15 Lesser known facts about Christopher Nolan's films that might come as a surprise.


7) Hans Zimmer Composed the Interstellar Score Without Knowing the Plot

Hans Zimmer Composed the Interstellar Score Without Knowing the Plot
Hans Zimmer Composed the Interstellar Score Without Knowing the Plot

When he tasked Hans Zimmer with the music for Interstellar, Christopher Nolan didn't hand over the full script to the composer. Instead, he gave Zimmer a one-page letter that laid out the emotional elements of the story. Knowing nothing about the plot, Zimmer built the famous score solely from that emotional core. Such looking at the musical production meant that the score became one of the greatest and most moving film music pieces in the 21st century as it perfectly fit into the film's angle between space and humanity.

Edited by Zainab Shaikh
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