In the Q kitchen, Michael saw Sasha as she was leaving to go to Maxie’s for her first Scorpio Christmas. Michael needed tea for Monica, so Sasha got it for him. When she gave it a sniff, she felt nauseated but covered for it. She asked Michael if Willow was going to let him see the kids for Christmas.
Michael told Sasha that he and Willow planned to have Christmas breakfast at the Metro Court the next day. Sasha sympathized, and he thanked her for being a good friend. Michael said he was going to his mom’s to have Christmas with kids, even if they weren’t his. Sasha started to tell him something but stopped herself.
At the Scorpio's, James anxiously awaited Cody and Sasha’s arrival. Maxie explained (again) that Cody wasn’t coming. “I finally have an uncle. Shouldn’t he be here for Christmas?” James asks Maxie and Felicia.
Felicia went outside and called Sasha. She told her about James’ request and said Mac wasn’t saying anything, but he looked sad. She wondered if she should call Cody and invite him again. “Would that make you uncomfortable?” Felicia asked. Sasha told her it was so fine that she would take care of it herself.
Sasha tricked Cody into coming to the kitchen, claiming there was a leak, but just wanted to talk to him about spending Christmas with the Scorpios. She told him they had to get used to seeing each other at family gatherings. Sasha didn’t know who would be more disappointed that he wasn’t there, but he deserved a family. “So let us in,” Sasha implored.
In the park, Laura made arrangements for the tree lighting. She saw Trina, who was happy for Laura and her family. Laura gushed about how it was the first Christmas in a long time that Lucky and Lulu were both home and shared how Ace was getting so much attention. “Spencer would have loved it,” Trina noted.
Laura told Trina that she was Spencer’s great love, but he would want her to move on and enjoy her life. Trina appreciated her saying that. Laura had to get back to work. As Trina walked away, she ran into Kai.
Kai told Trina that he and the team had volunteered to collect toys and bring them to the park so Santa Claus could hand them out to the kids. He said he was staying in town for the holidays because of football and offered to rehearse with her. Trina told him to focus on the game, and they could rehearse whenever. Kai told her they’d talk in the new year.
Anna bumped into Brennan in the park, and she asked if he was there to steal the kids’ Christmas toys like the Grinch. Brennan claimed to be soaking up the wonder of his first American Christmas — outside of Pentonville. Brennan told Anna he knew that Carly got the listening device from Anna. He suggested they have a drink and commiserate about being alone for the holidays. Anna happily told him she was spending Christmas with loved ones and walked away.
When Anna saw Laura, she found out Lulu was coming to the park. “Does she know about me and Charlotte?” Anna asked. “About the shooting?” Laura confirmed. Laura said that it was an accident and they had all forgiven her. She was sure that Lulu would as well.
Alexis came home to find Kristina waiting outside for her because she didn’t want to risk running into Molly. She told Alexis she was spending Christmas at Sonny’s because, for now, she and Molly couldn’t be in the same room as one another.
Kristina gave Alexis a present. Alexis had one for Kristina but thought she had longer to wrap it. Kristina told her that the way she’d been supportive of her had been the best gift she could ever want. Kristina admitted that she ruined the last time they were all together with Sam by fighting with Molly. Alexis noted that she couldn’t have known what was going to happen, and they weren’t supposed to lose Sam. “We weren’t supposed to lose Adela, either,” Kristina said. She told her mom she was trying to get past it all but wasn’t there yet. Alexis told Kristina she loved her and Molly, and hoped they would be close again one day.
After Kristina left, Diane came by Alexis’ house and asked if she had changed her mind about going to St. Bart’s. Alexis said she couldn’t leave Molly, so Diane suggested bringing her. Alexis wanted to normalize everything, so she thought she’d decorate the house. “But why? I know you. You’ll just take it down in a week,” Diane said. Alexis shared how much she missed Sam, and Diane hugged her.
Diane advised Alexis to grieve Sam; it wasn’t her job to fix the issues between Kristina and Molly. Alexis felt bad that Molly had lost her sister, her partner, her child, and now, her home. Diane hinted that Alexis she didn’t need to muddle through Christmas alone. Alexis balked, but Diane told her to think about it for Molly’s sake. “Have a nice flight,” Alexis said begrudgingly as Diane left for her trip.
Nina came in and found Drew in her place. Nina thought Drew would have the decency not to show up. They argued, and eventually Drew apologized. “My feelings for Willow are strong,” he started to say, but Nina told him she knew too well how strong his feelings were. “On your desk. On your floor. On that couch. In my bed,” Nina seethed. Willow interrupted, and Nina made an excuse to walk away. Willow made Drew a drink as Nina called someone and told them, “I need you here. Now.”
Ava and Ric came right over, and Nina told Ava how she couldn’t believe Drew’s audacity to show up after blowing up Willow’s marriage. Ava confirmed that Nina didn’t say anything in front of Willow. Nina said she wanted to, and she didn’t know how long she could look at Drew’s smarmy face without punching him in his perfect teeth. Nina needed a drink, but Ava stopped her. She told Nina she couldn’t risk getting tipsy and telling Drew what she really thought of him in front of Willow. “This day sucks!” Nina wailed. Ava told her it could still be a memorable Christmas, just not the way she thought. “Now keep it together, woman, and focus! Or you could lose your daughter,” Ava warned.
Ava introduced Ric to Drew and Willow when they came into the room. Willow recognized Ric as Molly’s dad. Ric told Drew that he’d heard the big news at Aurora, but Nina didn’t know what he meant. “You haven’t heard the news? You might have a new boss. Drew’s out. Michael Corinthos is in,” Ric said.
