Mission: Impossible is a spy/thriller drama movie franchise that has various installments, from Mission: Impossible in 1996 to its 7th movie Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One. Among this series of movies from the franchise, “Mission Impossible - Fallout” is the 6th movie and it picks up after the 5th movie Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout is directed by Christopher McQuarrie and was released back in 2018. The movie started its production in 2015 and was made with the intention of exploring the inner, deeper side of the protagonist Ethan Hunt. Fallout was a major hit, breaking box office records in the franchise by collecting $791.1 million worldwide, earning its spot as the 8th highest-grossed movie in 2018.
The Main Cast of Mission: Impossible - Fallout
Mission: Impossible had a huge list of cast members including the main cast, to recurring members and teams in the series. Below are the main cast members from Mission: Impossible - Fallout.
Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt
Tom Cruise’s character Ethan Hunt is the main protagonist in the Mission Impossible franchise. The character is shown as a determined IMF agent which is a secret force charged with dealing with global catastrophes and unknown dangers in the world. Ethan’s personality in the movie is shown as a calm, focused person who is highly intelligent, allowing him to navigate complex situations with both precision and adaptability. One of the key characteristics highlighted for Tom’s character is his undying loyalty to his nation and his service which is time and again highlighted in the movies.
Henry Cavill as August Walker
Henry Cavill’s role as August Walker is a new addition to the Mission: Impossible franchise. While Initially the character was shown to be a ruthless operative from the CIA, he turned out to be the main antagonist in the series. In the movie, August is shown to be a highly intimidating, no-nonsense kind of individual who often gets his way done via force making him an unpredictable and dangerous antagonist.
Ving Rhames as Luther Stickell
Ving Rhames reprises his role of Luther Stickell in the Mission: Impossible franchise. He is the trusted partner of Ethan Hunt and is always available for his friends in their time of need. The character is a seasoned agent, who specializes in hacking, surveillance, and field support. Luther is shown to be highly loyal and trustworthy and has never left the team's side even in the worst of situations.
Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn
In Mission Impossible Fallout, Simon Pegg returns in the role of Benji Dunn who is a trusted fellow IMF agent and has great bonds with Luther and Ethan Hunt. Benji is mostly relied on for his technology and fieldwork knowledge along with having a sense of humor and occasional awkwardness. Apart from being sarcastic and humorous, Benji is hard-working and courageous, stepping into any situation to help his teammates.
Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa Faust
Rebecca Ferguson is another recurring actress who has been a part of the Mission: Impossible series as Ilsa Faust who is another MI6 agent. The character is seen as a fiercely independent operative who moves with precision and grace, excelling in combat, espionage, and high-stakes strategy. Her character is shown to have quite a complicated relationship with Ethan Hunt.
Sean Harris as Solomon Lane
Solomon Lane, played by the actor Sean Harris is one of the main antagonists in Mission: Impossible. His characteristics show him to be one the most ruthless characters in the series yet having a soft, calm, almost hypnotic voice that completely contrasts his characteristics and gives quite an unsettling presence in the series. He has a personal grudge against Ethan Hunt and will stop at nothing to cause him pain.
Other characters in Mission: Impossible - Fallout
Apart from the main characters mentioned above, the below table consists of all the other characters in Mission: Impossible - Fallout.
Actor | Character Played |
Angela Bassett | Erika Sloane |
Vanessa Kirby | Alanna Mitsopolis (The White Widow) |
Michelle Monaghan | Julia |
Alec Baldwin | Alan Hunley |
Wes Bentley | Erik |
Frederick Schmidt | Zola |
Liang Yang | Decoy John Lark |
Kristoffer Joner | Nils Delbruuk |
Alix Bénézech | Parisian Policewoman |
Caspar Phillipson | The European |
Wolf Blitzer | Himself (disguise worn by Dunn) |
DJ Harvey | Himself |
FAQ about Mission Impossible Fallout
The role of Ethan Hunt is played by Tom Cruise.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout is directed by Christopher McQuarrie.
Yes, Alanna Mitsopolis is one of the main characters in Mission Impossible 8.