Inside Out is a popular animated film by Pixar and Disney directed by Kelsey Mann with screenplay written by Meg LeFauve and Dave Holstein. It is the sequel to the popular animated film Inside Out. The sequel was announced by Pixar at the D23 Expo in 2022. The film revolves around a young girl named Riley and her emotions. In the sequel, five new emotions are introduced- Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, Ennui (boredom), and Nostalgia.
The film received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. It was successful at the box office, grossing over $1.699 billion worldwide. It became the highest-grossing film of 2024 and the highest-grossing animated film of all time. The cast of Inside Out 2 includes Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke, Liza Lapira, Tony Hale, Phyllis Smith, etc. Let’s take a look at who voices Riley.
Who voices Riley in Inside Out 2?
Kensington Tallman is the voice of Riley in the film. Kensington Tallman is a young American actress, born on August 6, 2008, in Denver, Colorado. She started her career as a model when she was spotted by a casting director while accompanying her brother to his audition. She started taking acting classes after that. She started her acting career with a minor appearance in the show The Good Cop in 2018.
She has been a part of projects as a voice artist like The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run (2020), Ridley Jones (2023), Bossy Bear (2023), Firebuds (2022-2024), Inside Out 2 (2024), etc. She has also acted in many projects, including That Girl Lay Lay (2021-2024), Home Sweet Rome! (2023), Summer Camp (2024), etc. Home Sweet Rome! was Tallman’s first main lead role for which she took voice lessons.
She is quite active on her social media and has 20.5 K followers on Instagram. She also works with many organizations like Peta, Peta 2, Girl Well, and Happiness Project. She is also a mental health advocate.
Who is Riley?
In the first movie, Riley is 11 years old. She had to leave her life in Minnesota because her family was moving to San Francisco. She was not happy with so many changes taking place in her life. Riley had a difficult time settling into a new place and a new school, and she felt that her father was less caring toward the family now. All of these make Riley fall into depression. As she was depressed, all her happy core memories turned into sad ones as she missed her life in Minnesota. At the end of the first movie, she conveys her feelings to her parents and expresses her feelings and they have an emotional family moment.
In the sequel, Riley is now used to her life in San Francisco. She is part of the Fog Horns hockey team and has made friends with Grace Hsieh and Bree Young. Her coach invites her and her friends to a skills camp. As they reach the camp, Riley tries to fit in with the high school girls. She wanted to make a good impression on her coach as she wanted to be part of her team, the FireHawks. During her time at the camp, Riley started experiencing new emotions like anxiety, envy, and embarrassment. With these emotions taking control of her, she tries to change herself to make herself part of the team. Her growth and acceptance of who she is form the rest of the story.
Also read about: Cast of Inside Out 2
FAQs about Inside Out 2
A. Kensington Tallman is the voice of Riley in Inside Out 2.
A. Maya Hawke is the voice of Anxiety in Inside Out 2.
A. Inside Out 2 was released on June 14, 2024.