How to Train Your Dragon is loosely based on the book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell. The franchise is made up of three feature films and Universal Pictures plans to release a live-action version of the original movie in June 2025. The primary story of the franchise is centered on the antics of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, a teenage Viking, who is the son of Stoick the Vast, the ruler of the Viking island of Berk.
All the dragons in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise
S No. | Dragon | Abilities | Class |
1 | Armorwing | Magnetic body, Whipping tail | Mystery |
2 | Bewilderbeast | Mind controlling, Creating dragon nests out of their self-generated ice, Underwater adaptations | Tidal |
3 | Boneknapper | Bone armor, Thundering roar | Mystery |
4 | Boomback | Heated and steaming eggs | Unspecified |
5 | Bubblegill | Alpha Crystal Immunity | Unspecified |
6 | Bubblehorn | Retractable Spines | Stoker |
7 | Buffalord | Inflating its body to an immense size, Shooting spines from any part of its body, Extremely potent saliva | Mystery |
8 | Catastrophic Quaken | Curling into a boulder, Creating a shockwave | Boulder |
9 | Cavern Crasher | Fitting through small spaces, Producing a special flammable mucus from its back, Burrowing, Immunity to Fireworm's venom | Mystery |
10 | Changewing | Camouflage, Prehensile tail, Hypnosis, Immunity to their own acid | Mystery |
11 | Chaperang | Great strength | Unspecified |
12 | Chillblaster | Cold resistance | Unspecified |
13 | Copyclaw | Voice and fire blast mimicry | Unspecified |
14 | Crimson Goregutter | Blazing antlers, Ear-splitting call | Boulder |
15 | Deadly Nadder | Spine shot, Incredible sense of smell, Enhanced speed, Prehensile tail | Tracker |
16 | Deadly Spinner | Unspecified | Mystery |
17 | Death Song | Siren-like luring song, Immunity to eels, Immunity to their own siren-like luring songs | Mystery |
18 | Deathgripper | Protruding retractable tusks, Plate armor along the back, Venomous stinger sheathed at the tip of the telescopic tail, Jagged pincers | Strike |
19 | Devilish Dervish | Slicing wood with its tail | Sharp |
20 | Divewing | Creating whirlpools | Unspecified |
21 | Dramillion | Mimic fire from other dragons, Sharing fire reserves, Camouflage (Titan Wings only) | Mystery |
22 | Egg Biter | Strong Bite | Sharp |
23 | Eruptodon | Burrowing through the crust of a dormant volcano, Eating extremely large amounts of lava, Stopping and causing volcanic eruptions, Lava-proof skin, Heat-resistant saliva | Boulder |
24 | Evolved Scuttleclaw | High-pitch scream | Sharp |
25 | Fastfin | Fast swimmers, Eel immunity, Slinkwing slime immunity | Tidal |
26 | Fathomfin | Expandable gullet | Tidal |
27 | Fault Ripper | Earthquake generation, Tunnelling, Fire vortex | Boulder |
28 | Featherhide | Camouflage, Sound mimicry | Mystery |
29 | Fire Fury | Heated glow over body, Fireproof scales, Heat resistance | Stoker |
30 | Fireworm | White-hot skin, Queens have venom to reignite the flame of other Stoker Class dragons | Stoker |
31 | Flame Thrower | Resistance to high temperatures | Stoker |
32 | Flame Whipper | Wall climbing, Detachable tail, Stretchable tongue, Uses the tongue to aim its fire, Paralyzing poison stored in its tail | Stoker |
33 | Flightmare | Wing tendrils, Split tail, Translucent wings, Barbells, Ghostlike glow | Mystery |
34 | Flood Fang | Water blasts | Tidal |
35 | Flyhopper | Using their tails as catapults, Climbing | Unspecified |
36 | Foreverhorn | Long life, Wing blasts | Mystery |
37 | Foreverwing | Telepathy, Camouflage, Commanding dragons, Creating calming compounds | Mystery |
38 | Gem Blaster | Unspecified | Mystery |
39 | Gembreaker | Tremendous strength, Heightened sense of smell | Tracker |
40 | Gigantic Grumplumper | Unspecified | Unspecified |
41 | Glass Caster | Echolocation | Tracker |
42 | Gobsucker | Can produce flammable gas from its rear end to aid in taking off, building speed, flying straight, and defense | Stoker |
43 | Golden Dragon | Unspecified | Mystery |
44 | Grapple Grounder | Strangling victims | Boulder |
45 | Green Death | Magma-proof skin | Stoker |
46 | Grim Gnasher | Regenerating and shooting teeth, Immunity to Slitherwing venom | Sharp |
47 | Groncicle | Freezes water around it as it swims, Condenses the water vapor in the clouds | Boulder |
48 | Gronckle | Bump scatter blast, Immunity to dragon root, Creating Gronckle Iron, Rechargeable firepower, Flying backward and in all directions, Hovering and dropping in the air | Boulder |
