Venom: The Last Dance is a superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Venom and is the third and last installment of the Venom trilogy starring Tom Hardy (Eddie Brock). The movie is the fifth one in Spider-Man Universe and will be directed by Kelly Marcel, who did the screenplay for Venom: Let There Be Carnage in 2021.
As the name goes, Tom Hardy's Venom will reportedly be seen appearing on the big screen for one last dance. The movie is set to be theatrically released on October 25, 2024 across the United States. Moreover, the premiere of Venom: The Last Dance was organized at the Regal Time Square Theatre of New York on October 21, 2025.
Alongside Tom Hardy, we will reportedly have Chiwetel Ejiofor, Juno Temple and Peggy Lu joining the cast. The story revolves around Eddie Brock and Venom (the symbiote) who try to outrun their worlds and as the plot unravels, fans will get to see the duo making a decision that can be heavy for both of them.
The ending will reportedly bring down the curtains on 'the last dance' of Eddie and Venom. Here is a look at the official synopsis of Venom: The Last Dance:
"In Venom: The Last Dance, Tom Hardy returns as Venom, one of Marvel's greatest and most complex characters, for the final film in the trilogy. Eddie and Venom are on the run. Hunted by both of their worlds and the net closing in, the duo are forced into a devastating decision that will bring the curtains down on Eddie and Venom's last dance."
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from Venom: The Last Dance. Please be advised.
Is there a mid or post-credits scene in Venom: The Last Dance?
As multiple reports have stated, Venom: The Last Dance has a mid-credits as well as a post-credits scene. In the mid-credits sequence, Andy Serkis' Knull's face is properly revealed for the first time to the audience. He is seen sitting on a throne, not having moved even a bit.
Knull has reportedly addressed the viewers saying things like "will kill your world" and "everyone will burn," quite ironic as he can't get out of his prison chair since the destruction of the codex. As per reports, his appearance is a bit like an alternate version of Morbius.
On the other hand, the post-credits scene teases the audience with Cristo Fernandez's Bartender, whose first reference was as an alternate form in Spider-Man: No Way Home. The character is also shown at the beginning of The Last Dance where Venom is cast back into his own universe.
After escaping from Rex Strickland, he encounters the post-apocalyptic Area 51 base, close to the final act of the movie. The end of the post-credits scene reveals a broken symbiote containment vial and as a cockroach crawls inside it, the sequence ends.
What are the possibilities left behind by the post-credits scene of Venom: The Last Dance?
As the mid-credits scene portrays a sequence of Knull, the questions revolve around the future of the Spider-Man villain. The Last Dance may be the final movie of the trilogy but given what we see in the teasers, Sony Pictures reportedly has some plot to keep the story going.
As per reports, possibilities are multiple. The symbiote story can be kept alive through Dr. Payne (played by June Temple). Moreover, she possesses powers of a speedster. But the story of Knull can also mean continuation of the timeline into Tom Holland's Spider-Man 4, with multiverses and crossovers in play.
Stay tuned to SoapCentral for more information.
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