20 films with unmatched rewatch value 

Inception (2010) | Image Source: Warner Bros. Pictures
Inception (2010) | Image Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

8) The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) | Image Source: Columbia Pictures
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) | Image Source: Columbia Pictures

This adaptation of Stephen King's novella by Frank Darabont is the kind of filmmaking one should refer to as masterclass storytelling. This film benefits from outstanding acting from Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman as the two unlikely prison buddies in a series of performances full of feeling and heart, making it almost universally an emotional, and hence highly moving experience, each time around. Its meticulous details, from the symbolic use of the Bible to that jaw-dropping twist, repay close re-viewings. It remains a cinematic beacon of resilience and friendship, decades after its creation.

Edited by Sangeeta Mathew
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