Avenger Barbie goes to spy school: General Hospital Two Scoops for the week of February 24

General Hospital
General Hospital's Josslyn Jacks | Image: ABC

Little Josslyn Jacks is going to spy school and will emerge as a WSB agent, which is just the kind of feel-good story we need in 2025. Mini Carly is all grown up and is going to save the world, Avenger-style. So, let's dig in.

Truth, justice, and the Port Charles way

Frantic Josslyn is ready for service | Image: ABC
Frantic Josslyn is ready for service | Image: ABC

Move over Black Widow, we have Blonde Widow coming in for the win. Josslyn already made her first kill when she shot Cyrus Renault point-blank in the chest, and the PCPD is convinced a professional had to be behind it. Little do they know...

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What can we say about Josslyn's new career choice that hasn't already been said right here? Well, a lot. First, did you not want to call Jack Brennan "Tony Stark" this week and just be done? Because right now, that's who he is. That speech he gave Peter Parker...oh wait, we mean Josslyn...about being smart, resourceful, and wanting to save the world was so over-the-top we were convinced he was going to hand her a spider suit next and send her on her way.

As we watched Josslyn grow up before our eyes over the past decade, the last thing we pegged her as was a WSB agent. In fact, it's the last thing we peg her as now because the idea is just so absurd that it's borderline hilarious. Josslyn bumbled her way through the Cyrus mess so badly that Anna nearly had a coronary. Imagine Anna's reaction when she learns Jack recruited her to do a job she used to have.

Since graduating high school, Josslyn has had medical doctor and environmental science aspirations, but now she is going to honor Dex and fight for what's right in the world as a full-fledged super spy. And she'll even be doing it in high heels and hot pink with flowers in her hair because that is our Josslyn. We suppose she showed all the signs when she drop-kicked Nelle on the pier at 14 years old, but we are still dealing with a college student who told a murderer he was the cop's main suspect. Did too much Carly get to Jack's head?

Although this story seems absurd on the surface, it could actually be quite entertaining. Anna is bound to get wind of what's going on and take Joss under her wing. If Emma were to somehow get involved in one of their cases, Jack could find another young undercover college recruit so Anna could taze him again.

Willow's one-woman cult

There's no hope left for poor, perplexed Willow | Image: ABC
There's no hope left for poor, perplexed Willow | Image: ABC

When a panicked Josslyn went running to Anna to tell her that she was sure Jason didn't kill Cyrus, she proved just how not ready she was for her new job. But at least Jason could get himself off with an alibi, right? Wrong!

The look on Jason's face when Drew straight-faced lied to the police and said Jason was not at his house the night before was priceless, but the look on Willow's face was mind-boggling. She was so proud of her precious hero for telling the truth, just like all politicians do. Carly wanted to slap her silly when she pronounced "Drew never lies," proving this was Willow's very first day on Earth.

But wait! It got better. Drew got Willow home, where they discussed the incident. Willow was amazed that Carly would call Drew a liar and wondered if perhaps Carly was okay. So, sure, Willow. Everyone has been warning her about Drew for months. Most of Port Charles now hates him with the fire of a thousand suns, but they are all wrong, and you are the one who is right. That's Cult 101 right there. It makes perfect sense that she uttered these words in the Dawn of Day house where she feels right at home.

Anvils keep falling on our heads...

Gio is Lois' grandson? Really? | Image: ABC
Gio is Lois' grandson? Really? | Image: ABC

As if it wasn't obvious enough for months every time Brook Lynn mentioned having a baby that Gio was hers and Dante's son, Gio now has to be strategically placed into scenes that knock us over the head with this fact.

Gio's eyelashes look just like Dante's? WOW! Sonny is giving Gio cash and is putting him through college? It couldn't be because Sonny knows Gio is his grandson, right? Tracy thinks Gio would make a better Q than Drew? OF COURSE, she does! (She's right, 'cause let's face it, anyone would make a better Q than Drew.)

