Does General Hospital's Jason Morgan have the Pikeman answers Port Charles has been looking for?

Does General Hospital's Jason Morgan have the Pikeman answers Port Charles has been looking for?

General Hospital introduced the Pikeman Group to the canvas in 2022. Are we finally getting some resolution to the story in 2024?

The Pikeman Group. That phrase has been an ominous General Hospital and Port Charles presence ever since Valentin entered Sonny's office one fall day in 2022 and suggested the mobster work with this organization. At the time, viewers assumed they'd know who the Pikeman Group was and who was behind it within a few months. That was not to be the case..

Over the next year and a half, it became clear that GH either didn't have a clear idea what to do with the Pikeman story or that the show decided to change course for some reason midstory. Valentin warned Sonny that they were dangerous, but we didn't realize just how dangerous until Dex told Sonny the group wanted him to traffic the deadliest of military weapons.

However, the story was already murky and inconsistent before that. In February of 2023, Sonny told Dex that the "Pikeman shipment" would be coming "in two weeks," but those two weeks lasted months, as the deal didn't go down until April. That's when Dex both recorded the meeting and informed Sonny what he was really dealing with.

In August, Anna began questioning Valentin about the Pikeman Group, and he finally admitted they were a company contracted with the government to sell weapons and that many of its employees were former WSB agents. Valentin said he had consulted with them but was not working with them.

After that, viewers learned that Cyrus Renault had an interest in Sonny's involvement with Pikeman, but that aspect of the story seemed to be dropped when Sonny tricked Cyrus into believing he was receiving a shipment from them. By December, Pikeman came back into play when it was revealed that the new WSB director Brennan was working with Pikeman.

In the midst of all of that, there was also a brief scene with a mysterious man sitting behind a desk who, though only the back of his head was shown on-screen, fans immediately assumed meant that Lorenzo Alcazar was Pikeman.

At this point, it seemed clear that nobody on-screen seemed to have any idea what Pikeman was, who was behind it, or why there was such an interest in Sonny. But lo and behold, a story had to be written to facilitate Steve Burton and Jason's return now that Disney/ABC dropped its COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The mandate was still in place when the concept of Pikeman was first introduced to the audience, so involving Jason was likely not in the first set of plans.

Now that the Pikeman story seems to have grown an exorbitant number of tentacles with no real rhyme or reason, it looks like Jason's return is being used to explain it all and give GH an off-ramp to a story that's confused us all for ages.

As Jason explained to Michael, he was just fine after the Cassadine tunnel exploded and wasn't buried under the rubble, after all. Instead, he was kidnapped and forced into working as a mercenary for a private military contractor. As soon as Jason said those words, the GH fandom knew it was Pikeman.

However, there was more bombhsell twist. Once alone, Jason flashed back to the man who blackmailed him into taking on a new career -- John "Jagger" Cates. Finally, the Pikeman tale that started so long ago may be coalescing around characters with long-term GH history.

What do you think? What have Jason and Jagger really been up to? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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Edited by Abdul Rehman Khairdi