49 | Hackatoo | Cuts through trees with its sharp snout | Sharp |
50 | Hideous Heatwing | High shot limit, Cold Resistance | Unspecified |
51 | Hideous Zippleback | Flaming ouroboros, Transmitting brains | Mystery |
52 | Hobblegrunt | Color changing skin based on mood, Detecting frill, Altering other dragons' mood by changing its color, Predicting the future | Stoker |
53 | Hobglobber | Feeding frenzy, Multiplying, Covering themselves with their own slobber to slip through tight spots | Mystery & Stoker |
54 | Hotburple | Sleep-flying, Immense jaw strength that can bite through Dragon Proof Metal | Boulder |
55 | Jörmungandr | Tunnelling, Emitting poison gas | Mystery |
56 | Large Shadow Wing | Summoning Small Shadow Wings to attach onto its wings and become its artillery guns | Stoker |
57 | Light Fury | Cloaking via plasma blasts, Camouflage, Stealth flight, Reflective scales, Retractable teeth, Dive-bombing | Strike |
58 | Luminous Krayfin | Swimming Speed, Low-frequency sound waves, Bioluminescence, Creating blinding flashes | Tidal |
59 | Lycanwing | Infectious bite | Unspecified |
60 | Magma Breather | Expels tremendous amounts of lava when agitated | Stoker |
61 | Memorazor | Unspecified | Unspecified |
62 | Mimicore | Using their wings as a form of sign language | Unspecified |
63 | Mist Twister | Mist blast, Combined breath weapon | Tidal |
64 | Moldruffle | Fire coat, Sharp long-range vision, Aerodynamic build, Communication with horns | Stoker |
65 | Monstrous Nightmare | Self-immolation, Wing blast, Jaw expansion, Creating Monstrous Nightmare Gel | Stoker |
66 | Mudraker | Sonic blasts that travel through the water at intense speeds, Echolocation via sound waves, Sharp senses | Tracker |
67 | Night Fury | Dive-bombing, Retractable teeth, Echolocation, Splitting spines for better maneuverability, Blending in with the night sky, Cloaking with electricity | Strike |
68 | Night Terror | Creates massive flocks to appear as a larger dragon to scare off predators | Stoker |
69 | Octofin | Spraying black ink from the sides of its head | Tidal |
70 | Piercing Shriekscale | Unspecified | Unspecified |
71 | Prickleboggle | Healing powers, Defensive skin | Mystery |
72 | Puffertail | Unspecified | Unspecified |
73 | Purple Death | Creating seaquakes | Tidal |
74 | Raincutter | Aerodynamic fins used for flight and offense, Picking up food with its long neck | Sharp |
75 | Razortooth Metalmaw | Eating metal | Unspecified |
76 | Razorwhip | A sharp and telescopic prehensile tail that can be used as a whip, Precise and easily maneuverable in flight, Poisonous tears, Shooting tail barbs, Armor-like Scales | Sharp |
77 | Red Death | Emits homing signal to control other dragons, Magma-proof skin, Vacuum mouth | Stoker |
78 | Relentless Rainbowhorn | Creating rainbows, Retractable Spikes, Glowing horn | Tracker |
79 | Relentless Razorwing | Excellent eyesight, Spine shot, Slicing tail | Tracker |
80 | Roaming Ramblefang | Unspecified | Unspecified |
81 | Rockspitter | Storing and spitting rocks and other objects | Boulder |
82 | Rumblehorn | Tracking, Disaster detecting, Head ramming | Tracker |
83 | Sand Wraith | Buries and blends in with the sand | Tidal |
84 | Sandbuster | Burrowing, Prehensile Tail, Fire Ricochet on Impact | Mystery |
85 | Scauldron | Venomous Teeth, Immunity to the Blue Oleander, Electroreception | Tidal |
86 | Screaming Death | Spine shot, Disorienting shriek, Tunneling, Multiple rounds of fireballs | Unspecified |
87 | Scuttleclaw | Powerful bite, Flammable drool | Sharp |
88 | Sea Gronckle | Strong Swimmer | Unspecified |
89 | Seashocker | Cutting ice with its dorsal blades, Echolocation, Bioluminescence, Electrokinesis | Tidal |
90 | Sentinel | Wing blasts, Remaining motionless for days at a time, Extremely developed senses except for sight, Hibernation | Boulder |
91 | Shellfire | Expelling red algae from gills, Swimming in great depths | Tidal |
92 | Shivertooth | Slices enemies with its sharp scales, Saliva and scales with healing properties | Sharp |
93 | Shockjaw | Unspecified | Tidal |
94 | Shocktail | Producing electrical charges with the tail | Unspecified |
95 | Shovelhelm | Digging with chin, Hammering with head | Boulder |
96 | Silkspanner | Climbing, Weaving webs, Gliding, Poison removing, Immunity to Dragonvine | Mystery |
97 | Silver Phantom | Camouflage above the clouds | Stoker |
