Stone Cold case: Who is Jason really protecting on General Hospital?

Stone Cold case: Who is Jason really protecting on General Hospital?

Jagger has something big to hold over Jason's head on General Hospital, but what could it be and why did it make him stay away for so long?

Jason Morgan is back, and whether you love him or hate him, it seems to be all everyone in Port Charles and the General Hospital fandom can talk about.

While Jason's friends, family, and loved ones easily believed that he was buried under a pile of rubble that apparently turned his body parts invisible because nobody could find him, the audience knew he was alive out there somewhere and would eventually be back.

Through flashbacks, we know that Jason was just fine after the tunnel collapse and barely had a scratch on him. He made his way to the beach and was picked up by the FBI. That's when Agent John Cates, who Jason didn't realize was an old high school frenemy because Jason can't remember high school, said he had leverage against Jason to force Jason to become an undercover informant. It's now assumed that Jason stayed away for two-and-a-half years to protect someone he loves, but who?

The conventional wisdom is that it has to be Sonny. Who else does Jason know who would have a thick file full of illegal activity John can use to force Jason to do whatever he wants? Plus, we all know how devoted Jason has been to Sonny for more than a quarter century now. But that's way too obvious, right?

Next on the list is Carly. Sure, Sonny did his best to keep her hands clean when they were married, but she took over the mob when he was presumed dead in 2021, and it would seem logical that the FBI was looking at her. However, she was also just under federal investigation for insider trading. One would think something about her nine months as a mobster would have floated to the surface. So, who else could it be?

The March 27 episode may have dropped some hints that felt more like anvils. Sam is mad. Sam is very mad. Jason had already missed out on the first few years of Danny's life during his first stint as presumed dead, but he didn't stay away on purpose then.

This time, she feels that is exactly what he did, and she is furious he left her holding the bag to raise their son on her own because he is always chasing danger and never put her and Danny first -- but what if that is exactly what he's been doing?

Yes, Sam is a law-abiding citizen now, but when we first met her, she was a con. She romanced rich men, married them, and then conned them out of their cash. She was mixed up in a lot of shady things, and those things could have traveled with her for years. There are gaps in her past the audience still doesn't know about, and the FBI may have all the information to fill them in.

When Sam read Jason for filth and he sat there as stone cold as ever, trying to never give away the game, it seemed possible that she would one day learn he was doing it all for her and Danny. When the episode ended with Sam telling Danny that his dad could no longer protect him, it felt like she gave us our answer. Jason is protecting Sam and Danny and has been for the last two years. If that's so, we can't wait to find out exactly what Sam did.

Who do you think Jason is protecting? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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Edited by Abdul Rehman Khairdi