Walt Disney's Tron: Ares is an upcoming science fiction action film that will be a sequel to Tron: Legacy (2010). It will be the third movie in the sci-fi franchise starring Jared Leto, Greta Lee, Jeff Bridges, and Evan Peters.
Joachim Rønning will direct the film along with Jack Thorne working on the screenplay. Initially, Garth Davis was fixed as the man behind the lens but he later stepped down and was replaced by Rønning .
Moreover, unforeseen delays were witnessed due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike but production resumed in January 2024. Tron: Ares will hit the theatres in the United States on October 10, 2025. The official synopsis of the movie reads:
"A highly sophisticated Program, Ares, is sent from the digital world into the real world on a dangerous mission."
When will Tron: Ares be released?
According to the latest updates from Disney's D23 convention, Tron: Ares will be exclusively released in theatres in the United States on October 10, 2025. Filming of the sci-fi sequel began in January 2024 and was wrapped up by May. However, fans are eagerly awaiting the first trailer as there is no official update yet.
What do we know about the story of Tron: Ares?
Director Joachim Rønning has told Deadline about the early development of the threequel. He has said in a statement:
"It’s been fantastic for my next endeavor to be a science fiction movie that takes place inside a computer. It’s my dream as a filmmaker to be able to move between such vastly different stories."
He has confirmed that the movie will have a profuse emotional angle in comparison to the previous parts. He further added:
"Emotions will always be something that I strive for, and this film will be more emotional, something I don’t think the franchise has had as much in previous Tron movies. Both of them are, in many ways, masterpieces, but what I’m trying to do is create an emotional experience so that’s always going to be front and center. I think that that’s something that I managed to do with this film."
As the official synopsis of Tron: Ares goes, Ares is an artificial intelligence program that reaches out to mankind for the first time when it is assigned an important task in the real world. According to reports, it is going to be the first film where a majority of the action sequences will not take place in the digital realm but in the actual world.
Who is in the cast of Tron: Ares?
As per reports, Academy Award-winning actor and musician Jared Leto will play the role of Ares. Original Tron star Jeff Bridges will resume his part as Kevin Flynn and Greta Lee will appear as Eve Kim.
Evan Peters will be seen in the character of Julian Dillinger. Peters has won an Emmy for his performance in Mare Of Eastown. The other cast members include:
- Jodie Turner-Smith
- Cameron Monaghan
- Hasan Minhaj
- Sarah Desjardins
- Arturo Castro
- Gillian Anderson
Stay tuned to Soap Central for more information.
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