Christopher Nolan’s adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey will be released on July 17, 2026. This is his first project based on Greek mythology. The film follows Odysseus as he spends ten years trying to return home after the Trojan War. He faces mythical creatures and gods while enduring many challenges along the way.
The story has key characters like Penelope who stays loyal to Odysseus. Telemachus is his determined son. Athena is the goddess who helps guide him on his journey. Odysseus also faces enemies like the Cyclops and Scylla.
The cast includes Matt Damon, Zendaya, Anne Hathaway, Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Lupita Nyong’o, and Charlize Theron. Damon, Pattinson, and Hathaway have worked with Nolan before. Holland, Zendaya, Nyong’o, and Theron are working with him for the first time.
The movie will be filmed using new IMAX technology. Production will happen in different locations around the world. The first set is being built in Aït Ben-Haddou in Morocco, a site known for its striking scenery.
Set construction of Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey
The first look at the set for Christopher Nolan’s The Odyssey shows a large and detailed recreation of ancient Greece in Aït Ben-Haddou, Morocco. This historic site, known for its kasbahs and desert scenery, is being transformed into a mythical world.
Massive stone buildings are being constructed to resemble temples, palaces, and fortress walls. The designs show a commitment to capturing the look of the ancient world while adding the scale expected from a Nolan project.
Workers have been seen building huge columns, archways, and other features that bring Odysseus’s world to life. The rugged cliffs and open desert of the location enhance the scale and atmosphere of the setting. With IMAX cameras confirmed for filming, it’s clear that every part of the set is being crafted to create a visual spectacle.
What is Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey about?
Christopher Nolan’s The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus and his ten-year struggle to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus begins his journey trapped on the island of Ogygia where the nymph Calypso holds him against his will.
In Ithaca, his wife Penelope faces pressure from suitors who believe Odysseus is no longer alive. His son Telemachus sets out to search for any news of his father. The gods argue over his fate until Athena steps in to help him escape from Calypso.
Odysseus faces countless dangers on his journey. He encounters the Cyclops Polyphemus and blinds him to escape. He sails past the Sirens whose songs threaten to destroy his crew. He navigates the Strait of Messina where Scylla and Charybdis try to tear his ship apart.
His intelligence and determination carry him forward but he also makes costly mistakes. Angering Poseidon by harming the Cyclops leads to relentless storms and the loss of his entire crew. Despite these hardships, Odysseus stays focused on returning to Penelope and Telemachus.
The story shows how much his absence costs his family. Penelope fights to protect Ithaca and keep her hope alive. Telemachus grows into a leader while searching for his father. When Odysseus finally returns, he must reclaim his throne and defeat the suitors who have taken over. Nolan’s adaptation will bring this epic tale to life with a focus on both the adventure and the sacrifices behind it.
Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey is expected to be released worldwide on July 17, 2026.
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