Henry Danger: The Movie is an upcoming superhero comedy flick that packs a punch of entertainment through its recently released trailer. It is based on a Nickelodeon TV series and follows Henry Danger, a superhero who's not a 13-year-old boy anymore as he was in the previous series.
Henry leaves his life in Smallview behind to serve as the city of Dystopia's local hero. While there, he meets Missy Martin, his superfan, who leads him on a surprising adventure.
Now, the new movie adaptation offers a fresh update on this exciting show and sure looks like a lot of fun for the viewers who enjoyed the original. It is supposed to be the last part of this franchise, after the Danger Force series finale.
Jace Norman will reprise his role as the protagonist, Henry Hart (AKA Kid Danger). Besides Norman, a few other cast members will return to their original roles for this movie. It is slated to be released on Nickelodeon and Paramount+ on January 17, 2025.
Joe Menendez has directed this movie based on a screenplay by Jake Farrow and Christopher J. Nowak.
When will Henry Danger: The Movie be released? Details explored
Henry Danger was a beloved comedy series on Nickelodeon, which aired between 2014 and early 2020. Now, the upcoming movie shows Henry's journey as an adult superhero. He encounters his superfan, who turns his life upside down.
According to recent reports, Henry Danger: The Movie will be released on January 17, 2025. It will premiere on Nickelodeon and start streaming on Paramount+, simultaneously at 7 p.m. (ET/PT). So, it will be available to stream for the fans who have loved the original TV series.
What do we know about the plot of Henry Danger: The Movie?
Not much has been revealed about the upcoming Henry Danger project. However, the recently released trailer on the Paramount+ YouTube channel offers a brief synopsis of this project. Here's what it says:
"After meeting Kid Danger superfan Missy Martin and being pulled into a portal that opens alternate realities, Henry and his inexperienced new sidekick must find their way back to Dystopia...or be trapped forever."
Who stars in Henry Danger: The Movie? Cast details revealed
The upcoming Henry Danger: The Movie stars Jace Norman as the central character of Kid Danger / Henry Hart. He will be reprising his role from the original series along with his castmates, Ella Anderson, Michael D. Cohen, and Frankie Grande.
Let's find out what roles the other cast members play in this 2025 movie:
- Ella Anderson as Piper Hart
- Michael D. Cohen as Schwoz
- Frankie Grande as Frankini
- Glee Dango as Missy Martin/Superfan
Henry Danger: The Movie will be available to watch on Paramount+ and Nickelodeon from January 17, 2025.
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