Is it over for Sona? General Hospital fans have the answer

Is it over for Sona? General Hospital fans have the answer

General Hospital's Sonny and Nina finally had it out over the SEC fiasco, and fans predict their future.

General Hospital fans finally got their wish. Nearly two months after Sonny slammed the door in Nina's face on New Year's Eve, they finally discussed the fact that she ratted out Drew and Carly to the SEC (for a crime they committed) and lied about it for months.

When Nina walked into the Tan-O back in 2021 and chose to not mention that the man calling himself Mike was really Sonny Corinthos, nobody imagined that Sonny and Nina would marry two-and-a-half years later.

However, when they did wed, Sona fans knew they did it with the specter of the SEC secret looming. It was bound to come out eventually, but they held out hope that Sonny would be forgiving...eventually. Too bad it took all this time for the pair to hash it out, with Sonny serving Nina with divorce papers and taking off his wedding ring before even discussing the matter with his wife.

The confrontation ended with Sonny still insisting on divorcing Nina, even telling her that being petty and reckless are unforgivable traits when he married petty and reckless Carly five times. That doesn't mean that Sona fans are giving up hope. In fact, it's quite the contrary.

According to X (formerly known as Twitter) user @WhyNotUs_Cincy, it ain't over till it's over for Sona, and February 27 was not the end.

"Hear me out. What we can take from this abysmally written (on Sonny's side) convo is this... 'Sonny: I NEVER stopped loving you, not for one second. ... I can forgive you ...' Nina: 'You may be willing to walk out on our marriage, but I NEVER will.' We're still in this."

After Sonny told Nina that he could forgive what she did, but he could never forget, another fan posted a clip of Sonny using those same words with Nina after he learned that she neglected to tell him his identity when they were in Nixon Falls.

"Another conversation about being able to forgive but not forget. We all know where that eventually led," wrote @oldsoapfan.

Yet another fan thought that their conversation at the Jerome Gallery was at least a start toward a possible reconciliation down the line.

"They didn't cover some stuff I hoped they would, and most of the conversation was about NF, not the SEC... and I was looking for something a little more hopeful, but happy he said he still loves her, and he can forgive her. Is it enough? No. But it's enough for now," said @TheSilent0n3.

Still, others thought Sonny was being a bit of a hypocrite for accusing Nina of being petty.

"Now Sonny, you have been blocking your wife's calls," wrote @jelevision. "You have no grounds to admonish anyone for being petty."

What do you think? Are Sonny and Nina over for good? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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Edited by Abdul Rehman Khairdi