Drew reluctantly explained that Curtis had been responsible for the unfinished document being released and that Michael claimed he’d bought the stock to protect him, but essentially, he stole the company. Nina wondered how Michael was running ELQ and Aurora, so Drew admitted that Curtis was the CEO of Aurora. “Realllllly,” Nina mocked. Ava dragged Nina and Ric to the kitchen. Once alone, Willow noted how Michael hid the video, then exposed it in front of everyone, and now had stolen Drew’s company for revenge. “I’m beginning to feel like I don’t know Michael at all,” Willow said.
Ric and Ava observed Willow and Drew talking across the room. Ava could tell Willow was completely infatuated but wondered if it would change now that their fantasy bumped into reality. Ric said time would tell and reminded Ava that Willow’s whole world had just blown up. “He’s definitely making the most of it,” Ric added.
Ric lamented that Ava had given away their reservation, but she told him they could still celebrate. “At least there’s mistletoe,” Ric noted. Ava said there actually wasn’t any. “Use your imagination,” Ric told her. He moved in for a kiss, but his cell phone rang. It was Alexis, asking to see him. “Is Molly okay?” he asked. “That’s up to you. Can you come over?” she wondered. Ric immediately went to Alexis’ house and asked what he was doing there.
In Nina’s living room, Willow said a toast to Nina in front of Drew and Ava. She thanked her for her support despite all the times she’d pushed her away. Drew watched as they hugged.
Sonny brought a pan of lasagna over to Carly’s. She said Josslyn was upstairs. Sonny assumed that Michael and Willow were on their way over, and Carly realized he didn’t know. She told him that they were separated because Willow and Drew slept together.
Carly told Sonny all about the party and the videotape. Sonny said to mark his words: Drew would pay for what he did. Josslyn came downstairs as Carly had to run out to take care of a donation that hadn’t been picked up, leaving Joss with Sonny.
Sonny told Josslyn he had a lot of regrets about what happened with Dex. “I know you loved him, and he loved you. I wish I had a chance to tell him I’m sorry,” Sonny told her. Joss said she was really hard on Dex for working with Sonny, and she had been very hard on Sonny as well. “Dex accepted you for who you are. And, he helped me see that the world is not so black and white and that nobody is all good or all bad,” Joss told him. She added, “So, for the sake of everyone we have in common, especially the little girls upstairs, peace.” “Peace,” Sonny agreed, and they hugged.
Michael and Kristina came to Carly’s next. When Joss and Kristina went to get cider from the stove, Sonny told Michael he knew about Willow and Drew and asked what he could do. “Turn back time,” Michael said. Sonny advised Michael not to do what he did, noting how he’d used Michael and Morgan against their mother.
Back in Carly’s living room, Kristina and Josslyn talked about Dex, and Kristina’s losses. Michael told Sonny that he stole Aurora from Drew. Sonny laughed, and they clinked glasses. “That’s my boy,” Sonny said proudly.
Meanwhile, Carly rushed over to Bobbie’s and came out carrying a box of food. “It’s a Christmas miracle. Santa got my letter,” Brennan quipped as he walked by. “You’ve spent your entire life on the naughty list, and you know it,” Carly laughed. “Takes one to know one,” Brennan said with a smile.
Carly and Brennan bickered about what happened with bugging his office and him lying about Valentin. Brennan didn’t want a war with Carly. She told him she was taking food to the shelter and offered to make him a sandwich. He said thanks and Merry Christmas, then turned to walk away. Carly called him back.
Back at the Scorpio house, Anna showed up, and Maxie asked about the surprise she’d been alluding to. Anna told her they needed to wait a little longer. Sasha arrived next and quietly told Felicia that she tried, but Cody wasn’t coming. James was disappointed when found out. Mac hugged Sasha but looked sadly at Felicia over her shoulder.
Mac sat with James and assured him that Cody really liked him. James thought Cody liked horses more than people. Mac suggested that the two of them visit Cody and ride together in a few days. Across the room, Sasha told Maxie that her morning sickness was getting to her.
The doorbell rang, and James ran to get it in case it was something that had to do with Anna’s surprise. He opened the door to see Cody there. “Hey buddy,” Cody said to James. He walked inside and told everyone Merry Christmas. Mac’s face lit up.
At Curtis and Portia’s house, Marshall came home for Christmas, and everyone was happy to see him. He sat down with Curtis, Portia, and Stella to catch up. Marshall was thankful that Heather Webber was out of the picture and asked Curtis what was happening at Aurora. Curtis waited for Trina to arrive before announcing that he was the CEO of Aurora Media. He explained that Drew tried to double-cross him and that he and Michael out-maneuvered him.
Everyone had questions for Curtis. He confirmed he and Drew were not friends anymore, and he had a contract signed by Michael. “I can’t wait to see what Tracy has to say about this,” Stella noted before they went to the kitchen. Alone with Curtis, Portia asked if he was okay. He said he knew he deserved the position but hated the method he used to take it. Curtis added that he wouldn’t be sorry when Drew left for D.C.
When the Ashfords said a prayer before dinner, they noted that they missed TJ but knew the hospital needed him. Stella spoke of their hardships during the year, but said they came through it all, and they were blessed. “Before we begin I’d like to give those blessings their due,” Curtis said. He was glad to be Aurora’s CEO, but focused on his dad being on tour with Wynton Marsalis. Curtis next toasted Trina and said they were proud of her for thriving at PCU. He cheered Portia for masterfully running GH and told Stella she was the glue that kept it all together. “We ARE extremely blessed,” he concluded. They held hands and gave thanks.
Carly finally returned home and apologized for being so late. She announced that she had brought an extra guest for dinner. Brennan walked in behind her and went straight over to Sonny. “Mr. Corinthos, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Jack Brennan,” he said with a hand outstretched.
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