98 | Silver-tailed Ironclaw | Unspecified | Unspecified |
99 | Singetail | Eye Movement, Emitting fire from different body parts, Immunity to Sagefruit | Stoker |
100 | Skrill | Electrokinesis, Ice hibernation, Blending in with dark clouds, Riding lightning bolts to achieve supersonic speeds, Singing, Consumption and Immunity to Electric Eels | Strike |
101 | Sky Torcher | Unspecified | Stoker |
102 | Slinkwing | Camouflage, Slime Immunity | Unspecified |
103 | Slippery Slickscale | Unspecified | Unspecified |
104 | Sliquifier | Supersonic swimming speed | Tidal |
105 | Slithersong | Siren-like luring song, Mimicking sounds, Immobilizing its prey, Immunity to eels, Eel Consumption, Blinding, Maddening Sound | Mystery |
106 | Slitherwing | Spilling poison secreted from the skin, Extremely foldable wings, Immunity to a Death Song's amber and siren call | Mystery |
107 | Slobber Smelter | Corrosive saliva | Unspecified |
108 | Small Shadow Wing | Dive-bombing | Stoker |
109 | Smothering Smokebreath | Creating a veil of smoke, Creating nests from metal | Mystery |
110 | Snafflefang | Unspecified | Boulder |
111 | Snaptrapper | Baits victim with a sweet smell, Emitting obnoxious odors | Mystery |
112 | Snifflehide | Acute sense of hearing and smell, Camouflage | Tracker |
113 | Snifflehunch | Sniffing out friends and foes | Tracker |
114 | Snow Wraith | Thermal vision, Adapted to blizzards, Blending in with the snow, Gripping sharp claws and tail spikes on ice, Burrowing through ice | Strike |
115 | Snowtail | Resistance to low temperatures | Stoker |
116 | Songwing | Unspecified | Strike |
117 | Songwing (Rescue Riders) | Hypnotizing song, Refracting wings | Mystery |
118 | Speed Stinger | Paralyzing sting, Incredible night vision, Water Running | Sharp |
119 | Spiderwing | Unspecified | Mystery |
120 | Stinger | Tail stinger | Unspecified |
121 | Stinkwing | Emitting an awful-smelling odor from their bodies | Unspecified |
122 | Stormcutter | Exceptional maneuverability and diving, Flying sideways, Twisting head about 180°, Flammable saliva | Sharp |
123 | Submaripper | Creating whirlpools and tidal waves, Gas bubbles | Tidal & Tracker |
124 | Submaripper (comics) | Creating massive whirlpools to sink ships | Tidal |
125 | Sweet Death | Can create a sweet odor to lure prey, Tunneling | Mystery |
126 | Swiftwing | Incredibly fast fliers, Fireproof scales | Strike |
127 | Sword Stealer | Magnetic skin attracts various types of metals, Fire-type varies depending on the metal | Mystery |
128 | Terrible Terror | Amazing accuracy, Singing | Stoker |
129 | Thornridge | Unspecified | Sharp |
130 | Threadtail | Poisonous skin | Stoker |
131 | Three-Wing Thrasher | Unspecified | Unspecified |
132 | Thunderclaw | Tracking, Stampeding | Tracker |
133 | Thunderdrum | Expelling air from the body to swim, Being nearly deaf makes it immune to the Death Song's call | Tidal |
134 | Thunderpede | Pulverizing boulders | Boulder |
135 | Tide Glider | Healing saliva, Grace, and agility | Tidal |
136 | Timberjack | Wing slice, Fire nova attack, Using its massive wings as shields | Sharp |
137 | Tormentipede | Attaches to host with hind legs, Feeds off host's emotions | Mystery |
138 | Triple Stryke | Unique venom in each stinger, Defense roll, Defensive plates, Prehensile tail | Strike |
139 | Typhoomerang | Flaming cyclone, Flaming corkscrew lunge, Immunity of the Eel Pox, Sparkle Shower, Promoting flower growth after a cyclone, Eating eels to increase shot limit | Stoker |
140 | Vine Tail | Prehensile tail able to grow and extend | Tracker |
141 | Wave Glider | Unspecified | Unspecified |
142 | Whispering Death | Tunneling, Spine shot, Rotating teeth, Vacuum effect, Immunity to dragon nip | Boulder |
143 | Whistling Windwing | Unspecified | Unspecified |
144 | Windgnasher | Tracking | Tracker |
145 | Windstriker | Skydiving | Sharp |
146 | Windwalker | Electrokinesis | Tidal |
147 | Woodchipper | Wood chewing | Sharp |
148 | Woolly Howl | Belly blends in with the white clouds and can withstand blizzards | Strike |
149 | Yetiwing | Resistance to low temperatures | Mystery |
150 | Zoomerang | Extremely high speed, Foldable wing tips | Unspecified |
Also read: Who made How to Train Your Dragon?
FAQs about How to Train Your Dragon
A. Toothless is the main dragon in How to Train Your Dragon.
A. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is his full name.
A. Toothless is the last of the Night Fury species among all dragon species.