Pharrell Williams' animated biopic Piece by Piece made its international debut on September 10, 2024, at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). However, the screening took a more serious turn when the animal rights group PETA staged a protest that disrupted the Q&A portion of the evening. The protest centered around Williams' continued ties to Louis Vuitton.
Pharrell Williams currently serves as the brand's Men's Creative Director. The company's use of fur and exotic animal skins was a hot topic at the protest. A PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) demonstrator showed up at the theatre with a sign that read, “Pharrell: Stop Supporting Killing Animals for Fashion.”
Pharell Williams says they're "working on it" when it comes to change
The protester yelled at Pharrell Williams, accusing him that his collection is made of "blood."
“Your Louis Vuitton collection, Pharrell’s collection is made from their blood. Pharrell, stop torturing animals! Ostriches are being hung upside down, electrocuted with their necks slit.”
Williams responded promptly, saying, “You’re right, you’re right, God bless you,” as he walked over to the protester. However, the protesters continued chanting, “Pharrell stop torturing animals,” to which he replied, "Yes, I have." He then encouraged the audience to give the woman a round of applause. Immediately after, the protesters were escorted out of the theatre by security.
Pharrell Williams then acknowledged the incident, saying,
“You know, Rome wasn’t made in a day and sometimes when you have plans to change things and situations you have to get in a position of power and influence where you can change people’s minds and help progression.”
He continued, suggesting that protest may not always be the answer:
“That’s not necessarily the way to do it and sitting in my position, when I have conversations on behalf of organizations like that, unbeknownst to them, they come out here and do themselves a disservice,” he said. “That’s okay, when that change comes everybody in this room will remember that I told you we’re actually working on that. And if she would have just asked me, I would have told her. But instead, she wanted to repeat herself.”
PETA fights back, telling Pharrell Williams "It’s quite easy to be kind"
PETA also used Instagram and X to share their grievances, captioning a post:
“We CRASHED, Pharell’s [‘Piece by Piece’] premiere at [TIFF] to remind the Louis Vuitton men’s creative director that animals suffer for fur & wildlife skins. Do the right thing and switch to faux & vegan alternatives NOW!”
PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said to Variety on September 10, 2024:
“We would be happy to stop disrupting Pharrell’s appearances but despite a lot of lip service, he’s yet to ditch fur and exotic skins. Pharrell can decide in a heartbeat, today, to use his power for good and stop being complicit in cruelty—it’s quite easy to be kind.”
Pharrell Williams assumed the role of Men's Creative Director at Louis Vuitton in February 2023, following the death of Virgil Abloh, the founder of Off-White.
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