Directed by Robert Zemeckis, Here (2024) brings audiences an intriguing take on American history, family life, and the power of place. The drama occurs in a single location, following the story of multiple generations who’ve lived there. Starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, and Kelly Reilly, Here is unique in its storytelling and cinematic approach.
Here is based on Richard McGuire’s 2014 graphic novel of the same name. The novel tells its story within a single room, using creative framing to explore the lives of people across different timelines.
Release details
Here made its debut at the AFI Fest on October 25, 2024. The film will be released in the United States on November 1, 2024, and will be distributed by TriStar Pictures through Sony Pictures Releasing.
The film is directed by Robert Zemeckis, known for his work on Forrest Gump and The Polar Express. Zemeckis teamed up with Eric Roth, his screenwriting partner on Forrest Gump, to adapt Richard McGuire’s graphic novel Here into a screenplay.
Plot summary
The entire movie takes place within the same living room of a single house, spanning generations and historical shifts. Each scene captures pivotal moments in the lives of different families, all of whom call this location home.
What sets Here apart is its commitment to a fixed point of view. The camera stays in the same spot for the entire 104-minute runtime, giving the audience an unchanging perspective of the space as it transforms over time.
The home, built in 1902, serves as the main character in many ways, its walls witnessing the lives of those who inhabit it. From early 20th-century families to the modern era, the house changes hands, each generation adding their memories and experiences to its history.
The film introduces viewers to multiple families who live in the house, each bringing their unique challenges and milestones, from raising children to facing financial hardship. The film captures meaningful moments, like family celebrations, arguments, and even moments of loss. These scenes resonate, making the audience reflect on the timeless nature of human experiences.
Cast details of Here
1) Tom Hanks as Richard Young
Tom Hanks plays Richard, one of the key characters whose life and family story unfolds in this timeless home. Hanks’s portrayal reflects a deep sense of connection to family and place, themes that are central to the film.
2) Robin Wright as Margaret Young
Robin Wright stars as Margaret, Richard’s high school sweetheart and later his wife. Wright’s character embodies resilience and ambition as she dreams of a life beyond the traditional family roles of her time.
Supporting Cast and Characters
The film’s cast also includes:
- Paul Bettany as Al Young, Richard’s father, a man struggling with post-war life.
- Kelly Reilly as Rose, Richard’s mother, who supports her family through hardship.
- Michelle Dockery as Mrs Harter
- Jonathan Aris as Earl Higgins
- Gwilym Lee as John Harter
- Ophelia Lovibond as Stella Beekman
- David Fynn as Leo
- Leslie Zemeckis as Elizabeth Franklin
- Albie Salter as Jimmy
- Lilly Aspell as Bethany
- Nikki Amuka-Bird as Helen Harris
- Mohammed George as Winston
- Daniel Betts as William Franklin
Despite its creative storytelling, Here has received mixed reviews from critics. Some admire Zemeckis’s artistic vision, while others feel the film lacks the emotional depth needed to make its unconventional format work.
As the film releases to a wider audience on November 1, 2024, viewers are curious to see if Zemeckis’s experimental approach will resonate with them. It offers a cinematic experiment that invites viewers to consider the passage of time, the endurance of family ties, and the significance of place.
Through its unique storytelling and technical choices, Here offers a reflective experience, though it may not appeal to everyone. For those willing to explore the subtleties of family history through a fixed lens, the movie presents a one-of-a-kind narrative journey.
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