20 actors greatest cameos in all of cinema

20 actors greatest cameos in all of cinema | Source: All original Sources
20 actors greatest cameos in all of cinema | Source: Universal Pictures; Netflix; Sony Pictures; New line Cinema

For all the serious themes and explorations of the human experience that films can provide, they are also simply enjoyable. This is why, when a well-known person appears for a light-hearted brief role, you can sense that there is a joyful atmosphere occurring off-camera. But which celebrity appearances are truly the best of all time? Cameos aren’t restricted to just actors; athletes, politicians, musicians, and even other directors can make brief appearances in films. The famous Alfred Hitchcock, for instance, is known for finding inventive ways to include himself in his own films. To celebrate this enjoyable aspect of film culture, we have chosen to list the 20 best cameos in film history.

20) James Franco in Knocked Up (2007)

James Franco in Knocked Up (2007) | Source: Amazon Prime Video
James Franco in Knocked Up (2007) | Source: Amazon Prime Video

James Franco has made a number of brief appearances during his career, ranging from Justin Lin's small-budget mockumentary Finishing the Game to the 2011 action-comedy The Green Hornet. However, in 2007, Franco portrayed himself in a funny scene for the Seth Rogen/Katherine Heigl romantic comedy Knocked Up. Franco shows up on set to participate in an interview about Spider-Man 3 when Heigl's character talks loudly in front of him because of her pregnancy. As if the scene could not capture more of the late 2000s vibe, Franco jokes, "If this is one of those prank shows, I'm not interested," alluding to shows like Punk'd that were incredibly popular back then.

19) Stan Lee in The Princess Diaries 2: A Royal Engagement (2004)

Stan Lee in The Princess Diaries | Source: Walt Disney Pictures
Stan Lee in The Princess Diaries | Source: Walt Disney Pictures

Think about this evidence that The Princess Diaries is set in the Marvel multiverse. The MCU Grand Maestro shows up as an overseas wedding invitee whose sole understanding of English comes from The Three Stooges, creating an awkward (and funny) mix-up when he unintentionally flirts with Julie Andrews' Queen Renaldi. Since The Princess Diaries 2 came out before the huge rise of the MCU and before Lee's numerous well-known roles in those films, his presence here feels strange yet valuable.

18) Tobey Maguire in Tropic Thunder (2008)

Tobey Maguire in Tropic Thunder (2008) | Source: Amazon Prime Video
Tobey Maguire in Tropic Thunder (2008) | Source: Amazon Prime Video

While Tom Cruise's surprise appearance in Tropic Thunder is what many people consider the film's best cameo, it technically isn’t a cameo at all. With an impressive 10 minutes of screen presence and an important role in the plot, Cruise's Les Grossman is truly a supporting character. Therefore, the movie's finest cameo is actually Tobey Maguire. The Spider-Man actor shows up as himself in a mock movie trailer for Satan's Alley, where he gazes flirtatiously at the award-winning "actor" Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.)

17) Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2 (2018)

Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2 (2018) | Source: Apple TV +
Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2 (2018) | Source: Apple TV +

It is a surprise appearance so excellent you won't expect it - truly. Although the Deadpool sequel features a variety of guest stars, including Alan Tudyk, Matt Damon, and nearly everyone from the X-Men movie series, the best surprise among them is certainly Brad Pitt. The well-known actor shows up in a quick glimpse that you might overlook, taking on the part of the unseen (and silent) hero The Vanisher. It is only during the funny death scene involving the whole X-Force that The Vanisher's identity is shown to be Pitt.

16) Quentin Tarantino in Desperado (1995)

Quentin Tarantino in Desperado (1995) | Source: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Quentin Tarantino in Desperado (1995) | Source: Sony Pictures Entertainment

Filmmakers Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez represent one of the most notable and strongest friendships in Hollywood. They have not only worked together before, such as on their 2007 film Grindhouse, but have also assisted each other on set, sometimes earning just one dollar. Looking back to 1995, Rodriguez was still rising in Hollywood when he received the opportunity to direct a big-budget sequel to his 1993 independent hit El Mariachi. Tarantino, who made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival a year earlier with his influential film Pulp Fiction, appears in a small role as a "Pick-Up Guy" who spends a lengthy time sharing a complicated dirty joke with a bartender (Cheech Marin, who also has a notable cameo in the film).

15) Lou Ferrigno in The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Lou Ferrigno in The Incredible Hulk (2008) | Source: Universal Pictures
Lou Ferrigno in The Incredible Hulk (2008) | Source: Universal Pictures

Two Hulks is too much for a single film to handle. However, in 2008, The Incredible Hulk - the first Hulk film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe - featured an encounter between Edward Norton, who plays Bruce Banner/The Hulk, and Lou Ferrigno, the bodybuilding champion known for portraying the Hulk (without computer effects) in the famous TV show. Ferrigno shows up in a brief role as a college campus security officer who is unknowingly bribed by Norton's Bruce Banner with pizza. Even Hulks can’t resist free pizza.

