostile as he was going to keep the secret that they were once married. When the doors opened, Maxie was surprised to see them together.

After an uncomfortable elevator ride, Sidwell excused himself to get to his breakfast meeting. Natalia asked Maxie if she was also getting SOS messages from Lucy. She did but didn’t know what it was about.

Natalia and Maxie joined Lucy at a table. Lucy announced that the zincite was sold to Enchantment instead. They needed an immediately supplier, and Lucy spotted Sidwell across the room.

At the bar, Sidwell met with Jordan. He asked her how it felt to have Cyrus no longer around. Jordan was relieved from a safety perspective but didn’t agree that someone took matters into their own hands. Jordan told Sidwell that the mayor felt more comfortable keeping the esplanade out of his hands.

Lucy interrupted and invited him to her table to discuss business. Jordan was fine with it as she had another meeting. She offered to talk with Sidwell another time but wished him good luck.

Natalia told Maxie she had done some background checks and thought they would regret it if they did business with Sidwell. Just then, Lucy brought Jenz to the table, who seemed giddy that he’d been told they wanted to do business with him. Maxie and Natalia looked worried.

Sidwell wanted 5% of Deception to make the deal work. Maxie pointed out what Lulu accused him of, but Lucy told her to keep her eyes on the prize. Maxie wasn’t sure Sidwell was a prize.

Across the room, Carly came off the elevator and saw Sasha. Before she could tell her what she and Olivia had talked about, Sasha saw Sidwell talking to Maxie, Natalia, and Lucy. She marched over and asked what they were doing sitting down with that guy. Lucy defended everything Sidwell had been accused of so far and didn’t know why that should stop them from doing business. “He kidnapped me and held me in a room with a bomb in it. This is not a guy you want to be doing business with, trust me!” Sasha told her, and Carly backed her up.

After Sasha and Carly marched off, Sidwell noted there were no charges or pending investigations, or arrests. “So you’re saying they’re lying?” Maxie asked. Lucy was still gung-ho and Natalia reluctantly admitted theiy needed the zincite. Sidwell offered to let them talk privately but noted the offer wouldn’t be on the table for long.

Jordan met with Isaiah and told him about her meeting with Sidwell. He told her that Sidwell was dangerous and if she pushed too hard, he’d get rid of her. He warned her that it wasn’t the easy undercover assignment that she thought.

Isaiah wondered if Jordan was trying to prove something or missed her undercover days. Jordan said if someone wound up dead because of Sidwell, and she could have prevented it, she’d rather take the risk to get him out of the way first. Jordan assured Isaiah she’d still make room for some fun with him.

In Carly’s office, Sasha listened as Carly explained Olivia’s idea to get her a change of scenery by working at Metro Court instead.

On the next General Hospital:

“You take something from me, I take something from you,” Drew tells Curtis.

“There’s something you can help me with,” Sonny tells Lucy.

“Are you saying there could be an ‘us’ again?” Brad asks Lucas.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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