Moana is an animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios which was released back in 2016. Set in the fictional Polynesian islands called Motunui, the story follows Moana who is chosen by the ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti, an ancient goddess whose stolen heart has brought imbalance, destroying the world's ecosystems. Noticing this, Moana sets out on a journey, sneaking out without her family's knowledge to find the demigod Maui and return the heart of Te Fiti that she received from her grandmother.
In her voyage with Maui, a shape-shifting demigod who reluctantly agrees to help her return the heart to its rightful place, the two face formidable challenges, including monstrous creatures and challenges in the ocean that help her learn the ways of the seas like her ancestors.
List of Moana voice actors
Here are the voice actors who have brought life to the characters in Moana.
Auliʻi Cravalho as Moana
Moana, the protagonist of the movie, is the daughter of the village chief Tui, and his wife Sina. Chosen by the ocean, Moana takes it upon herself to restore the heart of goddess Te Fiti on her journey across the unknown seas. Actress Auli’i Cravalho has voiced Moana in this movie and reprised the role in the sequel, Moana 2. The actress is recognized for featuring in various projects like Rise (2018), All Together Now (2020), Darby and the Dead (2022), The Power (2023), and Mean Girls: The Musical.
Louise Bush as young Moana
While Moana’s character has been voiced by Auli’i Cravalho throughout the movie, there are backstory moments showing baby Moana who has been voiced by Louise Bush. While she did not have a major role in Moana, Louise is known for featuring in other movies like Beginners Luck, Women and Children, The Cry, and many others.
Dwayne Johnson as Maui
Maui is a legendary character created under the Polynesian lore of the fiction in which Moana is set. The character Maui is a shapeshifting Demigod who, while having a short temper and easily getting annoyed, does have great willpower and strength to move mountains. Maui journeys alongside Moana to give her safe passage towards Te Fiti to restore her heart.
Dwayne Johnson embodies the role of Maui with his charisma and charm. The actor is featured in various movies like Central Intelligence, The Jumanji Franchise, The Fast and Furious franchise, Black Adam, Red Notice, and many more. Dwayne also has a wrestling persona to him, portraying The Rock in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for more than 20 years.
Read more: Is The Rock in Moana 2?
Rachel House as Tala
Tala is Tui's mother and Moana's grandmother. Like Moana, her character shares a passion for the ocean and was the one to encourage Moana on her journey from Motonui to find Maui.
Rachel House voices Tala in Moana. Rachel is a New Zealand actress and director. The actress is featured in various movies like Perfect Creature (2006), Everything We Loved (2014), Soul (2020), The Portable Door (2023), and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024) among many others.
Jemaine Clement as Tamatoa
Tamatoa is a giant, villainous, treasure-hoarding coconut crab from Lalotai, the Realm of Monsters, and is one of the antagonists in the movie. The character is shown to be the mortal enemy of Maui the demigod who had defeated him in one of their earlier bouts. The character is highly fond of shiny and valuable things.
Jemaine Clement voices Tamatoa in the movie and brings the character’s flamboyant nature to life. The actor is also known for working on various other projects like Men in Black 3 (2012), Humor Me (2017), and The Lego Batman Movie (2017) among other movies.
Read more: Who is the crab in Moana?
Other Voice actors in Moana
Temuera Morrison as Tui, Moana’s father
Nicole Scherzinger as Sina, Moana’s mother
Alan Tudyk as Heihei, Moana's pet rooster, and an old villager who wanted to cook Heihei
Oscar Kightley as a fisherman in the village of Motunui
Troy Polamalu as Villager No. 1
- Puanani Cravalho (Auli'i Cravalho's mother) as Villager No 2.
FAQs about Moana
Moana is directed by John Musker and Ron Clements.
Yes, Moana has a sequel released in 2025.
Moana’s screenplay is written by Jared Bush.