Based on the 2016 novel of the same name, The Wild Robot is an animated science-fiction film that released in September 2024. The film centers around a robot nicknamed Roz after she crash lands on an uninhabited island and how she attempts to survive while building relationships with the wild animals on the island. It stars Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Mark Hamill, and Stephanie Hsu alongside other stars who lent their voices to the characters. The film was both a commercial and critical success and was even nominated for four Golden Globe awards alongside several other awards.
Cast of the Wild Robot
Lupita Nyong'o as ROZZUM unit 7134 and ROZZUM unit 6262
Lupita Amondi Nyong'o, aka Lupita Nyong'o, is a renowned actress and writer who is best known for her role in Steve McQueen's biopic 12 Years a Slave for which she won an Academy Award. Aside from that, Nyong’o has also starred in the Marvel Universe as Nakia, in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The Jungle Book, and several other films. Not only that, she made her Broadway debut in 2015 and has since starred in two more plays.
Pedro Pascal as Fink
Born on April 2nd, 1975, Pedro Pascal is a Chilean and American actor who made his debut in 1996 with his role in Burning Bridges. In the years since, Pascal has starred in several films but only earned his breakthrough with his role as Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones. Since then, he has appeared in the Star Wars universe, The Last of Us, Kingsman: The Circle, Narcos, and several other big-ticket items.
Kit Connor as Brightbill
Kit Sebastian Connor, known as Kit Connor, is an English actor who rose to fame for his role as Nick Nelson in the Netflix series Heartstopper. He has also appeared in Rocketman, Get Santa, His Dark Materials, and several other films and shows. Connor also made his Broadway debut in 2024, starring as Romeo in Romeo + Juliet.
Catherine O'Hara as Pinktail
Catherine Anne O'Hara is a Canadian-American comedian, actor, and screenwriter who made her acting debut in 1974 with her role on Wayne and Shuster. She is now known for her roles in Schitt’s Creek, Beetlejuice, Home Alone and its sequel, and several other films and television shows. O’Hara has also won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing as well as a Primetime Emmy Award for her role as Moria Rose on Schitt’s Creek alongside other awards.
Bill Nighy as Longneck
William Francis Nighy, better known as Bill Nighy, is a prolific English actor who is well known for his work across television, film, and stage productions. Nighy made his acting debut in 1969 and has since starred in over 50 films, theatre productions, and television shows, winning a British Academy Film Award and a Golden Globe Award. He has been nominated for a Tony Award, an Academy Award, and a Laurence Oliver Award amongst several others.
Stephanie Hsu as Vontra
Born on November 25, 1990, Stephanie Ann Hsu is an American actress who is best known for her dual role in the film Everything Everywhere All at Once. Hsu has also starred in The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, The Path, Girl Code, Blue Eye Samurai, and several other television shows. Hsu also earned an Academy Award nomination for her role in Everything Everywhere All at Once and has won a Screen Actors Guild Award for her role in The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.
Mark Hamill as Thorn
Mark Richard Hamill is an American actor who is world-renowned for his role as Luke Skywalker in George Lucas’s Star Wars universe. Hamill is also recognized for lending his voice as the Joker in various animated DC Comics projects since 1992. He has also starred in several Broadway plays and has had a prolific career as a voice actor, credited with roles across film and television.
Matt Berry as Paddler
Matthew Charles Berry is an English comedian, actor, writer, and musician who has thrived across various comedy roles in various British television shows. That includes the IT Crow, The Mighty Boosh, Snuff Box, What We Do In The Shadows, and Toast of London. Berry also won a BAFTA Award for his role in the Toast of London, which he also co-created.
Ving Rhames as Thunderbolt
Born on May 12th, 1959, Irving Rameses Rhames, better known as Ving Rhames, is best known for his roles in the Mission: Impossible film series and in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction. The American actor graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Julliard and has been a prolific actor since his debut in 1984 with his role in Go Tell It on the Mountain. He has also been nominated for several awards and has won one Golden Globe and one Primetime Emmy for his role in Don King: Only in America.
A. The Wild Robot is a film that appeals to both adults and children alike.
A. While Roz may be a machine, she does use she/her pronouns and takes on the role of a mother over the course of a film.
A. As of 2025, the Wild Robot director, Chris Sanders, has revealed that a sequel is already in development.