14) Pamela Anderson in Borat (2006)

Pamela Anderson in Borat (2006) | Source: 20th Century Studios
Pamela Anderson in Borat (2006) | Source: 20th Century Studios

While Pamela Anderson plays an important part in the story of Sacha Baron Cohen's popular shockumentary Borat, she does not show up until much later in the film. However, her appearance is truly memorable. After Borat travels all over America looking for the Baywatch star to take as his wife, Kazakhstan's self-declared best journalist finally finds her at a book signing and makes his big move to take her away. Although the movie is filled with a lot of spontaneous humor, Anderson's part was one of the rare scenes in the film that was fully planned, with Anderson willingly joining in on the fun.

13) Martin Scorsese in Taxi Driver (1976)

Martin Scorsese in Taxi Driver (1976) | Source: Columbia Pictures
Martin Scorsese in Taxi Driver (1976) | Source: Columbia Pictures

Alfred Hitchcock popularized the idea of directors appearing in their own films. However, Martin Scorsese's brief appearance in his crime film Taxi Driver is truly unsettling. Midway through the film, Scorsese enters the backseat of the taxi driven by Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), where he tells Travis that his wife is unfaithful after they arrive at her lover's apartment. In a short speech, Scorsese's angry husband admits he plans to kill his wife. The expression on Travis's face reveals everything, and it is remarkable when someone can make Travis seem calm and normal.

12) Jimmy Buffett in Jurassic World (2015)

Jimmy Buffett in Jurassic World (2015) | Source: Universal Pictures
Jimmy Buffett in Jurassic World (2015) | Source: Universal Pictures

In the summer blockbuster Jurassic World from 2015, tropical music icon Jimmy Buffett has a cameo as one of the many visitors at the park who try to escape from vicious pterodactyls after they are released. Staying true to his well-known persona of island fun, the late Buffett is quickly shown avoiding dinosaurs while holding two chilled margaritas, one in each hand. Although it’s unclear if Buffett’s character makes it through the ancient chaos, we can feel reassured that wherever he is, it’s likely 5 o’clock there as well.

11) Matt Damon, Luke Hemsworth, and Sam Neill in Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Matt Damon, Luke Hemsworth, and Sam Neill in Thor: Ragnarok (2017) | Source: Marvel Studios
Matt Damon, Luke Hemsworth, and Sam Neill in Thor: Ragnarok (2017) | Source: Marvel Studios

With the third Thor film, writer and director Taika Waititi realized that not everyone may have watched Thor: The Dark World, which came out in 2013. To fix this and ensure everyone understood the story, Waititi included a very funny scene set at an Asgardian "theater performance" of the last movie's finale. Instead of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, though, Asgard's "performers" are Luke Hemsworth (taking on his brother’s role as Thor), Matt Damon (playing Loki), and Sam Neill as Odin (typically portrayed by Anthony Hopkins).

10) Bruce Willis in Split (2017)

Bruce Willis in Split (2017) | Source: Universal Pictures
Bruce Willis in Split (2017) | Source: Universal Pictures

Willis reprises his character David Dunn from Shyamalan's thoughtful thriller Unbreakable, which came out back in 2000. The brief appearance shows that Split occurs in the same universe as Unbreakable, with characters from both films clashing in the conclusion Glass. However, since a whole generation of viewers had not watched Unbreakable, the cameo caused a great deal of confusion along with enthusiasm from devoted fans of Unbreakable.

9) Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise in 21 Jump Street (2012)

Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise in 21 Jump Street(2012) | Source: Sony Pictures
Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise in 21 Jump Street(2012) | Source: Sony Pictures

The biggest shock of the 2012 action-comedy 21 Jump Street was that it wasn't a restart. It was really a follow-up. The Channing Tatum/Jonah Hill movie links back to the series through its funny appearances by Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise, who quickly return to their roles from the show when their characters reveal themselves as undercover officers (and fellow Jump Street veterans) to conclude a lengthy investigation. At Depp's specific request, his character meets an unexpected end with a shot in the neck.

8) Eminem in Funny People (2009)

Eminem in Funny People (2009) | Source: Universal Pictures
Eminem in Funny People (2009) | Source: Universal Pictures

While Eminem is mostly recognized globally as a rap performer, he is an overlooked actor, having shown his skills in the film 8 Mile. In 2008, Eminem showcased his comedic talent when he appeared as himself in a hilariously funny cameo for Judd Apatow's Funny People. Although the film is a heartfelt drama centered on comedians, Eminem takes the spotlight away from even Adam Sandler when he delivers a curse-filled rant against actor Ray Romano (also appearing as himself) and Seth Rogen. A few years later, Eminem again portrayed himself in another Seth Rogen movie when he disclosed his real orientation in The Interview.

