Another highly anticipated animated film, Transformers One, is set to arrive this September, taking viewers back to the time when Optimus Prime and Megatron were called Orion Pax and D-16, and were far from being each other's enemies.
Transformers were first introduced to fans as toys and beloved cartoons of the 1980s, and little did anyone know that one day they would transform into a billion-dollar franchise with several acclaimed animated films.
Similarly, Transformers One is the franchise's next big movie focusing on the untold backstory of Optimus Prime and Megatron. To ensure maximum engagement for fans and viewers, the film is packed with A-listers like Chris Hemsworth and his MCU co-star Scarlett Johansson.
Read more to explore everything we know about the upcoming animated film in the Transformers universe.
When does Transformers One come out?
The upcoming film was supposed to be released on July 19, 2024, but the date was pushed back to September. So, Transformers One will come out on September 20, 2024, and will have tough competition with another animated film, The Wild Robot, which will arrive just seven days after Josh Cooley's film.
Is Transformers One a prequel?
Yes, Transformers One is undoubtedly a prequel to the previous Transformers series, as it explores the early days of Optimus Prime and Megatron before the two robots went from friends to foes.
What is the story of Transformers One?
After witnessing the formidable Transformers for years, many might have wondered about the origins of Cybertron and how the two robots chose different sides after being friends for a long time.
If you've been curious about the origin story, Transformers One will provide answers about the Transformers universe fans might be looking for. While speaking at SDCC, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura said:
"The origin story is incredibly rich... You're really going to get to know the robots in a way that nothing has been able to do before. You know Optimus and Megatron so well, but we’re dealing with Orion Pax and D-16."
For years, we've seen the two biggest enemies, Optimus Prime leading the Autobots to save Earth and the ruthless Megatron guiding the Decepticons to take control of the planet. Even though they have similar goals, the paths to achieve them are entirely distinct, which forms the basis of Optimus Prime and Megatron's rivalry.
However, in Transformers One, the story isn't about the biggest rivalry but an incredible brotherhood and camaraderie that was once seen between Orion Pax and D-16 in their universe.
The film will feature how these two intelligent robots drastically influenced the landscape of Cybertron, which hasn't changed much since they turned against each other.
Is Transformers One kid-friendly?
The animated film is crafted with the younger audience in mind, as Transformers One is the first movie in the billion-dollar franchise to break the trend of being PG-13.
The film does have explosive action scenes, but it's safe to watch for kids under 13 years of age, making Transformers One a completely kid-friendly movie. This commendable move will not only attract more viewers but also suggest to the franchise the potential for producing more child-friendly animated films in the future.
Who are the voice actors behind Transformers One?
As previously mentioned, fan-favorite actors Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson have significantly contributed to the animated movie, along with other cast members you can explore in the table below:
Is there a trailer for the Transformers upcoming prequel movie?
Yes, Paramount Pictures has released two trailers for the upcoming film, with the first being introduced by Hemsworth and Henry at the beginning, intensifying the excitement to uncover how Optimus Prime and Megatron lived before gaining their abilities.
Through the trailers, fans can catch a glimpse of the breathtaking visuals and engaging scenes filled with action and intrigue, as the relationship dynamics of the two robots are going to change forever.
Transformers One will be released on September 20, 2024.
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