Have you ever wondered what vigilantes are like? Means, how they operate, what goes through their mind. It is a huge wonder how these individuals can maintain such a dual purpose in life. Taking up responsibilities that were not bestowed upon them, becoming the silent protector or a beacon of hope for the common people when the time is dark. It is definitely not possible that they have the same emotional traits. Common goals? Yes. But surely not a common mindset. The reason may be different; some choose vigilantism to seek revenge, some to bring justice, and there are those who fight crime just because they are good at it. They were not born like this and had to deal with a lot to perfect their skills and master the emotions that might hold them back. Have you ever wondered which of them had similar tendencies to you? Well, on that note, let’s analyze the diversity of human characteristics offered by different planetary alignments with the characteristics of these fictitious characters. So, here is a list telling you which vigilante you are based on your zodiac sign.
1) Aries - Daredevil

You are a natural leader by birth, so teaming up is not a problem for you, even if you are waiting for criminals to show up in the dark alleys of Hell’s Kitchen. Sure, things don’t always work out for you even though you are giving it all, but you are not ready to give up, as taking risks is another trait. And although you are a vigilante, life is not that dark for you, as you don’t fixate on the past and are by nature caring and generous. Blinded by misfortune but driven by compassion and courage, you are definitely Daredevil.
2)Taurus - Nightwing

Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman, knows you don’t approve of his ways. He knows that you are not the dark brooding personality he wanted you to be. He also knows who to call when his back is against the wall. Yes, you are the reliable one. Your friendship means a lot, and by a lot, it means you’ll give up everything for your friend. You are stubborn, so you don’t always agree with others, but you always stay loyal and caring despite your differences. Also, your practicality gives you an edge. So, if you are a Taurus, you were probably the most trusted sidekick Batman could’ve ever wished for. You are Dick Grayson for friends and Nightwing for foes.
3) Gemini - Moon Knight

You are analytical, you are intuitive, and you can be impulsive at times. So, where does that land you in a universe of vigilantes? Well, right in the hands of Khonshu, the moon god. Your good and full-of-life nature revives you from negativity like Marc Spector was revived from death. Your adaptability allows you to learn at a higher rate than the rest, which means Khonshu won’t be too troubled to brief you about your duties. Your communicative nature gives you skills. Your ability to overcome emotions gives you focus. You are Moon Knight.
4) Cancer - V

Holding a lot of grudges, aren’t you? Your empathy, your care, and your ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes were taken for granted, right? And now you are out for revenge. Dragging your wrongdoers through a tunnel of chaos and confusion, and you are not going to forgive them anytime soon. Well, it’s not your fault if you are a cancer. Your emotions led you to trust others; your trust, as usual, was confused for weakness. So now, all they will get is a viciously volatile vigilante on the verge of vanquishing the vast population, vandalizing the vision with their vanity. You are V.
5) Leo - Ghost Rider

Yes, you are not everyone’s cup of tea, to be honest. You are full of life and charismatic, which means a Harley Davidson will do your personality a good deal of justice. You like to call the shots, and that makes you stand out from the rest. So why not fire up? You don’t need a mask to fight the bad guys; in fact, you want them to know it’s you so they will think about crossing your path at least a hundred times. And although in a dangerous way, you will stay unforgettable for those who will get a full blast of you. So ride to the sunset on your mean machine, Ghost Rider.
6) Virgo - Batman

Ahh, the classy one, also reliable, and let us not avoid your undying thirst for control. Which means you are organized and well-prepared. Now, do we have someone who can relate to you? Yes, absolutely. Who other than the one who instills the fear of darkness in a mind already consumed by darkness? Your nighttime patrols are the reason citizens of Gotham feel a little safer, and the criminals wish they were not born once you are through with them. Of course, you help give them a second chance as well. You are the caped crusader who is called upon when things are out of hand, but mostly, you volunteer. You are Batman.
7) Libra - Spider-Man

You are charming, period. So, no problem making friends. But you just can’t stay alone; that is probably why you are seen web-swinging between the high rises of New York in broad daylight. Sure, your identity is a secret, and you intend to keep it so; no need for unnecessary attention. Overthinking sometimes gets the best of you, but come on, Peter was an overthinker, at least when it came to Mary Jane. So, all in all, you are a friendly person, just like our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
8) Scorpio - Punisher

You are not to be messed with. No, not at all. On the outside, you look tough, ignorant, and devoid of emotions. But you do have feelings, and sometimes it’s overwhelming. You just can’t stand betrayal, and once that happens, you are fueled by the need to seek revenge. You have fangs and talons and the ability to focus on things. Also, you are a fierce lover. So now that we have established your skills, let us figure out who you are. Not being able to move on from the past traumas, you terrorize the underworld with your wrath. You are Frank Castle, A.K.A., Punisher.
9) Sagittarius - Green Arrow

Now who was that guy who preferred a bow and quiver full of arrows over a gun? You guessed right. Oliver Queen. You are bold and adventurous, and following rules is not your strong suit. And look, your symbol is also ‘The Archer’. Your recklessness is looked down upon by many, but deep inside you know you are what you are. Despite your dark secrets, you do not maintain a brooding personality; on the contrary, you are quite charming. So go ahead, point your arrow at criminals on a Starling City rooftop, and send chills down their spines by saying, ‘You have failed the city.’. You are Green Arrow.
10) Capricorn - Rorschach

You are practical and realistic. A high-flying lifestyle is not quite your cup of tea. Instead, you prefer to stay closer to your roots. Discipline allows you to overcome your shortcomings, and intuitive thinking gets you through tricky situations. Your impressive strength of character can reinforce your already brave mind to stand face-to-face with challenges way beyond your capacity. Your ignorance towards social validation allows you to put on a bizarre mask, and your workaholic nature makes you a relentless detective. You are a valued member of The Watchmen; you are Walter Joseph Kovac, you are Rorschach. Just choose your battles wisely, maybe.
11) Aquarius - Jessica Jones

You stay detached because of your analytical nature. An easy, laid-back life does not attract you. You see a problem; you go for the solution, no questions asked. Although your bottled emotions keep you from realizing your full potential, you are already enough to intimidate the ones who need correcting. You are independent in nature and do not prefer being told what to do. To add the cherry on top, you do not use your actual abilities for personal gains. You are Jessica Jones.
12) Pisces - Blade

Yes, you can get hurt easily, but that doesn’t affect you. Your caring nature gives you the ability to push through walls when a loved one is in danger. A mix of strength and empathy fuels your motivation to keep enduring until it is all broken. That is when your true strength sees the daylight and puts your wrongdoers in a darkness they never imagined. You might be looked upon as a weak person, but you don’t bother about showing off your strength. You are the daywalker that rids the world of the darkness. You are Blade.

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