Killers of the Flower Moon premiered on October 20, 2023, on Apple TV. The movie earned a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is directed by Martin Scorsese known for his iconic work in films like Shutter Island, Casino, Hugo, and, The Wolf of Wall Street.
Killers of the Flower Moon has a star-studded cast consisting of Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Brendan Fraser, John Lithgow, Tatanka Means, Katherine Willis, and Lily Gladstone to name a few.
The movie revolves around a disturbing injustice committed against the Osage Tribe situated in Ohio, Mississippi.
Killers of the Flower Moon is indeed a true story that unravels the horrific murders experienced by the Osage Tribe, inflicted by white settlers in the Midwest in the 19th century. The story revolves around how the greed for oil turned into a bloodbath costing the lives of indigenous tribal men, women, and children.
It also delves into Osage tribal Mollie Burkhart - the sole survivor of her family, whom she lost to a gruesome murder committed by the settlers. Mollie’s family had amassed great wealth due to the oil business - something the men wanted to acquire at any cost.
Living in the aftermath of several similar murders happening in her town, she finally meets the love of her life Ernest whom she later marries. Sadly, Mollie was blinded by her love for him and was dangerously unaware of who Ernest was - the son of a corrupt diplomat and criminal.
Ernest always had ulterior motives and strictly wanted the headright from Mollie’s family’s business no matter the cost. Killers of the Flower Moon continued to reveal glimpses of the atrocities endured by the Osage Tribe and Mollie’s family.
From unexplained deaths, accidents, and no legal assistance - this bone-chilling true story highlighted the harrowing reality faced by the Osage Tribe.
What is the history of the Osage Tribe from Killers of the Flower Moon?
Historians and Osage Tribe scholars claim the tribe has been in existence since 700 B.C. and has a rich heritage. They primarily occupied the river banks in Mississippi where they formed settlements, staking their claim on the land.
The tribe had fascinating customs and were considered to be fearless. This earned them respect and honor among neighboring tribes. They were also excellent hunters and engaged in fur trading with the French when the modern revolution began.
It was a golden era for the Osage Tribe and consisted of highly intellectual and booming businessmen and women.
However, their glory didn’t last after Meriwether Lewis - an explorer who warned then-President Thomas Jefferson about the power wielded by the Osage Tribe and how they needed to be a force that they could control.
Thus began the cruel twist of fate for the tribe with the issue of “unsettled lands” up for grabs. As if they didn’t already have enough on their plate with tribal wars at hand, they also had to deal with the deadly smallpox virus introduced by foreign visitors and missionaries.
Years later, due to being exploited for oil, the tribe faced tumultuous situations resulting in multitudes of innocent blood being spilled to either acquire individual oil businesses or gain access to the Osage Tribal’s profits via the guardianship program.
This program was set in motion as a means of protection, but sadly, this too proved futile with many taking advantage by mercilessly killing people and blaming it on mysterious circumstances or marriages with ulterior motives like what happened with Mollie Burkhart in Killers of the Flower Moon.
Viewers can find Killers of the Flower Moon on Apple TV to learn more about the horrors faced by the Osage Tribe.
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