‘Locked’ Review: Anthony Hopkins Terrorizes Bill Skarsgård In An SUV From Hell.

Locked 2025    Source: Youtube/The Avenue Film
Locked 2025 Source: Youtube/The Avenue Film

Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer's opinions.

What would you do if you got trapped in a high-tech SUV from hell, with Anthony Hopkins playing puppet master from afar? Well, that's a question you should ask Bill Skarsgård, as that's exactly what happens to him in the nerve-wracking, claustrophobic thriller Locked, directed by David Yarovesky.

Yarovesky takes a simple premise - a man stuck in a car - and turns it into an epic battle of wits that leaves you gasping for air.

Locked Source: Youtube
Locked Source: Youtube

A thief, a trap, and a commute from hell

Eddie Barrish, portrayed by Skarsgård is a seasoned car thief. He's smooth, he's efficient and he's just enough cocky to think this job will be like any other.

But as soon as he breaks into this particular SUV, his life turns upside down.

The door deadbolt.

The windows won't budge.

The air turns stale.

Locked Source: Youtube
Locked Source: Youtube

And if this wasn't enough to scare someone, through the car's music system, you hear a very familiar, velvety voice cut through the silence—Anthony Hopkins, with those astonishingly eerie calm lines, should be Hannibal Lecter's role model.

What followed was Hopkins' fantastic portrayal of William, a character motivated by his very personal grudge and yet has way too much time on his hands.

His SUV was modified into a fortress of doom, and the would-be escapee Eddie found himself in the world’s most expensive jail.

No keys, no phone, and definitely no way out.

Skarsgård vs. Hopkins: The Ultimate High-Stakes Chess Match

This story is not just a thriller but rather a psychological hammering disguised as a thriller. Hopkins doesn’t just trap Skarsgård; he plays with him. He is nice for one moment, talking to him like a fatherly figure with morals.

The next moment, he is turning the car into either a freezer or a sauna, or, even better, a death trap on a countdown with the oxygen supply running out.

Locked Source: Youtube
Locked Source: Youtube

Skarsgård, meanwhile, is outstanding. His performance is a desperate act with a bit of defiance to the point you would cheer for him even though you are in doubt whether he actually deserves it or not.

His fear is followed by assaulting the dashboard as if it insulted him personally. And through it all, Hopkins coldly controls the situation and stabs with possibly smug, calculated maneuvers in throwing the tongue of his.

Locked Source: Youtube
Locked Source: Youtube

More Than Just a One-time watch

Locked is more of a fresh thriller with an extended Black Mirror episode theme: a small cast, high tension, and a nightmarish dependence on technology, but with an underlying moral dilemma.

William acts as a vigilante who has legitimate reasons for his grudge, but what if he is just a wired-up psychopath with too much Wi-Fi?

Locked Source: Youtube
Locked Source: Youtube

Is Eddie the real victim, or is he simply the thief that William has chosen on a whim? The movie doesn’t give you the answers right away which makes the experience all the more engaging. It causes you to be stuck in that car with Eddie, to get every last bit of his panic, and to question yourself—if this was you, would you make it out alive?

Locked Source: Youtube
Locked Source: Youtube

Final Verdict: Get Ready For The Fun

So, I'm gonna give this film a 9/10 ⭐just because, after watching it, I'm afraid of getting into a car by myself.

Locked is much more than just a thriller; it’s a "slow-burn" psychological torture chamber that keeps the tension up to a crazy level. Skarsgård offers a strong act, while Hopkins once again displays excellent skills, not being too overpowering with controlled menace, and the script keeps you on the edge of your seat without overcomplicating itself.


Do I consider it the most groundbreaking film of the year? Not at all. However, it is 100% effective in making you feel unsafe in your car after watching it.

So, have you watched it yet? Let us know in the comments below.

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Edited by Tanisha Aggarwal
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