Kopacz has a baby girl

Kopacz has a baby girl

Congratulations to Yvonna Kopacz (Mel Bauer) and her fianc Brett Wright on the birth of a healthy baby girl. Lola Athena May Wright was born on August 18th. The baby weigh in at 7 pounds, 3/4 ounces, and measured 20 inches long.

This was the couple's first child.

Kopacz, whose pregnancy was not written into the show, has already begun her maternity leave. The actress made her final on-air appearance on August 26th. Guiding Light will not address the actress' absence nor will the role be recast while Kopacz is on leave. Mel and on-screen husband Rick will be out of town at a rehabilitation center.

Kopacz is expected to return to work in September.

Photo: Dan J Kroll/Soap Central

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