We know that in Game of Thrones, Jon Snow is a character synonymous with honor, duty, and a perpetually furrowed brow. He is one of the most favorite characters in the show. However, despite his valiant nature, he has made several mistakes that disappointed the viewers. Throughout the series, we can see that Jon Snow faces multiple challenges. We can see that he had noble intentions; he made several decisions that did not have the best outcomes in several cases.
He is known for his naivety and his rigid sense of right and wrong. These decisions have often led to negative consequences that could have been avoided. We cannot deny that Jon Snow is a great leader. He has proven his skills several times throughout the series. According to the viewers, there have been several moments that could have gone differently and even better.
So, in this article, we will delve into 10 times Jon Snow from Game of Thrones could have done better. A different approach, a different decision, or even a different perspective could have changed the story completely.
1) Jon Snow’s relationship with Ygritte

Jon Snow’s relationship with Ygritte in Game of Thrones was a tragic one. Their relationship was filled with difficult choices and complexities. Although it contributed to Jon Snow’s character development, he could have navigated the situation in a different manner. Jon Snow was caught between two worlds. Each of them had a different set of loyalties. This internal conflict eventually led to tragic consequences, as we can see in Game of Thrones.
It has been speculated by the viewers that Jon Snow could have taken a different path. Instead of the path he took, he could have been honest with Ygritte and delved into the limitations of their relationship. The constraints put on him by the vows to the Night Watch might have prevented the relationship from developing to the point that caused an issue. A possible compromise would have allowed him to maintain his vows.
2) His role in the Battle of The Bastards

In Game of Thrones, Jon Snow is a character like every other character who has his own set of flaws. His heroic qualities have caused him to face consequences because of his emotions. Despite knowing about Ramsey Bolton’s manipulative tactics, he falls prey to them because he becomes desperate to save his brother Rickon. He had seasoned advisors who could have provided him with valuable insights. Instead of making impulsive decisions, a more measured approach to this would have been a better approach, according to the viewers.
Viewers have noted that the battle was not won because it was rushed. His emotional outburst caused the disruption of the carefully planned formation of the army. Viewers have noted that the near-disastrous start of the war could have been maintained with patience and discipline. The battle in Game of Thrones acts as a harsh lesson that indicates the importance of strategic thinking and emotional control during times of conflict.
3) Helping Stannis Baratheon

Despite Jon Snow’s noble intentions, there have been several instances when his actions could have been better according to the viewers. These actions could have led to favorable outcomes in Game of Thrones. Stannis Baratheon presented Jon with a viable path to securing the North. Though Stannis Baratheon seems eccentric and rigid, his proposal to legitimize Jon Snow as a Stark offered Jon to reclaim his birthright. Stannis’ presence as an advisor could have significantly altered Jon’s choices.
According to the viewers, Stannis witnessing Targaryen’s descent could have been helpful to Jon and prevented him from blindly trusting Daenerys Targaryen. Fans have also added that Jon could have established himself as a legitimate leader and secured a powerful alliance. This path could have offered him a more stable and less destructive future.
4) Venturing beyond the wall

Jon Snow’s decision to venture outside the wall in Game of Thrones was well-intentioned. However, viewers, it ultimately proved to be a strategic blunder on his part. He wanted Westeros to unite with them in the war against the White Walkers. Hence, his motivations were understandable. He believed that presenting proof of their existence was the only way to convince them.
However, despite his experience with Westeros, he made a wrong decision according to the viewers. The viewers also added that Jon should have known that appealing to Cersei’s sense of reason was futile. He could have explored other avenues to demonstrate the threat that the White Walkers posed. The expedition was poorly planned and reckless. A larger and better-equipped force would have significantly increased their chances of success. Though his heart was in the right place his actions were guided by idealism and lacked political savvy.
5) Revealing his Targaryen Heritage