Let's not get started on Chase's ick idea to turn Finn into Brook Lynn's sperm donor just because he has already proven he could make the perfect specimen of child in Violet. Shouldn't that pitch have sold poor Brook Lynn immediately? We are SO relieved that Brook Lynn put a stop to that nonsense by the next episode because boy, would that have been awkward...

Yay or Nay on 'Jasha'?

Jason and Sasha keep having the same conversation | Image: ABC
Jason and Sasha keep having the same conversation | Image: ABC

The idea of a Jason and Sasha romance seemed appealing at first, but now, we are not so sure. First, she is young enough to be his daughter, considering that he is pretending to be her baby daddy when he already pretended to be the real father's father. That right there is where it starts getting weird when we sit down and think about it.

Jason raised Michael for the first year of his life and has thought of him as a son for decades. Pretending to father Michael's child? Nope. Doesn't work. GH can adjust this story at any time...

The REAL first kiss

Liz couldn't wait to kiss Lucky | Image: ABC
Liz couldn't wait to kiss Lucky | Image: ABC

Lucky and Elizabeth shared their first kiss in more than a decade last week, but that was with Guy Wilson subbing as Lucky, so it didn't really count. This week, Liz planted a wet one right on Jonathan Jackson's lips, meaning it was the real Lucky, so it counted. Hooray!

While we are still not sold on the idea of reviving a high school romance that went seriously wrong during their young adult years, Jackson and Rebecca Herbst still have that old chemistry that has endeared them to legions of fans for years. Lucky even seemed to be all for working within the law as he spoke to a typically deranged Kristina. Might he want to rejoin the PCPD? Perhaps he can join the WSB so he can team up with Little Cousin Josslyn.

Another first kiss

Trina fell into Kai's arms...for a kiss | Image: ABC
Trina fell into Kai's arms...for a kiss | Image: ABC

Trina and Kai kissed for the first time this week and all we can do is hope it makes them a little more interesting. We love Trina. We loved Spencer and Trina. And Kai? Well, he's a nice guy and all...

The problem is their romance feels completely forced and unnatural. After Trina's epic romance with a Cassadine prince that involved a psycho ex-girlfriend, revenge porn, and saving the world from mad science in Greenland, watching Trina and Kai feels like we're watching a Disney teen sitcom. So far, their only angst has been about football and an art project. Yes, Kai now has an injury that can end his prospects as a pro football star. However, we don't really know Kai and think perhaps Trina should have a problem that is driving this story rather than a newcomer who apparently doesn't even have parents who visit him in the hospital. It almost feels like Joss and Dex all over again.

Port Charles odds and ends

Molly seems to actually enjoy being around Cody | Image: ABC
Molly seems to actually enjoy being around Cody | Image: ABC

Okay, we admit it: Molly and Cody are growing on us. While the rooftop adventure was contrived, their talk on Friday was sweet and carefree. Molly had a genuine smile on her face and seemed at ease with Cody. She even seemed...dare we say...laid back? It's what Molly wants, so hopefully, Cody can bring more of that side out — or at least help create that side because Molly normally does not have a laid-back bone in her body.

We stand by our assessment that Tracy and Marty need their own spin-off, but maybe so should Jason. It could be called "PCPD Interrogation Room" and would revolve around all of the ladies in his life visiting to make sure Anna is at least feeding him.

Do we really care that Sidwell, who we hardly know, was married to Natalia, who we also hardly know? If we should, we don't.

Why is Maxie the only person in Port Charles besides Willow who can stomach being around Drew for more than five minutes? Since when were Maxie and Drew ever even friends? Color us confused...

How much longer do we have to listen to Kristina go on and on and on and on and on about "her" daughter and Ava killing "her" daughter? A real soap would have had Kristina come to the horrible realization that she tripped over a duffle bag right when she was on the stand late last year. Instead, this story is dragging on and on and on...

We know Kristina is going to try to kill Ava at some point, so can we please get it over with so we can move on to something new?

Until next week, GH fans, when Josslyn is sure to save the world from Thanos and his Infinity Stones...

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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