Rumor: Lights Out for Bailey

Rumor: Lights Out for Bailey

Are you disappointed that Scott Bailey will be leaving the GL cast?
Yes. I think he's a good actor and his character has a lot of potential. 48%
I'm not a Sandy fan and think that ditching the character is a good move. 40%
I like Bailey's work, but I just don't think that Sandy has a place on GL. 9%
I have no opinion about Bailey's exit at this time. 1%
This is just a rumor. I don't think Bailey is leaving the show. 1%
Other 0%

Though no one is saying anything on the record, buzz continues to swirl that little-used actor Scott Bailey (Sandy Foster) will soon be exiting his role on Guiding Light.

As fans of Guiding Light already know, over the past year the show has pared away characters - and consequently actors - that did not fit into the show's current storytelling. The move was designed to slash the show's expenses and help keep television's longest-running serial program from going off the air.

Bailey joined Guiding Light in March 2003 as the voice of a mysterious radio program personality. It wasn't until August 20th - some five months later - that viewers got to see his face. After his initial storyline, however, Bailey's alter ego saw little in the way of screen time.

A spokesperson for Guiding Light did not respond to inquiries about Bailey's status with the show.

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