Bollywood actor Ishaan Khatter made his Hollywood debut with Netflix's murder mystery series, The Perfect Couple. The 28-year-old opened up to People about working on the show alongside Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman. He raved about her saying:
"She certainly has hypnotizing eyes, which I enjoyed playing off of."
Speaking about Kidman, who plays the groom's mother on the show, he dubbed his first meeting with her as "awe-inspiring," and said that she was "as normal as any other actor on set.” He described her as a "wonderful person," and went on to speak about how the two bonded, saying:
“We had some very interesting things that we could connect on and chat about outside of the narrative of the show."
Ishaan Khatter says working abroad is "radically different," and yet, it is "the same thing"
Ishaan Khatter also spoke about how wonderful the people who worked with him were, claiming that they were all generous and kind professionals. He also added that it was "exciting" for him to venture into the world of Hollywood. According to him, it was "one of the pleasures" of his early career life.
He also spoke to HeyUGuys in September 2024 about the importance of camaraderie in a workspace:
"On a scale of production such as this, you want to be able to hone it all in." He also added that one should "feel like it's simply another day at work so that it would help in focusing on what the scene entails. He further added that only in having "warmth and camaraderie" with colleagues would one achieve this.
He also compared his experiences in Hollywood to what he has "been exposed to before," saying it is "radically different." Yet, according to him, what they do overseas is the same thing.
"We are all storytellers, we are all creators and creative beings and we are all trying to get to the truth of the moment and the crux of the biscuit, so to say. There is a great joy in being able to bring two worlds together. And I am so glad that I had this opportunity.”
The actor, who plays the groom's childhood friend, told Town and Country in September 2024 that it is "unpredictable," and there's so much more to learn. When speaking about his character, Ishaan Khatter said it felt like "walking a tightrope" to play him. He described him as an outsider, which appealed to him in the first place.
"That made it intriguing for me and kept me on my toes, as I hope it does for the audience also.”
The Perfect Couple is an American mystery drama miniseries. It stars Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Eve Hewson, and Ishaan Khatter, among others. It is based on the 2018 novel by Elin Hilderbrand and premiered on September 5, 2024, on Netflix.
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