The coming-of-age drama film, Young Hearts by Anthony Schattemann starring Lou Goussens, Marius De Saeger, and Geert Van Rampelberg has won hearts ever since the movie came by. Along with directing, Anthony Schattemann has also penned the story of the film. However, Young Hearts is set to now release in the United States as well.
Young Hearts marks the directorial debut of Schattemann, who has previously made short films namely Follow Me (2015), Kiss Me Softly (2012), and When I See You (2010). Schattemann's body of work explores themes of human relationships, queerness, and sexuality.
When shall Young Hearts make its release?
Young Hearts is anticipated to be released on 14th February 2025 in the United States, as confirmed by Anthony Schatteman in his interview with Out on Film. Distributed by Films Boutique, the movie made its first worldwide appearance at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival 2024, and it also made its way to the 77th Cannes Film Festival 2024 as well.
What is the plot of Young Hearts?
The plot surrounds a 14-year-old boy named Elias's journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, when he finds himself developing feelings of love for Alexander, a boy from his neighborhood with whom he begins sharing a close bond. Elias begins questioning concepts of love and what it feels like to experience love and fights with his own internalized fears and anxieties about societal judgmental and prejudice. The young boy feels burdened with such heavy turmoils, but it is an instance of heart-to-heart with his Grandfather Fred that acts as a catalyst to Elias's brave step forward in his pursuit of accepting his truth and identity.
Young Hearts is a soft, sensitive, and nuanced film that explores a child's vulnerability, resilience, teenage anxieties, and the complexities that take place inside a person's mind when they defy a norm they themselves are conditioned with. Filmmaker Anthony Schattemann's Young Hearts is influenced by his own personal narratives, and that is what makes the movie feel authentic and unique. Schattemann expresses that he wished to make a movie that connects with audiences of all kinds. He further explains that more than a coming-out or a coming-of-age story, he wished to focus on a romantic tale instead, as Anthony Schattemann states in his interview with Teddy Awards.
People have drawn parallels with Young Hearts to the Oscar-nominated movie Close (2022) by Lukas Dhont, which is also a coming-of-age film on themes of coming out as a teenager, and its conflicts. But the treatment of both the movies is entirely different, as Schattemann's film deals more with themes of romance, as opposed to Close, which focuses more on coming out as a teen and the adversities surrounding it.
What do we know about the cast of Young Hearts?
Along with Lou Goossens as Elias, we have:
- Marius De Saeger as Alexander
- Geert Van Rampelberg as Elias's father Luk
- Emilie De Roo as Elias's mother Nathalie
- Dirk Van Djick as Elias's grandfather Fred
- Saar Rogers as Valerie
- Jul Goossens as Maxime
- Wim Opbrouck as Uncle Tony
- Florence Hebbelynck as Aunt Pia
- Olivier Englebert as Marc
- Olga De Saeger as Ella
- Jill Malfroot as Lukas
- Cassie Alcendor as Lize
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