20. Dan Aykroyd
The well-known actor and comedian from Ghostbusters, Blues Brothers, and Saturday Night Live has always been candid about his mental health. Speaking about the condition, Dan said:
"I was diagnosed with Tourette's at 12. I had physical tics and nervousness and made grunting noises, and it affected how outgoing I was...So am I, with Asperger's. I can survive with it. It did not get diagnosed until 1980 when my wife convinced me to visit the doctor."
For Dan Aykroyd, things were different. His talents were enhanced by being an AS." "Of course, one of my symptoms was an obsession with ghosts and police," says Dan Aykroyd. Like most artists, he fixates totally on his obsession, taking that to the point of the writing of Ghostbusters.
Edited by pshmueni