Sally Kirkland's friends organized a GoFundMe for the veteran actress, claiming she's in "urgent need" of assistance after a series of health scares, including two "life threatening infections" and fractures in her neck, wrist, and hip."
The fundraiser went live on November 18, explaining Sally's health crisis,
"This past year Sally fractured her four bones in her neck, right wrist and her left hip. While recovering she devloped two separate life-threatening infections. The combination of these injuries and infections have recquired extensive hospitalizations and rehab beyond the 100 days insurance will cover."
As per the fundraiser page, the actress's situation was worsened due to the changes made to SAG-AFTRA's health plan for senior guild members.
"Sally has been more than just a friend" - Sally Kirkland's friends claim
Sally Kirkland's friends - Paige Dylan, Coty Galloway, and Mel England have set up a GoFundMe page amidst her critical medical condition. The page has raised around $8,000 of its $65,000 goal.
While describing Sally's medical condition and her need for professional healthcare, her friends describe her to be a "generous force" in their lives,
"Sally has been more than just a friend - she has been a maternal figure offering encouragement, wisdom and love when it was needed most. For those who know Sally personally, she has been a limitless source of generosity, kindness and unawavering spirit."
The page also noted that while she has friends to look after her in times of need, Sally does not have a "life partner" of children to lean on in times like this.
Sally Kirkland gained recognition for her role in the 1988 movie Anna, which won her an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. She also won the Best Actress Golden Globe Award for her role. Kirkland had been working on-screen since the 1960s and became a prolific character actor by the 1970s. She appeared in small roles in mainstream movies such as The String, Cinderella Liberty, The Way We Were, A Star is Born, and Private Benjamin. She also made an appearance in the series The Ray Bradbury Theater.
The actress was a former member of Andy Warhold's The Factory and was an active member of the New York avant-garde theater in the 1960s. Throughout her 60-year career, Sally has appeared in more than 250 film and television productions, with her most recent one being Sallywood opposite Tyler Steelman and Tom Connolly for writer-director Xaque Gruber.
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