Actress Trina McGee shared a heartbreaking update on her pregnancy journey. She revealed during an interview on the Tamron Hall Show on September 23, 2024, that she had a miscarriage at the age of 54.
It was her first open conversation since she shared her pregnancy news. McGee said she went through significant depression following the miscarriage and found it difficult to get out of bed.
In June 2024, she announced her pregnancy with her fourth child in an Instagram post. Trina McGee reflected in the Tamron Hall Show how difficult it was to accept that her dream of expanding her family did not come to fruition this time. She said:
“I did lose the baby. It wasn't expected. It was closer to the end of the first trimester. We really don't have any real reasons why. I was still so grateful to have the experience of being able to conceive at this age and at this time.”
In a later interview with Entertainment Tonight on June 4, 2024, Trina McGee shared that her pregnancy happened after she travelled to Belize and consulted with some shamans, which led her to seek natural remedies through medicinal herbs. She referred to the baby as a miracle as she was a year into menopause, which was reversed due to the natural remedies.
Trina McGee allegedly explained that she was an athletic person and desired the experience of raising a child with her current husband. McGee has three kids Ramia, 33, and Langston, 29, and Ezra, 25 from her previous marriage with actor Courtland Davis. Fertility specialists reportedly expressed skepticism about how she became pregnant in the first place.
Trina McGee’s husband Marcello Thedford said the loss was hard on them
The actress reflected on how raising children at a young age meant missing out on certain experiences and although that was acceptable, she wanted the opportunity to share her insights with a child and create the amazing person she envisioned. Marcello Thedford, Trina McGee’s husband who also appeared during the show, said:
“It's been hard. You are talking to a man that just a couple of months ago or so was holding her belly every night, talking to the baby. Every single night, I would had a name, I named it Sunny”
Looking back, McGee expressed that she was both excited and shocked when she announced her pregnancy in June. Despite facing criticism for having a child at her age, she also received support from women who aspire to become pregnant later in life and do not want to be limited by the idea of a "geriatric pregnancy."
However, McGee felt uncertain about pursuing another child, considering the possibility of leaving it up to fate. She reflected that part of her didn’t want to experience this situation again and concluded that she and her husband would continue to support each other.
Trina McGee played Angela Moore in the 90s coming-of-age sitcom Boy Meets World. Her other roles include 1990s series like Martin, Family Matters, and The Sinbad Show. Most recently, she appeared in the 2023 film Classmates.
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