Yes, our childhood was made special by the beautifully detailed world of wizards and witches. Seven books and eight movies literally took us through an incredible journey and the effect is still strong. We don't have the term 'Potterhead' for nothing. But there are a few things that could've changed the entire storyline very easily and also there are things that don't really make sense. Now, this article is not about the flaws in the plot but a deep dive for real admirers who can't keep themselves from thinking about their favorite fantasy world now and then. So, here are 17 details from the Harry Potter universe that don't really make sense.
1) Room of requirement was enough

Do you really think the security level for protecting the Philosopher's Stone was justified? If yes, then you might need to think again. A three-headed vicious dog who can be tamed with music, then a layer of Devil's Snare followed by a room full of flying keys, and then a real-life chessboard. And after you have got them all covered, you find yourself standing in front of the Mirror of Erised. Don't you think the room of requirement would've done the trick?
2) Why owl post?

It is kind of weird that wizards use owls for posting letters. They can apparate, they can transport through the floo network, and even appear out of fireplaces. Not to mention, bombarding the Dursleys with letters was not at all justified. Granted, they deserved some turmoil in their so-called normal life, but a teacher showing up would have sufficed. Anyway, the Dursleys managed to evade the owl attacks and finally, Hogwarts had to send Hagrid.
3) Basilisk needs to eat

Ok, now this is something serious. Salazar Slytherin's pure blood mania was bad enough for the wizarding world, but no one pointed out the fact that he left a serpent in a chamber that can only be opened by a parsletounge. That's downright animal cruelty. Yes, the snake was vicious but that doesn't mean you can leave him to live forever without any food supply. What was it living off of for these many years? The pride of how many muggle-borns it has managed to kill or accidentally petrified? Even that number is very low.
4) Veritaserum

Albus Dumbledore was the chief warlock of Winzengamot and surprisingly it never occurred to him that there was no need for it. Heard of veritaserum? The truth potion? Yes, that was all they needed. So much confusion in the ministry surrounding the return of Lord Voldemort and not a single brilliant mind came up with the idea of letting Harry take a sip. Would've saved an entire book, an entire movie, and Fudge's post as the Minister of Magic.
5) Animagus Registration Committee

This is probably the most useless entity in the entire wizarding world. James, Sirius, and Peter managed to turn themselves into animals while they were still students and this committee was clueless. But they never invaded anyone's privacy with that skill. But Rita Skeeter? A journalist turning into a bug to get her hands on classified information is worse than hacking in a muggle world. An antivirus from the Muggle World is more efficient than these guys.
6) Fred and George never worried about Scabbers being Peter Pettigrew

The notorious Weasley twins, so sharp and innovative when it comes to sneaking out of Hogwarts to visit Hogsmeade, failed to notice a Peter Pettigrew on the Marauders map. An innocent would've been able to walk free and not hide like a fugitive till the day he died. A very useful tool in the hands of very ignorant teenagers one must say.
7) Poor choice of Horcruxes

It is one thing to be proud of your achievements, but Voldemort's love for narcissism was out of this world. He could have simply made any object his Horcrux and thrown it in the ocean. But no, all fancy stuff. Really, who was he trying to impress? Himself or those who easily figured out what he was up to. Also, a snake? Isn't that mortal? What happens to that part of his soul if Nagini grows old and dies?
8) How to destroy a Horcrux?

Even Molly Weasley pointed out that Albus Dumbledore didn't intend to send Harry, Ron, and Hermione to look for the Horcruxes. He had Snape, Minerva, and many others by his side who would've done a better job. Still, it is ok, he had his reasons. But at least tell them how to destroy one. Dumbledore was planning his own death for a year and was feeding Harry information about Voldemort's secrets. Why keep this vital piece of information to himself when he knew he wouldn't be around anymore?
9) Weasleys shouldn't be poor

Many pure-blood families wouldn't associate themselves with muggles out of pride. But Aurthor was more than happy to indulge in muggle activities. Why not use that interest to earn more? As a wizard, he could've made millions in muggle currency. Go to port, and load a ship with containers using magic when no one is looking. Wingardium Leviosa was all he needed and in case he got caught a simple memory charm. Why buy second-hand books and robes for all his children?
10) Why let Nagini kill Snape?

What was Voldemort thinking? He needed the elder wand and was sure it was Snape who had mastered the same. Simple Avada Kedavra. He used it so many times that one might think he has the copyright for that curse. But in an absolutely vital moment, he chose a theatrical and most painful death for his most useful servant. Maybe he wanted Harry to come and collect the leaking memories of Snape while he ignorantly walked away from a half-murder scene and waited for shameful defeat.
11) Ignorant about muggle technologies

Yes, pride matters. And sometimes we do stupid things like the Death Eaters did. They were not really looking for prisoners when they attacked Hogwarts right? No, they were ready to kill. Then why not use an automatic fire weapon? At least keep one as spare since there is a spell called Expelliarmus. Won't you have a dry throat after killing a dozen? Guess they pointed their wand at their own face and whispered Aguamenti in such a crisis.
12) Lupin should've used a remembrall

Ahh, the finest Defence Against Dark Arts professor. And also a werewolf. And he forgot to take the only potion that keeps him from mindlessly killing the innocents. Lupin saw Peter's name on the map and went straight after him on a full moon. After Lockhart, Dumbledore should've been more careful about his recruits. Granted, Lupin was not a liar, but he was a werewolf. Should've presented him a remembrall before the term started.
13) Wingardium Leviosa vs Levicorpus

Wingardium Leviosa is a charm to makes objects float. Mind you, it's a charm and it is taught in the first year. But Levicorpus is a curse. Why? Because it involves hanging someone upside down from the ankle. One might ask what is the counter of Wingardium Leviosa? If one decides to use that charm on a person, what is the way of getting that person down before he or she floats away? Levicorpus at least had a counter-curse to spare the person. Snape, although a potential Death Eater, had more humanity than the one who invented the floating charm.
14) Snape took too many chances

Here comes the great wizard who swore to protect his dead crush's son from his own idol. Firstly, why not expose Quirrell to Dumbledore after that quidditch match that almost killed Harry? Secondly, leaving the Sword of Gryffindor at the bottom of an iced lake. That's torture. Yes nice touch with the Lily patronous, but the lake part was bad. If not for Ron, Harry was a goner. And finally, when was he actually planning to tell Harry about the secrets? After he turned into a portrait in the Headmaster's office?
15) Time Turner

There was time travel in the Harry Potter universe obviously. But was used to rescue two of the most useless characters. Sirius Black and Buckbeak. Yes, both were awesome but undeniably useless in the whole Voldemort's return scenario. So much potential, yet not once used for a greater purpose. But of course it can be used by over competitive third year students to attend all classes at once. What is the point of this great invention actually?
16) Felix Felicis

This beauty wasn't even mentioned till the sixth book of Harry Potter. This could've been the game-changer for the entire series. Want to protect the Potters from Voldemort? Give them a bottle of liquid luck. Want to save the rest of the Order? Give them the same. Out of stock? Contact Horace Slughorn. What is the point of being wizards if you want to act like cave dwellers? Even Death Eaters were not aware of this. Well, too many privileges can make you a little ignorant about research and development. In this case, a lot.
17) Fawkes or Madam Pomfrey?

The caring matron of Hogwarts. She even asks the Headmaster to leave the hospital wing when her patient needs rest. She managed to grow Harry's arm bones back overnight. But she is redundant. Hogwarts had Fawkes the pet phoenix of Dumbledore. He could've healed anything with his tears. All Dumbledore had to do was make Fawkes cry and collect his tears in a bottle. Maybe pet a few more in case of supply shortage.

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