According to viewers of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow could have taken a different path and could have thought about the potential consequences of his actions. His telling about his parentage to Sansa and Arya had a significant impact. It impacts Daenerys’ position. The viewers have also pointed out that Jon Snow could have waited before telling Arya and Sansa about his parentage. They have added that it was a selfish decision. His failure in several cases arises from his inability to adapt to the political complexities around him.
He did not realize the impact of his decision. It would jeopardize Daenerys' claim to the throne. Jon Snow consistently undermines the ambitions and motivations of others throughout the series. He puts his own desire for honesty and openness before the needs of his allies. This decision ultimately had a negative impact. He prioritizes his personal integrity over political expediency.
6) His naivety

Jon Snow is one of the most beloved characters of Game of Thrones. Despite being an intriguing character it is hard to deny that there are several moments when his naivety has been the reason behind disastrous consequences. He follows an idealism and believes in doing the right thing. This can blind him to the harsh realities. Jon’s naivety is also evident in his relationship with Daenerys Targaryen. He is unaware of the signs of her growing madness.
It has been pointed out by the viewers that Jon Snow could have recognized the dangers of her Targaryen heritage and her increasing ruthlessness. A little more cautiousness about his relationship with Daenerys and recognized the potential danger before it was too late. His naivety is a flaw but also a characteristic that makes him a compelling character in Game of Thrones.
7) Iron throne

The viewers of Game of Thrones have pointed out that Jon Snow could have embraced his Targaryen heritage instead of passively accepting it. If he embraced his Targaryen heritage, it could have acted as a powerful motivation from his end to challenge Daenerys and assert his claim on the Iron Throne. Jon Snow is known for his moral compass, but his inability to recognize Daenerys’ ruthlessness eventually leads to tragic outcomes.
Viewers have also added that he should have taken action to stop Daenerys’ destructive path even if it meant betraying her trust. If Jon Snow had stopped Daenerys' destructive path, it would have lined up with his character’s history of making choices for the greater good. Even though he had an opportunity to redeem his character arc in the eighth season, he did not. It could have contributed to a more satisfying ending to Game of Thrones.
8)He should have fought the Night king

Instead of Arya defeating the Night King singlehandedly, a coordinated attack with Jon would have been more fitting in Game of Thrones. Jon could have led a charge and created an opening for Arya for the final blow. Jon’s understanding of the White Walkers could have been better utilized, according to the viewers. Jon’s fighting force throughout the series has been about protecting the realm and its people.
His character arc was about duty and sacrifice. His last-minute assist was impactful, but a more proactive approach would have deeply resonated with the viewers. This would have built tension, and a consistency in theme would have been established, leading to a far more satisfying narrative.
9)Not killing Petyr Baelish

One cannot deny that Jon Snow’s decision to spare Petyr Baelish’s life is one of the most frustrating moments of Game of Thrones. Throughout the series, we see Jon Snow has a willingness to make tough decisions and execute people that threaten him. He even killed Janos Slynt and Allister Thorne but refused to kill Petyr Baelish. This disappointed the viewers. It is evident from the show that Petyr Baelish was a manipulator. Petyr thrived on chaos.
His betrayal of Ned Stark has been one of the most significant moments of the series. It proved his nature. He also played a significant role in the War of the Five. It was evident that he was a clear danger to the Stark sisters. Jon’s decision to kill Petyr could have shown him as a more decisive leader and his willingness to prioritize the safety of his people. His sense of mercy often led to devastating consequences.
10)Jon’s disregard for Sansa’s wishes

Despite telling Sansa Stark that they should trust each other, Jon Snow quickly refuses to pay heed to her concerns. This is also a frustrating moment of Game of Thrones as we see Jon Snow could have handled the situation in a better way. According to the viewers, Jon should have acknowledged Sansa’s concerns and explained his reasoning in detail.
He could have emphasized the importance of unity to her. Addressing the issue directly could have shown that trust is earned, not given. Viewers have noted that his behavior towards Sansa Stark lacked leadership skills and commitment to justice.
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