20 times actors fought with directors on set 

Still from Groundhog Day (Image via Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers)
Still from Groundhog Day (Image via Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers - YouTube)

2. Val Kilmer and Marlon Brando and Richard Stanley and John Frankenheimer

Still of Marlon Brando (Image via Paramount Pictures)
Still of Marlon Brando (Image via Paramount Pictures)

The sets of The Island of Dr. Moreau were stressful. So much so, that there is even a documentary about the struggles the film encountered during production. First, director Stanley struggled with actor Kilmer, next, when Frankenheimer came as the director, Kilmer and Brando wreaked havoc with their attitude. Both actors, Brando and Kilmer, even got into a fight with each other.

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Edited by Mudeet Arora