"Project Runway" is a renowned competition show aired since 2004. It provides new designers with an opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity. The show has enjoyed numerous seasons, and we are now at the dawn of Season 21.
Heidi Klum's Return
Another major news regarding the show is that Heidi Klum has rejoined as the host. She hosted the show from 2004 to 2017 and won an Emmy Award for it. She stated that she feels happy to be back and expressed readiness to discover new talent in fashion.
New Home for the Show
Project Runway Season 21 will air on Freeform. This is a change from past seasons, which were on Bravo and Lifetime. The new season will also be available to stream on Disney+ and Hulu.
What to Expect in Season 21
There will be a total of 10 episodes in the new season. The exact date of airing has not been revealed yet. The showrunners desire to implement a new vision in a bid to find a new audience of fashion enthusiasts.
A Look Back at 'Project Runway'
Since it started, "Project Runway" has helped many designers' careers take off. The show has had different hosts and judges over the years. After Klum left, Karlie Kloss and Christian Siriano took over hosting duties. The show has also moved between different TV channels.
Heidi Klum's return is big news for fans. Her charm has always been a big part of the show's success. With the show moving to a new channel and aiming to attract younger viewers, Season 21 promises to be an exciting mix of old and new.
Stay tuned for more details.