7) Matt Damon in EuroTrip (2004)

Matt Damon in EuroTrip (2004) | Source: DreamWorks Pictures
Matt Damon in EuroTrip (2004) | Source: DreamWorks Pictures

Do not inform Scotty! The start of the R-rated teenage comedy EuroTrip kicks off with an exciting song, "Scotty Doesn’t Know" (created and performed by Lustra) that describes how the main character Scotty (Scott Mechlowicz) has been completely unaware of his girlfriend Fiona's infidelity. To make things worse: The "singer" is portrayed by a shaved-headed, tattooed Matt Damon, who harshly mocks Scotty about how often he has had Fiona in a submissive position.

6) Tom Cruise in Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)

Tom Cruise in Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) | Source: New Line Cinemas
Tom Cruise in Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) | Source: New Line Cinemas

Tom Cruise as Austin Powers? How outrageous! At the start of the third Austin Powers film, Mike Myers' funky spy gets to watch the making of a new film - humorously named Austinpussy - that’s based on his unbelievable life. Leading this movie is Steven Spielberg, who is very eager to take guidance from the man himself. At the same time, dressed up as Austin is none other than Tom Cruise, with Gwyneth Paltrow also appearing as his romantic interest "Dixie Normous."

5) Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Rundown (2003)

Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Rundown (2003) | Source: Universal Pictures
Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Rundown (2003) | Source: Universal Pictures

During his time as governor of California, action star Arnold Schwarzenegger made a brief appearance in The Rundown, the 2003 action-comedy featuring Dwayne Johnson and Seann William Scott. With The Rundown establishing Johnson as the new action hero for the 21st century, Schwarzenegger’s quick cameo, in which he gives Johnson a sideways glance and says "Have fun," represents a symbolic handover from a legend to his successor. Now, what would be needed for them to star in the same film?

4) Neil Patrick Harris and Ryan Reynolds in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)

Neil Patrick Harris and Ryan Reynolds in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle | Source: New Line Cinema
Neil Patrick Harris and Ryan Reynolds in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle | Source: New Line Cinema

Fresh from National Lampoon's Van Wilder, Ryan Reynolds was a rising star in Hollywood when he made an unexpected cameo in the raunchy 2004 film Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. The cult classic mainly features John Cho and Kal Penn as two friends who travel across New Jersey to satisfy their late-night hunger. Reynolds makes a brief appearance as a worried nurse who rushes Harold and Kumar into an emergency room to help a patient with a gunshot wound. Reynolds wasn't the only special guest though. Later in the film, television star Neil Patrick Harris shows up as himself, a hitchhiker with his own dangerous desires. After Harris gained popularity from the successful sitcom How I Met Your Mother, he returned for the 2011 holiday sequel A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas.

3) Keanu Reeves in Always Be My Maybe (2019)

Keanu Reeves in Always Be My Maybe (2019) | Source: Netflix
Keanu Reeves in Always Be My Maybe (2019) | Source: Netflix

During the making of the Netflix romantic comedy Always Be My Maybe, director Nahnatchka Khan and writer/star Ali Wong wanted Keanu Reeves but thought it was too far-fetched to consider him. As they worked on a list of other options, they decided to reach out to Reeves anyway, and to their joy, the star of The Matrix and John Wick was thrilled to join. Reeves appears in the film as Wong's new romantic partner, portraying an exaggerated version of himself during a messy double date. He was so engaged that he even shared his ideas to make his character more flashy and offered input for Randall Park’s song I Punched Keanu Reeves.

2) Liam Neeson in Gangs Of New York (2002)

Liam Neeson In Gangs Of New York (2002) | Source: Amazon Prime Video
Liam Neeson In Gangs Of New York (2002) | Source: Amazon Prime Video

In the prologue set in 1846 for Gangs of New York, Daniel Day-Lewis plays Bill the Butcher who commands his group, the Nativist Protestants, in a street battle against the Dead Rabbits, a gang of Irish Catholic newcomers led by Liam Neeson as “Priest” Vallon. In the fierce fight, Bill succeeds in killing Vallon, which brings an end to the Dead Rabbits, and announces that his group will dominate Five Points, Manhattan. However, Vallon’s son survives, grows up to be Leonardo DiCaprio, and promises to seek revenge.

1) Matthew McConaughey in The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)

Matthew McConaughey In The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) | Source: Lionsgate Play
Matthew McConaughey In The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) | Source: Lionsgate Play

On Jordan Belfort's initial day as a Wall Street stockbroker, his employer Mark Hanna invites him for lunch and some drinks to teach him the basics. Hanna, portrayed by Matthew McConaughey, has a significant impact despite only being featured prominently in this single scene. The most memorable aspect of McConaughey's short appearance is the chest-thumping mantra he shares with Jordan. This was a method the actor used to get ready for a scene, and at Leonardo DiCaprio's suggestion, Scorsese started filming and included it in the film.

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Edited by Apoorva Jujjavarapu
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